
The British vegetable inventory is coming

author:Luna lives abroad in the UK

Mom and Dad taught us from a young age

Diet should pay attention to meat and vegetarian collocation

Fruits and vegetables can not be less

Eating meat every day is quite fragrant

But for the necessary vitamins

It is better to eat more vegetables

The British vegetable inventory is coming

When you come to the UK, you will find out

Very convenient for buying vegetables in the supermarket

And the variety is complete

Basic vegetables are served for Chinese food

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Most importantly

Supermarket vegetables are guaranteed to be safe and hygienic

Eat with confidence!

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Today Xiaobian will take a look at it together

Vegetables commonly found in UK supermarkets

Potatoes | Potato

The first of course is the potato, as the largest consumption of vegetables in the rotten country, the British eat potatoes out of the flowers, can be used as a staple food, can also be used as a side dish, can be roasted or fried, and even can be made into the British people's favorite snack - chips potato chips.

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The reason why there are more ways to eat is because there are many kinds of potatoes in the UK, so the "open way" has become so much. Let's take a look at what kinds of potatoes there are!

Baked potatoes | Baking Potatoes

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This potato is generally very large, rich in vitamin B2, high starch content, and can be taken down in any way. The British like to use it to make mashed potatoes, french fries or Jacket Potato, etc., and cheese is a perfect match! And like the Chinese food method of fried potato chips shredded potatoes or something, this kind of potato is not wrong!

White potatoes | White Potatoes

The British vegetable inventory is coming

White potatoes are also one of the "potato basics". Its starch content is the least in the "potato family", and it is the lowest of all potatoes in terms of nutritional content, but the taste is still very good, so the British generally take it as a staple food.

Red potatoes | Red Potatoes

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Many people look at its surface as red and think it is a sweet potato, but in fact, it is not, it is a potato with a purple-red skin.

Because of its high starch content, this potato is sticky and soft to eat, and the taste is very good. On the nutritional value, red potatoes contain a lot of anthocyanins, so the nutritional value is very high!

Small potatoes | Baby Potatoes

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Baby Potatoes cook very quickly because of their small size. In China, this kind of potato stew is generally taken, as well as spicy hot and kang potatoes on the street. In the UK, the main way to cook is to bake in the oven, then sprinkle some salt, and the staple food is done!

Sweet potatoes | Sweet Potato

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Sweet potato must be very familiar to everyone, and people in different regions call it differently, for example, Shanghainese and Tianjin people call it sweet potato, and Shandong people call it sweet potato. Because it is rich in fiber, babies who lose weight like to use sweet potatoes as a staple food.

On the practice of sweet potatoes, Xiaobian feels that steaming and roasting are very flavorful! After washing, if you steam, put it directly into the rice cooker and steam it with the rice, if you bake it, put it on the baking sheet and send it to the oven, bake it at 200 degrees for about an hour, and you can eat the fragrant baked sweet potatoes!

Tomato | Tomatoes

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Tomatoes, a second-only vegetable consumed in the UK after potatoes, are particularly popular in the UK, where Britons can reportedly spend £700 million a year to eat 270 million kg of tomatoes. Can't blame the British, tomato sour sweet and fresh taste good, rich in a variety of essential nutrients, mainly still so cute, no wonder the British people love ah.

International students will be able to master the best dish - tomato scrambled eggs, but also tomatoes. So prepare two packs every time you go to the supermarket.

Carrot | Carrots

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Carrots are also the British people prefer vegetables Oh, and the price is very cheap, every time Xiaobian will buy a big bag, do some curry beef or fried carrot shreds are very fragrant, to say that the nutritional ingredients, carrots can be described as the king of vitamins, not only rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, but also contains unique carotene, every day staring at the computer screen students, eat more carrots can protect the eyes Oh!

Corn | Corn

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The vitamin content in corn is very high, 5-10 times that of rice and wheat, so many people will use corn as a staple food when losing weight, and among all staple foods, corn has the highest nutritional value and health care effect. Xiaobian told everyone a secret recipe, stew ribs, stew chicken soup when putting some corn in the soup, you can increase the unique corn sweetness Oh.

Broccoli | Broccoli

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Broccoli is native to Italy, the nutrient content is extremely high, not only rich in vitamins, broccoli mineral composition is more comprehensive than other vegetables, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and other content is also very rich, by time magazine recommended as the fourth in the top ten health food. The most important thing is that the British broccoli is very cheap, and you can buy one in a few dozen p!

Cauliflower | Cauliflower

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Now that we're talking about broccoli, we have to talk about its brother cauliflower, which is rich in dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and so on. Moreover, cauliflower is one of the foods with the most flavonoids (flavonoids have anti-cancer effects), and the carotene content is 8 times that of Chinese cabbage; The content of vitamin B2 is 2 times that of Chinese cabbage; The calcium content is comparable to the calcium content in milk, which is also too high in nutrients!

Onion | Onions

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The effects and effects of onions are extensive, such as lowering blood pressure, refreshing the brain, preventing colds, enhancing metabolic capacity and so on. It can be used as an adjunct to the treatment of abdominal cold pain, lack of appetite and other symptoms. In addition, eating onions raw can play a bactericidal and anti-cold effect. Eating more onions is definitely good for the body!

Mushrooms | Mushrooms

White mushroom | White Mushroom

The British vegetable inventory is coming

If you want to ask the British what kind of mushroom is the favorite, the answer is the white mushroom, as the most common mushroom in the British supermarket, they taste tender and juicy, rich in nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus and so on. Chinese style words are used to fry meat slices, stir-fried vegetables, soup, etc., Xiaobian's British friends called me the method is to fry directly with butter, very fragrant Oh!

Large brown mushroom | Portobello

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The largest of the mushroom species in the supermarket is the large brown mushroom, their mushroom meat is very fat, compared to other mushrooms, this mushroom aroma is more intense, more "mushroom" flavor. The British like to use it to make mushroom burgers, cheese baked mushrooms and so on. If you want to try the Chinese method, Xiaobian recommends using it to stew chicken soup! Because they can maximize the fresh flavor of chicken soup, pro-test Oh!

Small brown mushrooms | Chestnut Mushroom

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The size and shape of the small brown mushroom is very similar to that of the white mushroom, but it is coffee-colored, thick in texture, fat in flesh, and high in nutritional value. Small brown mushrooms are one of the sources of vitamin B12, which can enhance human immunity and prevent cardiovascular disease. It can often be found in pasta, pizza and various cream-baked mushroom dishes.

Oyster mushrooms | Oyster Mushroom

The British vegetable inventory is coming

As one of the most common edible mushrooms in China, the price of oyster mushrooms in the UK is still relatively high, which may be the reason for the different growth environments. Their caps are shell-shaped or fan-shaped, resembling a lid. The most classic method of oyster mushrooms must be stewed soup, and the soup stewed with slices of meat is overflowing. In addition, this mushroom is not stewed for a long time, and it is very tender and refreshing in one bite.

Spinach | Spinach

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The spinach in British supermarkets is generally a small spinach (Baby Spinach), which is more suitable for mixing salads than stir-frying. The domestic large spinach has a high content of oxalic acid and is not suitable for raw eating, but this small spinach contains less oxalic acid, and the taste of raw food is not astringent, so as long as you eat it in moderation, you don't have to worry about causing osteoporosis and other problems.

Eggplant | Aubergine

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This round eggplant that can be bought in british supermarkets is delicious whether it is cold mix, barbecue, or braised and fried eggplant boxes! However, eggplant in the cooking process is more oily, afraid of greasy friends before making eggplant, you can try to soak it in water, wait for it to suck up enough water and then fry, you can reduce the problem of eating oil.

Cherry radish | Radish

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The cherry radish that looks and tastes are both online is very popular with female friends, and the spicy taste of this radish is not very obvious, but the sweetness is stronger, and it is very suitable for cold mixing or salad. Cherry radish is rich in various mineral elements, trace elements and vitamins, eat more can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance appetite, help digestion, can be said to be the body's scavenger!

White radish | White Radish

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This kind of white radish imported from Spain, in fact, is not much different from the domestic white radish, raw food cooked food can be, fried white radish is a good choice, and white radish can increase the immunity of the human body, there is also a fire effect, often on fire friends may wish to often do to eat. Xiaobian often takes this kind of radish soup, whether it is fish soup or bone soup, it is very authentic!

Zucchini | Courgette

The British vegetable inventory is coming

British zucchini skin thin meat thick and juicy, crisp and nutritious taste, especially the amount of calcium is relatively high, Xiaobian often buy to fry to eat, but according to some highly skilled Chinese small kitchen gods said, they usually mix it in the dumpling filling, can play a role in freshness!

Lettuce | Lettuce

Romaine lettuce | Romaine Lettuce

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Romaine lettuce is a long-leaf lettuce that is not as refreshing in taste as lettuce. The classic pairing is undoubtedly a Caesar salad. Shredding the lettuce leaves and mixing them with cloves and bacon, serving them with eggs and sprinkling them with chopped cheese is enough to make people feel good.

Iceberg lettuce | Iceberg Lettuce

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The shape of iceberg lettuce is spherical and belongs to the knotweed. Compared to Romaine lettuce, the texture is crisp and tender, the moisture content is high, and the leaves are tight and firm. The taste is tender and fragrant, giving people a refreshing and sharp feeling. The timeless basic of the salad world, shredded or sliced and added to the salad, super refreshing! And the bulbous vegetables are more resistant to storage, and can be kept fresh for a long time in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin | Butternut Squash

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This pumpkin in the United Kingdom is the "winter pumpkin" sold in domestic supermarkets. Compared with the pumpkin we usually eat, the taste of this pumpkin is more sweet and the taste is relatively soft and sticky, and you can also taste the aroma of nuts and butter. On the British table, it is often seen in winter and is used as a side dish for main courses such as turkey, pork or beef. In addition, this winter pumpkin is often used to make soup.

Celery | Celery

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Celery is what we often call "celery". Celery petioles are thick, crisp and tender, have a unique aromatic odor, and are rich in protein, carbohydrates, minerals and multivitamins. Celery is a powerful anti-inflammatory food that flushes away harmful flora and toxin residues from the intestines and liver. Its edible methods are also very diverse, which can be mixed cold, can also be fried with meat and vegetables, and can also be made into dumpling filling!

Beans | Green Beans

The British vegetable inventory is coming

There are also several kinds of beans in the United Kingdom, which are similar to the domestic beans; There is also a kind of coarse, and divided into ribbed and untended, in addition to the taste is different, the nutritional content is similar. Xiaobian's favorite thing to do is garlic bean carob, and other dishes such as ground three fresh and bean carob stewed noodles also need it!

Let's take stock

Those unpopular vegetables in British supermarkets

Artichoke | Artichoke

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Many people see this dish for the first word

Shouting "Look! What a big lotus! ”

This lotus-like plant is called artichoke

There is also a nice name called French Lily

When I first saw it, I thought of Avalokiteshvara

It was later discovered that artichokes have high nutritional value

It can not only quench thirst and quench alcohol, but also improve the vitality of the liver

It can also improve gastrointestinal function

The British vegetable inventory is coming

In addition to having extremely high nutritional value

It also has a rich and refreshing taste

Its taste is somewhere between fresh bamboo shoots and mushrooms

Known abroad as the "Emperor of Vegetables"

I want to talk about how to eat

The British generally put it directly in water and boil it to soften

Then break it down and dip in the sauce and serve

White eggplant | White Eggplant

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Aren't the eggplants you usually eat all purple?

How can there be white eggplant?

Is it difficult to be a "white tomato legend"?

Yes you read that right

This eggplant is white from the skin to the flesh

The texture is very firm

Due to the high nutritional content of white eggplant

But it also has medicinal value

It has the effect of treating rheumatic joint pain

Therefore, the price is more expensive than purple eggplant

The British vegetable inventory is coming

On the practice of this eggplant

It's the same as purple eggplant

Drizzled eggplant and roasted eggplant are available!

Beetroot | Beetroot

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This dish looks like a radish

The scientific name is beetroot

Don't look at its small size

It's a must-have for British people!

The British often boiled beetroot or used it to make soup

However, most people think it is the best way to eat it

Blanch the beetroot in hot water first

It is then made into a vegetable salad and tastes sweet

The British vegetable inventory is coming

According to relevant scientific indications

Beetroot is rich in nutrients

Eliminates toxins from the body and eliminates waste products from the body

Known as the internal scavenger!

Rhubarb | Rhubarb

The British vegetable inventory is coming

I can't imagine that this red vegetable is called rhubarb

Xiaobian has always thought it is red celery

Most British people eat it by chopping it up as a pie filling

Make jam or eat with fruit

The leaves of rhubarb are inedible

Because it contains toxins

The nutritional value is all in its stem

That is, supermarkets also sell the red part

Artichoke | Jerusalem Artichoke

The British vegetable inventory is coming

I deal with ginger every day

Have you ever seen a ginger?

This root plant has small yellow disc flowers

The shape is very much like a chrysanthemum

The picture above shows its stem

It is also the part that is usually eaten by everyone

The stem contains fructose polymers such as starch and inulin

There are also medicinal properties

It has the effect of water dehumidification, heat and cool blood

The British vegetable inventory is coming

In China, ginger can be used to cook porridge or pickles

And in the UK

Its common cooking method is somewhat similar to the potato approach

Can be grilled, fried, stir-fried and so on

Chicory | Endive

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This doll-like vegetable is called chicory

In addition to this, it also has a beautiful name called Golden Magnolia

Because peel it off you will find the same as the magnolia petals

Generally, the British use chicory for decoration

But it can also be eaten as a salad

A common cooking method is to roast it in the oven

Or boil it and eat it

It is said that Obama loves to eat!

Kale | Curly Kale

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Don't underestimate this vegetable with ugly leaves

It's a super darling of supermodels and fitness people

And many coffee shops freshly squeeze vegetable juice every day

This vegetable is added to it

Kale contains a variety of vitamins, iron, calcium and other substances

It is known as a low-calorie and highly nutritious food

As for the approach

The average celebrity supermodel likes to put kale and bananas

Drink it together with a syrup

Or use it as a salad dressing

Root parsley | Celeriac

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This doesn't look very flattering to the root

I didn't expect it to be celery

Although not as tall and graceful as celery

But "dishes can't be disguised"!

Its roots are rich in fiber and nutrients

Calories are low

It couldn't be more appropriate as a weight loss food

The British vegetable inventory is coming

If you do this, boiling soup or stir-frying is more appropriate

There are babies who are planning to lose weight

Try this dish in a weight loss recipe

Roman cauliflower | Romanesco

The British vegetable inventory is coming

If only I hadn't seen it in a supermarket

Xiaobian also thought it was some kind of alien species

Its scientific name is Roman cauliflower, commonly known as the Green Pagoda

This dish has attracted countless mathematicians and physicists to study

Because it grows in a specific exponential spiral structure

Could this product be the "mathematician" of the vegetable world?

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Not only that, it is also rich in vitamins and minerals

In particular, the content of vitamin C is particularly prominent

And it is a slimming beauty food that can fight cancer

The method is the same as the cauliflower bought in the supermarket

But the British people prefer to cook it in a baked way

European windproof | Parsnip

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This gyro-like vegetable is called Euro Parsnip

Looks like a white carrot

It's like a carrot-shaped white radish

And white radish in the "skin color" is very similar,

But the taste is more delicious and sweet than white radish

It's called Euro Parsnip

It is because it looks like a Parsnip of Chinese medicine

But it's also a natural "medicine" Oh

Rich in a variety of phytonutrients and minerals

Can effectively lower blood pressure cholesterol

It also has anti-inflammatory and antifungal infection components

Prevention of cancer and leukemia

The British vegetable inventory is coming

The British would cut it into small pieces and bake it in the oven

After that, it can be eaten drizzled with honey

A little toasted wine is like potato chips

It can be used as a snack

Cabbage cabbage | Brussels Sprout

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Doesn't this look like a miniature version of cabbage?

In fact, his scientific name is kale cabbage

Isn't it cute?

This dish has a very high protein content and a bitter taste

The so-called good medicine is good for the disease

It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and promoting digestion

This little cabbage is also a favorite of the British

Most of their practices are boiled in white water with butter

Friends who want to eat Chinese flavor can spice up some ingredients

Cumin, peppercorns, and chili noodles are served together

It's also delicious to put in the oven and bake!

Swiss beets | Swiss Chard

The British vegetable inventory is coming

This colorful dish is called Swiss beet

The reason why it is so colorful

It is because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin

It has the effect of protecting the retina damaged by aging

And you can also clear the toilet

Isn't it both good-looking and high in nutritional value!

This dish is chinese practiced

Stir-fry with soy sauce and vinegar

It's the same as the greens

Rocket dish | Rocket

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Doesn't the name sound domineering?

In fact, it also has a cute name called arugula

Its fragrance is very unique

It's not so much a dish

It's rather a spice

When everyone buys sandwiches

The green vegetables in it are it!

Because this dish is well presented

It also often appears in main dishes

Or rinse and sprinkle some sauce to eat as a salad

The British vegetable inventory is coming

Nutrient words

Rocket vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals

It can lower lung qi, cure long cough, frequent urination and other symptoms

Fennel root | Fennel Bulb

The British vegetable inventory is coming

You may have seen dried fennel

I haven't seen the fennel before processing

And in the UK supermarket you can buy fresh oh

There is a hint of celery in the sweet taste

It can play a fishy effect on meat

It can also be eaten with a variety of ingredients

If you put the fennel root can be chopped up

It is also excellent to add to the dumpling filling!

Fennel root also has many benefits

Relieves qi and stomach cold and relieves pain

Xiaobian likes to add some every time he cooks

Lamb lettuce | Lamb’s Lettuce

The British vegetable inventory is coming

It doesn't feel strange to see this name

It felt like a private chat for the sheep

It is said to be called because of the size and shape of the leaves

Both are exactly similar to the tongue of a lamb

Lamb lettuce is generally served in a salad dish in a supermarket

After all, in the eyes of the British it is a good ingredient for salads

Basically rinse clean and sprinkle some sauce to eat

The taste is very fresh

The British vegetable inventory is coming

After reading this issue of the unpopular vegetable inventory

Did you suddenly feel enlightened about those strange vegetables?

In fact, there are many similar vegetables in the UK

You can go to the local market more often

Develop local ingredients around you

When you recognize the true face of these strange vegetables

Maybe you'll love it!

So many vegetables to choose from

Even picky babies can always find something they like

With this vegetable inventory

It will be much easier to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables in the future

For the body sticks

Let's eat more vegetables

The British vegetable inventory is coming

I hope everyone can find their favorite vegetables

Experience the joy of cooking

Take good care of yourself


Disclaimer| source British guide, network information, enjoy the British comprehensive collation, and keep the views in the text neutral, only for the purpose of communication and reference of all readers, the content contained in this number does not have any commercial publicity purposes, only for communication

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