
“127e”! The secret of the SECRET U.S. military operations has been revealed

author:Chinese military horn

Source: Produced by Yangguang Military and China Military

The US media recently exposed a news that from 2017 to 2020, the US Department of Defense carried out at least 23 proxy secret military operations around the world through a secret project called "127e", of which at least 14 operations are still active in 2020, involving the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.

So, what exactly is "127e"? What have been the bad effects of the United States in launching proxy covert military operations around the world for a long time? On related topics, military observer Cao Weidong brought his interpretation.

“127e”! The secret of the SECRET U.S. military operations has been revealed

On September 11, 2017, U.S. journalist Wes Morgan posted a photo of a U.S. Army Special Forces soldier appearing at a range in the Niger Army, according to Morgan, who may have been on a "127e" mission (Source: CCTV News)

Host: The recently exposed "127e" project involves Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Egypt and other countries, and there have been media reports on the "127e" project carried out by the United States in many African countries. As of now, the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Special Operations Command have not responded to this. So what kind of project is this?

Cao Weidong: This project mainly refers to the united states' secret support for some individuals or organizations in other countries in terms of funds, weapons and equipment, and public opinion propaganda. The typical feature is that the United States does not come forward publicly, but the funded individuals or organizations serve the interests of the United States.

“127e”! The secret of the SECRET U.S. military operations has been revealed

Host: In other words, unlike traditional foreign aid programs, the partners of the "127e" program are secretly sent to carry out tasks directly under the direct command of the United States, targeting the so-called "enemies of the United States." However, it has been reported that the US side has carried out so-called "anti-terrorism operations" through the "127e" program to provide weapons, personnel training and intelligence to foreign militaries and irregular armies, spending a total of $310 million between 2017 and 2020.

Cao Weidong: This project is nominally "anti-terrorism", but in fact, the United States is "exploiting loopholes". If the United States is dissatisfied with the government of this country or region, it will take advantage of the turmoil in the regional situation to support anti-government forces in the name of "counter-terrorism", resulting in more political instability in the region.

Host: At least 14 of the 127e projects took place in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions, why are these regions the focus?

Cao Weidong: First, there are many countries in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region who are very dissatisfied with the current hegemonic policy of the United States, and the United States has implemented this project in these regions to support the government that obeys the United States.

Second, the Middle East is an "oil depot", there is a lot of oil and natural gas, and the Asia-Pacific region can also be said to be the engine of the current world economic development, the United States in order to seek financial resources, so it wants to control the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region, to gain benefits.

“127e”! The secret of the SECRET U.S. military operations has been revealed

Source: Qasim Sulaimani, senior officer of the "Quds Force" of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Source: Global Network)

Host: Under the guise of so-called "providing assistance," what means has the United States used to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries?

Cao Weidong: The United States has taken advantage of the contradictions between some countries, the contradictions between religions, and the contradictions between factions to send US military and economic forces to these countries or regions to contain and suppress the so-called "enemies of the United States."

For example, in Syria, the United States opposed the Assad regime, so then-US President Trump authorized the US Department of Defense to provide weapons to the Syrian Democratic Army; For example, Iraq did not plan to assassinate Iranian military leader Sulaimani, but the United States deliberately chose to assassinate him in Iraq with a drone to provoke contradictions.

Host: According to reports, the "127e" program is one of several lesser-known authorizations granted to the Department of Defense by the U.S. Congress over the past 20 years. A U.S. government official familiar with the project, who requested anonymity, estimated that only a minority of the U.S. Congressional Armed Forces and Intelligence Committee had read such reports. It can be seen that the United States is trying to "hide" this project, what is the United States afraid of?

Cao Weidong: The "127e" project is unseemly. Providing military and economic assistance to certain organizations or individuals in other countries to overthrow the current regime is obviously interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, so the United States does not dare to speak out.

Why should the United States overthrow the governments of other countries? It is because the United States believes that the standards of the United States are the standards of the world, that the policies of the United States are the policies of democracy, and that countries that do not obey the United States are practicing "tyranny and dictatorship." The United States' high-sounding banner of "counter-terrorism" is actually an act of bullying.

“127e”! The secret of the SECRET U.S. military operations has been revealed

On April 23, local time, the U.S. Marine Corps loaded the howitzer into a C-17 transport aircraft, ready to be transported to Ukraine (source: Global Network)

Host: At a time when the current crisis in Ukraine continues to ferment, the United States is trying its best to arch the fire, and the Russian side has more than once accused the US-led NATO of using Ukraine to fight a proxy war, but the United States has always denied it. Do you think the current crisis in Ukraine is a proxy war waged by the United States?

Cao Weidong: Why don't Russia's leaders meet with The ukrainian leaders? Because Russia believes that Ukraine's decision-making is not what Ukraine really means, ukraine is an agent of the United States and NATO.

The United States and NATO have made it very clear that they are providing weapons and equipment to Ukraine so that Ukraine can fight With Russia. To what extent? To fight until there is still one last Ukrainian left. Is this in Ukraine's interest? Is Ukraine fighting for the United States and NATO in this military operation? Self-explanatory.

Host: The Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, almost every chaos in the world has the figure of the United States. The United States is particularly keen on carrying out "color revolutions" and cultivating regional agents, and can be said to be a habitual offender in launching proxy wars. So, what impact does the United States use to carry out sabotage and subversive activities against other countries have on international political stability and the steady development of international relations?

Cao Weidong: In addition to the "127e" project, the United States has many similar projects around the world. For example, in the "Prism Gate" incident, the United States spied on the leaders of Britain, Germany, France and other countries to collect intelligence from allies. Another example is the current U.S. support for Ukraine and the containment of Russia. In fact, proxy war is a huge foreign policy of the United States and an integral part of the promotion of US hegemony.

The United States is the world's largest source of chaos, and the United States vainly attempts to use the form of proxy war not to harm the lives of Americans, but to push proxies to the battlefield in order to subvert the regimes of other countries, which will inevitably have a bad impact on the regional and even global security situation. It is believed that with the passage of time, more and more countries will see through the despicable tricks of the United States and expose the ugly face of the United States.

(Produced by Yangguang Military and China Military)

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