
In response to the failure of the two major goals of China and Russia, the Blinken G20 suffered Waterloo, and the US media sneered

author:Lu Lu views the world

Recently, the United States has been pulling gangs and gangs at international conferences to try to isolate China and Russia. At the G20 foreign ministers' meeting, US Secretary of State Blinken returned home in frustration and failed to encircle China and Russia. The US media "Newsweek" issued an article sneering at Blinken, and pointed out in the report that the United States cannot rely on India to counter China.

The US media first mentioned in the report that Blinken's participation in the G20 foreign minister will bear two major goals, one is to brainwash the world, the current food crisis, food prices soaring, should blame Russia; The other is to ask China not to support Russia. But Blinken's two plans failed, and the US media pointed out that there was no joint communiqué issued after the meeting, and the Ukrainian issue is now something that everyone can avoid, and Washington can only leave Bali in disappointment.

In response to the failure of the two major goals of China and Russia, the Blinken G20 suffered Waterloo, and the US media sneered

The G20 foreign minister's meeting is a perfect opportunity for Blinken to enlist developing economies to follow the US sanctions on Russia, but member states are not interested in this issue, and the United States and the West have to face up to a reality: the rest of the world has different views on the war in Ukraine, and the United States and the West want to forcefully win over other countries, which will only backfire.

The US media believes that Blinken plans to win over India, South Africa and Indonesia, and it is not realistic to ask them to stand by the side of the United States, because these countries still put their own well-being first, and different countries have their own reasons to remain neutral. Indonesia has long been a neutral country and is careful not to take sides.

As the G20 presidency this year, Indonesia is even more cautious, afraid that one of its moves will be over-interpreted by the outside world. But it is precisely because of Indonesia's neutrality that it has helped the country to establish its image as a responsible diplomatic power.

In response to the failure of the two major goals of China and Russia, the Blinken G20 suffered Waterloo, and the US media sneered

In addition, India has a similar situation. Although U.S.-India relations have improved markedly in recent years, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has repeatedly participated in U.S. China policy and joined the "Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Mechanism," India is still a proud country with an independent foreign policy. Although successive U.S. presidents have attached great importance to India and regarded it as an extremely valuable strategic partner in Asia, India has never let down its guard against the United States.

In addition, India's purchase of S400 from Russia has become the target of US sanctions, and india's recent large-scale purchase of Russian cheap fuel has become the target of Western public criticism, which has led to India still maintaining a distance from the United States and the West. India is still more inclined to cooperate with Russia than the United States, after all, 60% of the country's military weapons and equipment come from Russia.

So on the Russia issue, India will not choose to stand with the United States, but tilt the balance and focus slightly on Russia. The reason why the United States now mistakenly believes that India is completely "its own people" has a lot to do with the previous Sino-Indian border conflict.

Since the conflict in the Galwan Valley, the United States has frequently extended an olive branch to India. On the issue of border conflicts, Russia did not turn to India, which made Modi very unhappy. And Modi also knows that the current India does not have the ability to compete with China, so he chose to fall into the arms of the United States. But India's goal is clear, just to stand with the United States in the case of confrontation with China, while the United States mistakenly believes that India has unconditionally followed in the footsteps of the West.

In response to the failure of the two major goals of China and Russia, the Blinken G20 suffered Waterloo, and the US media sneered

Under this misjudgment, the United States saw that there was no rift in the relationship between India and Russia, and naturally it was displeased, and the pressure on India actually touched the reverse scale. Up to now, India is still highly skeptical of the alliance, so the US media will believe that India is not a suitable candidate to implement the US Indo-Pacific plan for China, and relying too much on India to counter China may make the US bamboo basket empty.

It can be said that as the United States seeks to cobble together an alliance in the Indo-Pacific region to counter China, India will become more and more aware of its importance, and India has never regarded itself as the "little brother" of the United States, but an ally, and this identity is also doomed that India will not completely obey the United States, but put its own interests first, to use a more precise word, that is, to steer the wind.

The United States has indeed given India a lot of benefits over the years, but in India's view, these are "deserved", which is naturally related to the praise of the West, so that India has lost itself. In this way, India is now not cooperating with the actions of the United States, maverick and self-righteous, but the West has lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet.