
He is Wei Jiahui, from the sensational "Big Time" to "Detective Wars", he has been writing the golden age of Hong Kong films (dramas).

author:Al Jazeera

Peninsula all-media reporter Huang Jingfei

He is One of the writers of the Golden Age of Hong Kong cinema. He is the gold medal producer of TVB, and has led the creation of many popular classic film and television works such as "Duty Not To Be Merciful", "Big Time", "New Za Master Brother" and so on, and is still regarded as the peak of TVB today. "Big Time", which brings together Zheng Shaoqiu, Liu Qingyun, Lan Jieying, Zhou Huimin, Guo Aiming, Liu Songren, Li Lizhen and other actors, has caused a sensation many times.

He is Wei Jiahui, from the sensational "Big Time" to "Detective Wars", he has been writing the golden age of Hong Kong films (dramas).
He is Wei Jiahui, from the sensational "Big Time" to "Detective Wars", he has been writing the golden age of Hong Kong films (dramas).

He is also the royal screenwriter of Galaxy Image, and cooperated with Du Qifeng to shoot "Detective", "Lonely Man and Widow", "Slim Man and Woman", "Zhong Wuyan", etc., and now, Wei Jiahui and Liu Qingyun, Li Ruotong and others have launched "Detective Wars" to pay tribute to the golden age of Hong Kong films.

He is Wei Jiahui, from the sensational "Big Time" to "Detective Wars", he has been writing the golden age of Hong Kong films (dramas).

Reporter: What is the relationship between "Detective Wars" and "Detective"?

Wei Jiahui: In fact, it has nothing to do with it, I re-watch "Detective", it is different from the whole drama of "Detective Wars", "Detective" is a Sven, introverted play, more inner description, more literary. Detective Wars attempts to wrap the story in action, and the character lines inside are completely irrelevant, and even the meaning of the detective is different. 2008's "Divine Detective" has a double meaning, telling that Qingyun is a good detective and a neurotic detective; Today's "Detective Wars" is actually a code name that represents a group of people.

Reporter: Why is Li Jun so concerned about investigating the unsolved case?

Wei Jiahui: There is a big case in the play, there is a group of people who will execute some people they think are going unpunished, and then predict the number of the police file of the next single case, which is a provocation: see if I will catch them first or I will execute those people first? Thus derived this story, and finally the story revealed that it was not a person, but a group of people. Usually it is also a group of people who are more wronged in society, or some people in the play are the descendants of the dead and injured in the suspense case, or related people, who feel that justice is not manifested and cannot legally carry out a just result, so it is better to do it themselves, in fact, this is a very dangerous thing, they are most likely to be instigated.

Reporter: In the film, the "epileptic detective" Li Jun (played by Liu Qingyun) investigates the case alone, and the serious case team headed by "Detective Couple" Chen Yi (played by Cai Zhuoyan) and Fang Lixin (played by Lin Feng) is also caught in the road of arresting the murderer, and Fang Lixin and Li Jun are "two sides"?

Wei Jiahui: When there are a group of people in the society who keep killing those who are related to the unsolved cases, Li Jun wakes up every day and only thinks about investigating the cases, in fact, all the unsolved cases in Hong Kong have been investigated by him, and he knows every case very well, who are the dead and injured, or who are the descendants of the deceased, and he knows all about the suspects. Therefore, he has the right to fight with the "detectives" and rush to solve the case before they are going to kill the next person.

I set Li Jun as a person with a strong sense of compassion and empathy, who can substitute for the mood of many people, whether it is the deceased or even the murderer. When every murderer goes to kill, it does not necessarily mean that he is born a bad person, there must be emotions in it, and some things lead him astray, and he will look at it with pity.

Fang Lixin may be the opposite, he is more rational to speculate on things, he and Li Jun's view is different, because at the beginning by a group of "detectives" killed the first person, to the later stage has killed five or six, in Fang Lixin's point of view, he will feel that Li Jun is very problematic, he thinks that Li Jun is the leader of the "detective". Whether Li Jun intentionally unites a group of people to do this, or he unintentionally becomes the spiritual leader of others and advocates a thought that ferments in society, Fang Lixin believes that Li Jun is that person.

Reporter: Chen Yi, played by Asa, what is her relationship with Fang Lixin?

Wei Jiahui: The role of Chen Yi is very interesting, twenty years ago, when she was a female student police officer, she was involved in a murder case, and she was imprisoned by a serial killer for three days. Luckily, she escaped. When she fled, she was fortunate to meet Fang Lixin, the true destiny, and he was the first person to find Chen Yi. The beginning of the encounter between the man and the woman. Chen Yi was abused with scales and bruises at that time, and Fang Lixin was very willing to go through this most difficult moment with Chen Yi, and later went with her to find the real culprit. After two years, the murderer was finally found and brought to justice. At the beginning of the story, they have changed from being in love a long time ago to a couple.

The last shot of the film, Li Jun, stands in front of the window, and the window shows the appearance of Fang Lixin, which many viewers can't understand, and I want the film to have some blank space.

Reporter: What is your special feeling about working with Liu Qingyun again?

Wei Jiahui: All along, my creative method has been to think about the direction of the scene before filming, adjust the script according to the situation of the actors after shooting, and add things that I did not expect. Before "Detective Wars", we had not cooperated for ten years, so I deliberately left a lot of space for Liu Qingyun to discover his hidden energy, he is really a bottomless actor.

Reporter: Is this a breeze for you?

Wei Jiahui: This time I actually made a genre film that I had never challenged before, a heavy action movie. In the past, I liked to shoot works with a strong sense of drama, and this time I wanted to go to "mountains and seas", so "Detective Wars" would have a double experience when filmed.