
Irving trading reversed? Notable: Irving never wanted to leave the Lakers, even if Durant left, Irving also wanted to play for the Nets, everything was a rumor made up by the Lakers themselves! According to the Nets

author:The girl from Quancheng said basketball

Irving trading reversed? Notable: Irving never wanted to leave the Lakers, even if Durant left, Irving also wanted to play for the Nets, everything was a rumor made up by the Lakers themselves! According to Nets reporter Brian Lewis, Irving never asked to leave the team; Irving's trade rumors were caused by Durant's application to leave the team, and the outside world wanted the Nets to trade Irving, but Irving chose to execute the player option; Sources also revealed that whether the Nets have Durant or not, Irving wants to continue to play for the Nets.

Irving trading reversed? Notable: Irving never wanted to leave the Lakers, even if Durant left, Irving also wanted to play for the Nets, everything was a rumor made up by the Lakers themselves! According to the Nets
Irving trading reversed? Notable: Irving never wanted to leave the Lakers, even if Durant left, Irving also wanted to play for the Nets, everything was a rumor made up by the Lakers themselves! According to the Nets
Irving trading reversed? Notable: Irving never wanted to leave the Lakers, even if Durant left, Irving also wanted to play for the Nets, everything was a rumor made up by the Lakers themselves! According to the Nets

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