
Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

Astragalus, recorded in ancient books as "Astragalus", Li Shizhen explained in the Compendium of Bencao: "Qi, Changye, Huangqi yellow, for the long of the tonic, hence the name".

Astragalus belongs to the tonic class of drugs, which have the functions of tonifying qi and fixing the table, draining pus, spleen meridian, returning to the lungs, sex temperature, diuretic toxin, sweet taste, sores and muscle.

Chinese medicine believes that astragalus can replenish the qi of the body, improve the fetus and blood, reduce swelling, drain pus and muscles, fix the surface and stop sweating, and have the effect of raising the sun.

It has outstanding curative effect on insufficient yin deficiency, loss of qi and blood, uterine prolapse, fetal restlessness, puffiness, weakness and sweating, anemia, etc.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?


Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, 5 problems slowly "solution", you know?

First: it can enhance the contractility of the heart muscle

Drinking astragalus water every day can prevent heart failure, promote blood circulation in the heart, reduce the content of blood globulin in the blood, and strengthen the contraction rate of the heart muscle.

Astragalus can effectively strengthen the contraction capacity of the body's myocardium, and for patients who suffer from gastritis, daily drinking astragalus water can play a good relief effect.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?

Second: improve physical fatigue

In life, often feel tired, even shortness of breath friends, you can choose to drink some astragalus water, can effectively help restore health, so that you become more and more energetic, in the water according to their own needs, appropriate addition of some sugar, will make the taste of astragalus water better, drink astragalus soaking water can also add a few goji berries, after a period of time, help to improve the spirit.

Third: replenish the gas solid table

Astragalus has always been a valuable qi tonic, mainland traditional medicine believes that astragalus has the effect of tonifying qi and fixing the table, and has always been in the folk also circulated "often drink astragalus soup, disease prevention and health protection" saying.

And many people often have colds in life, because the "table is not solid", at this time with astragalus soaked water to drink is a good choice.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?

Fourth: qi replenishment, diuresis, swelling reduction

Multi-compatibility to prevent oneself, astragalus is used for qi deficiency and bad luck, water wetness and accumulation, etc. caused by puffiness, unfavorable urination, etc., in addition, astragalus can also be used for limb numbness, joint paralysis, half-body failure caused by qi deficiency and blood stagnation, or thirst caused by qi deficiency and loss.

It should be noted that this product is partial to warm supplementation, and should not be used for hot poison incandescent certificates or actual heat certificates.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?

Fifth: gastritis

If the intestinal function is relatively weak, the body is not replenished, and the nutrients cannot be well absorbed, which also indicates that the gastrointestinal tract is general, which may be caused by the usual lack of attention to diet, gastrointestinal function disorders, and serious people may cause gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis.

Studies have shown that drinking astragalus water can also effectively reduce the protein content in the urine, while enhancing the body's myocardial contractility, which can effectively prevent the failure of the body's internal circulation.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?

Precautions for drinking astragalus water:

  • Patients with kidney deficiency, damp heat and hot poison are not recommended

If it is a patient with kidney deficiency, damp heat and hot poison, do not take astragalus soaking water, because this not only can not restore the body to health, but will aggravate the disease.

If this type of patient wants to restore their health, they should soak the root grass, rhubarb, huanglian, and gardenia together in water, and they should not choose astragalus.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?
  • Pregnant do not drink

Women who take astragalus during pregnancy also need special attention, because it is likely to cause slippery tires, causing harm to the fetus and pregnant women, especially expectant mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy.

  • Do not exceed 15 grams

It is best not to take more than 15 grams of astragalus each time, and it is best to divide it into 2 to 3 times to avoid overdose. If there is an overdose, then the patient may have dizziness, and may even cause poor sleep quality, as well as redness of the cheeks and irritability.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?

The best match for astragalus soaking water

  • Astragalus with honeysuckle

Detoxification: Honeysuckle is a good medicine for detoxification and detoxification, it is sweet and cold aromatic, sweet and cold and clear heat without hurting the stomach, aroma permeable and can dispel evil, as well as the function of dissolving the table and removing dampness.

Chronic kidney disease: Astragalus and honeysuckle can be an excellent match in the treatment of various kidney diseases.

Itchy skin: Drinking honeysuckle water often can effectively relieve itching of the skin.

Astragalus is a treasure, often drink astragalus water, five problems slowly "solution", you know?
  • Astragalus with hawthorn, healthy spleen and stomach

The traditional Chinese medicine ingredients in astragalus can make the garbage and virus in the body better excreted from the body, improve the body's immunity, and have the effect of warming the spleen and stomach, while the nutrients in the hawthorn can alleviate the symptoms of indigestion, have the effect of appetizing and strengthening the spleen, and protect the health of the spleen and stomach.