
Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"


Text: Pooh

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Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

The third season of "Ride the Wind and Waves" has finally come to an end, and Wang Xinling really lived up to expectations and won the championship.

The lights on the stage flickered almost dizzyingly, and the sisters, whose average age was 30+, were hot and sleek, and they were full of light.

Even if Wang Xinling, who is nearly 40 years old, when the music sounds and the lights reappear, she is still stable in singing and flexible in movement under the lens.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Lang Jie 3

Recall that at the beginning, from the program group officially announced that Wang Xinling would participate in LangJie 3, to her passing a song "Love You", making thousands of "Wang Xinling boys" and even girls, youth restless again.

For the sake of their youth, fans directly shouted out the slogan of "you have a vote, I have a vote, and Xinling 80 still sings and dances".

For the fans' wishes, she also gladly accepted, and said bluntly: "Can also be called sweetheart grandmother, isn't it also quite good?" ”

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

It is worthy of being the "Sweetheart Sect Leader", not only has it been 18 years since its debut, but it is also so popular, and it has set a small goal of "Sweetheart Grandma" with the title of champion.

Looking at Wang Xinling, who was sweet to the heart even if she smiled tearfully on the stage, the audience was happy for her in their hearts.

After all, it was not until the age of 39 that he turned red again and returned to the top, and it was inevitable that he would cry.

I am not a star chaser, but after a little understanding of Wang Xinling, I realized that she is not as "sweet" as others think.

When everyone says she's going to be sweet to the heart, I just want to say:

"Please! Just like her, I'm fed up with people who say she's sweet. ”

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling


Born in 1982 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Wang Xinling's ancestral home is Qingdao, Shandong, and his original name is Wang Junru.

When she was 10 years old, because her parents divorced, she had been living with her mother and brother.

When she was the poorest, her family could only take out 100 Taiwan dollars, so she only bought a bento, and then three people shared it.

Due to the huge pressure of life, her mother suffered from depression, it was always difficult to control her emotions, and scolding her children became a common thing.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling and her mother

The poverty of the family made Wang Xinling realize early on the importance of living independently and working hard to make money.

As a result, after her debut, she worked extremely hard, almost to the point of desperation, so that she had to be sick once every time she finished a scene, and her body always looked very thin.

In 2003, the 21-year-old Wang Xinling officially debuted with the album "Cyndi Begin".

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

Subsequently, she became a popular idol drama heroine with "Heavenly Wedding Dress" and "Smile Pasta", and became a popular singer with songs such as "Love You" and "Eyelashes Bend".

Such a burst of fire made Wang Xinling a member of the "four big and three small".

The "Four Greats" refer to Jolin Tsai, Xiao Yaxuan, Sun Yanzi and Liang Jingru. "Three small" refers to Zhang Shaohan, Yang Rainie and Wang Xinling.

Wang Xinling on the screen always plays the role of "silly white sweet".

Her height of 158cm makes her look petite, and with a pair of watery eyes and dimples with a particularly obvious smile, it is inevitable to arouse the desire to protect others, so she was also awarded the title of "Sweetheart Sect Leader".

In real life, she once lost the aura of "heroine", not only was the family affection not smooth, but also directly became a "scumbag harvester", and even her career was frustrated one after another.

After the divorce, Wang Xinling's father was like evaporation in the world, and his mother also changed her temperament.

Once, when she accidentally broke a plate, her mother scolded her and even threw the key at her.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

In the face of her mother's scolding, she always sings loudly in her room to ease her emotions.

Afterwards, Wang Xinling's mother will always take the initiative to apologize to her daughter, and the two will be reconciled as before.

After Wang Xinling was admitted to art school, her mother also fully supported her, taking care of her family for her, and deliberately left a lamp in the kitchen when she was tired from work, and cooked a pot of soup waiting for her.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

The direct opposite of his mother was Wang Xinling's father.

As a father, he was almost absent from his daughter's entire life except for childhood.

After Wang Xinling became popular, as a father, he started a business with the fame of his daughter.

It wasn't until something went wrong that Wang Xinling explained that he didn't know anything about it.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Media coverage

In the program of "Sister Lang 3", in the face of childhood memories, Wang Xinling rarely talked about her father, bluntly saying that her childhood self was a naughty ghost, and her mother was more fierce, so her father took on the role of protecting her.

However, her father's companionship with her was limited to childhood, so when asked by guests about her relationship with her father, Wang Xinling only said euphemistically:

"Actually, I have a very good relationship with my mother."

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

You see, Wang Xinling, who can make people sweet to the bone marrow on the stage, suffered a lot early in family life.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling


The feelings of her parents failed to go to the end, and Wang Xinling's "sweetness" did not make her an emotional lucky person at all, but became a proper "scumbag harvester".

Wang Xinling's first vigorous love began in 2000, when she was only 17 years old, and fell in love with 19-year-old Fan Zhiwei when filming the movie "The Car is Chasing".

In the 5 years of interaction, the two have not responded positively to their feelings, but Fan Zhiwei has split his legs many times, and then asked Wang Xinling for forgiveness again and again.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling, Fan Zhiwei

In 2005, after many splits and mergers, the two finally broke up completely.

But 5 years after the breakup, Fan Zhiwei's series of operations almost pushed Wang Xinling into the abyss.

Fan Zhiwei, who tasted the sweetness of the girl's feelings, not only suddenly exposed the intimate photos between him and Wang Xinling, but also said in front of the media that he had beaten Wang Xinling, "once at the airport, the other time on the street of Zhongxiao East Road."

In addition, he also directly confessed more details of the two people's love in front of reporters, and even said that Wang Xinling was no longer the first night when he was 17 years old.

The sudden revelations have made public opinion focus on topics related to the two men.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling, Fan Zhiwei

Even if the fault was not Wang Xinling, her pure image was almost destroyed.

Under great pressure, she was so angry that she broke down and cried, and even her work was forced to suspend.

But just like when he first split his legs, then explained, and asked for forgiveness, Fan Zhiwei still often put the topic on Wang Xinling to this day.

In May this year, Wang Xinling appeared on the stage of "Sister Lang 3", and Fan Zhiwei posted on the social platform that "they are all old swans", and was questioned to be the connotation of his ex-girlfriend Wang Xinling.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Fan Zhiwei

But the emotional "disaster" is not over, and the second relationship also made her fall.

In 2012, Wang Xinling was photographed holding hands with male artist Yao Yuanhao, and at this time, Yao Yuanhao and his ex-girlfriend Sui Tang were still entangled.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling, Yao Yuanhao

Suddenly, in such a love triangle, Wang Xinling was labeled as a "third party" and carried the accusations of many public opinions.

But Wang Xinling still resisted his mother's opposition while taking on the accusations of public opinion and continued to be with Yao Yuanhao.

In the end, under duress, Wang Xinling had to hold a press conference to prove that he was not Xiao San by holding time with reporters.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

But despite this, Wang Xinling's career damage can be far more serious than the last time.

This time, Wang Xinling not only slipped to the bottom of the passers-by, but even the sponsors quickly withdrew their investment, and the Taipei Arena concert was also ruined.

After maintaining their relationship with Yao Yuanhao for 4 years, the two still broke up.

Like his predecessor, Yao Yuanhao also learned from Fan Zhiwei after the breakup, and spread Wang Xinling's intimate photos throughout the Internet.

The image collapsed rapidly, the career was hit hard, and under the double blow, Wang Xinling's physical health also had problems.

After such a toss, Wang Xinling's face suffered from cellulitis, and her face was swollen like a "pig's head", and she also fell into the rumor of "plastic surgery failure".

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Media coverage

"Too spineless in love", this is Wang Xinling's evaluation of himself. After all, two men, let her pay for 10 years of youth.

For the frustrated love, she sang everything into "Big Sleep", bluntly saying: "There is no other expectation, wait until you wake up after the dream, and then go to clean up the wreckage." ”

Fortunately, Wang Xinling can get rid of the negative consumption from feelings, and never lose his self-motivation in his career.

In 2018, Wang Xinling released her 12th album, which won the female title of the top five gold charts in Chinese, and she also won the best female singer of the year in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Taipei Arena concert

In 2021, Wang Xinling appeared on the stage of Taipei Arena for the second time.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling


"Lang Jie 3" ended yesterday, and the title of champion fell on Wang Xinling without suspense.

But how brilliant it is now, how depressed it once was, and the same is true of Wang Xinling on the stage of "Lang Jie 3".

When she first appeared on the stage, she was not favored at all, there were few shots of her, and when the other sisters were chatting, only Wang Xinling was silently washing dishes on the side.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

She quickly counterattacked and became a "dark horse", but successfully touched the DNA of the audience, from captain all the way to champion.

At the age of 39, Wang Xinling seized the opportunity to climb to the top again, letting people see that even if the "Sweetheart Sect Master" became a "Sweetheart Grandma", it could be just as cool.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

After the 82-year-old US House of Representatives Speaker Pelosi visited Taiwan, a public opinion war broke out between the two sides of the strait.

The same is true in the entertainment industry, with stars from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, such as Rainie Yang, Wu Qilong, Joey Yung and Chen Xiaochun, who have spoken out about "One China".

Wang Xinling, who became popular again with "Lang Jie 3", is no exception, she is not only sweet, but also very brave, directly sharing the CCTV news "There is only one China" post.

Her sharing also instantly attracted 6.13 million likes, 257,000 comments, and 1.84 million likes.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

Contrary to the wild praise of mainland netizens, Taiwan netizens mocked her under Wang Xinling's Facebook account, saying:

"The renminbi is still very fragrant", "Is the pressure so great", "Do you have to express your position on Weibo", "The renminbi is really fragrant, thanks to you or you are still red from Taiwan, so disgusting".

Funny, a group of people who are ashamed to admit their blood, who only know how to kneel and lick imperialist politicians, dare to spit on a warrior.

Today, the 39-year-old Wang Xinling has once again ushered in the peak of his career, which is worthy of the C debut!

Backlit, we should not only see her sweet face, but also the pain experienced behind her.

Wang Xinling, 39, won the title: Just like her, I have enough that some people still call her "sweet"

Wang Xinling

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