
Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

author:C prime

Some people say that mint is easy to raise, some people say that how to raise it will die, and some people give a lot of mint how to eat.

Peppermint is a large family of about 25 species, some of which are inedible.

Eating peppermint that you don't know in the field is at risk of poisoning.

Moreover, some plants called mint, in fact, are not mint, and they are also inedible!

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Today, I will introduce you to the common edible & inedible mint, and how to eliminate edible mint.

Mint can be divided into three broad categories: Mint, Bergamot, and Melissa.

Mint (peppermint genus) includes common mint varieties, and the mint native to China belongs to this category.

The scent of Bergamot (American peppermint) is similar to that of Chinese citron, also known as "bergamot".

Melissa (Bee flower genus) is often patronized by bees, and was used by Europeans as the Latin word for bees, Melissa.

There are parts of mint that are named for their scent.

But in the eyes of us foodies, there are two kinds of mint: what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.

Edible mint

1. Spearmint

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Aliases: green mint, green mint, coriander, fish coriander, etc

Family: Mint subfamily Mint

Aroma: Citrus

Scope of application: the most common mint in China, cold stir-fried meat can be

Efficacy: It can reduce swelling and detoxification, treat colds, flatulence, children's boils, etc

2. Peppermint

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Aliases: peppermint, peppermint

Family: Peppermint subfamily Peppermint, derived from the hybridization of green peppermint and water peppermint

Aroma: Pepper

Scope of application: Widely cultivated, can be used as a side dish, daily stir-fry can be

Benefits: Treats nervousness, insomnia, cramps, dizziness and cough, aids digestion, improves belching, relieves nausea and heartburn

3. Fragrant bee flowers

Aliases: lemonade peppermint, peppermint balm, bee balm, lemon balm, etc

Family: Honeybeam subfamily Honeybeam

Fragrance: Lemon

Scope of application: Can replace lemon, lemongrass and basil into the dish

Efficacy: Used as a stimulant or laxative, it can treat headaches and toothaches

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

The image originates from the internet

Do not consume mint

1, Japan thin cargo

Aliases: wild mint, su mint, etc

Family: Mint subfamily Mint

Scope of application: the production of natural crystalline menthol, extracted essential oils, can be used in medicine, has the effect of expelling wind and heat, analgesia and antipruriticity

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Image from Baidu Encyclopedia

2. Pre mint

Alias: Labial calyx mint

Scope of application: Mostly used for the extraction of industrial menthol, can cool down the heat, can be used for bathing, making sachets

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Image from Quick Understanding Encyclopedia

3. Catnip

Aliases: Wattle mustard, False wattle mustard, Camphor (called peppermint but not peppermint)

Family: Genus Vitex

Scope of application: European folk for the prevention and treatment of stomach diseases, anemia; contains mustard lactone, can be used to make cat toys, alleviate cat anxiety, increase exercise and promote digestion, kittens should not be used

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

4. American mint

Alias: Horse mint

Family: American Mint Family, American Mint Genus

Aroma: Citron flavor

Scope of application: can be viewed, sterilized, bathed, incense, generally not eaten

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Small tips can not eat peppermint is mostly used for extracting industrial menthol, can be used externally, has the effect of sterilization and insect repellent; edible varieties are not recommended to eat excessively, although peppermint has the effect of wind and heat dissipation, but the nature is cold, menthol will stimulate the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract; pregnant and lactated friends should not eat, spleen and stomach deficiency of small partners should also eat less.

Mint recipes are widely delivered

There are many ways to eat mint, small stir-fry soup, cold fried, all kinds of line.

Stir-fried as a fresh dish, a spoonful of mouth, that is called a full mouth cool!

When you cook porridge and cook soup, you can grab a handful of it, then it will relieve the heat and relieve the heat, and the aroma is pleasant.

For beginner partners, it is inevitable that this will be a bit spicy, it is recommended to use mint as a side dish, Titian seasoning first try it.

1. Serve with meat

Mint is used as a side dish and meat to inject a wisp of freshness into the meat, which is suitable for dealing with the bitter summer without appetite.

Grab a handful and bake the whole chicken, the chicken skin is crispy, the chicken is tender and smooth, fresh and refreshing, fresh and not greasy.

There are too many whole chickens, you can also tear the chicken breast into chicken shreds, made into vine pepper mint chicken, spicy and fresh, adding a little bit of mint coolness.

Rattan peppermint chicken dish

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Put the ribs in the pan to release a fresh and cool aroma and dissolve all the grease of the fried ribs.

Mint fried pork rib dish

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

Paired with duck sauce with thick oil and red sauce, it awakens the palate with its refreshing aroma.

Duck dish with mint sauce

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

If you want a formula once and for all, you have to look at this sweet and spicy mint sauce.

Scoop a spoonful into the tender steak and your soul will instantly stand up!

Steak dish with mint hot sauce

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

2 small stir-frying & cold mix

Stir-fried with bacon peas, bacon is salty, peas are fresh and sweet, and mint boldly releases the coolness of the bully, fresh and delicious.

Stir-fried pea dish with bacon and mint

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

To make a fat-reducing salad, cut a handful of mint and stir it in, it instantly becomes fresh and unique.

Mint beef salad dish

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

3 drinks & decorations

Big fish and big meat are addictive, but also have to come to a drink to help cheer, with mint and cool white open frozen into ice cubes, added to the Sydney cucumber juice, immediately cooled down 5 ° C!

Not only is the appearance high, but also the heat is degreased, as if it is plunged into the cool water, which is too suitable for summer

Peppermint sherry juice dish

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

In addition to providing a cool taste, mint is also often used as an ornament, just need to decorate one or two petals, the appearance and grade of the dish immediately improved.

A touch of wild green, bringing endless reverie.

In the sweet and sour cold mix pineapple, the cool color of mint balances the warm color of pineapple and millet pepper, and when you come to the first serving, the whole person follows the spirit.

Cold mix pineapple recipe

Hot day to eat it! Eat the right cool, eat the wrong cool

After reading it, I believe that everyone's knowledge reserves for the mint family have increased, and when you encounter mint in the future, if you can correctly judge whether it is an edible variety, it will be perfect.

For mint dishes, do you have any daily or novel ways to eat, come to the comment area and talk to me about it~