
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic: Three places are thin, and the illness does not leave the body. It turned out to be these three places, help the family to see

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Li Xiaojuan

Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Lee!

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Scripture says that the three places are thin, and the illness cannot be separated from the body! These three are the back of the shoulders, the lips and the ears. Why?

First of all, the thickness of the shoulders and backs can reflect the state of the heart, lungs and yang. How can this be understood? Because ah, the inside of our shoulders and backs, ah, hide the heart and lungs, so if the shoulders and backs are straight, the muscles are relatively plump and thick, then it can reflect that our heart and lungs are well developed. In addition, the shoulder back walks is the Pulse and the Bladder Meridian, the Pulse is the Sea of Yang Pulses, the Bladder Meridian is the full name of the Foot Sun Bladder Meridian, and the Sun Meridian is also the meridian of Yang Qi. If the shoulders and backs are broad and thick, it is a manifestation of our yang abundance. On the contrary, clinically many patients with chronic diseases and respiratory diseases have thin shoulders and backs.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic: Three places are thin, and the illness does not leave the body. It turned out to be these three places, help the family to see

The second is the lips. The "Inner Classic" says that "those who have strong lips, those who have strong spleens, those who have large but not firm lips, and those who have fragile spleens", which means that the lips look ruddy in color, plump and thick, and the spleen is good; Some people's lips look big, but the lip color is pale, the muscles are relatively thin, dry and thin, this person's spleen function is not good. Why? There is a reason for this, Chinese medicine says, the spleen is open to the mouth, so the muscles of the lips can directly indicate the situation of the spleen and stomach.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic: Three places are thin, and the illness does not leave the body. It turned out to be these three places, help the family to see

The third is the ear. The "Inner Classic" says that "those who have strong ears, those who have strong kidneys, those who are thin and not firm, and those who are brittle", that is to say, the kidneys are open to the ears, and if the ears are relatively thick, they represent that the kidneys are solid. Conversely, if the ear is thin and thin, the kidneys are weak. For example, when the kidney is deficient, the ear will shrink and become smaller; When the kidneys fail, the ears will appear black.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic: Three places are thin, and the illness does not leave the body. It turned out to be these three places, help the family to see

Well, this is what the Inner Classics say about "three thin places, and the sickness does not leave the body", have you learned?

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