
Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

author:A little entertainment melon

With the role of "Yu Hong" in the hit TV series "The World of Man", Xu Baihui is well known to more audiences.

With superb acting skills, Xu Baihui portrayed this role as plump and real.

Before that, perhaps more people's impression of her was only on a small actor with no fame.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

However, as everyone knows, Xu Baihui was in the same class as Bai Baihe, Tang Yan and others during her college years.

However, unlike the above two actresses, Xu Baihui has been tepid for 18 years since her debut.

But she also really made her debut in the mixed entertainment industry so far with zero scandals.

Xu Baihui was born in Changchun, Jilin Province, and is a real "Northeast Lady".

Unlike her sweet appearance, Xu Baihui has been a big grinning personality since she was a child.

There is a lot of arrogance and justice of the northeasterners.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

Cheerful personality, excellent grades, for people to fight righteousness, it can be said that When she was a child, Xu Baihui was a typical "other people's child".

In addition to her excellent grades, Xu Baihui also has a very high musical talent.

In junior high school, she had already passed the piano level 10 exam.

If you have to find an adjective that fits her personality, the word "nobun and no martial arts" is definitely competent.

It's just that most parents in that era had the most hope for their children was to study hard.

Therefore, Xu Baihui can only put her musical talent on hold for the time being.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

After high school, Xu Baihui had the idea of studying abroad.

It was only then that the outbreak of 9/11 in the United States.

So in the end, after some thought, Xu Baihui still obeyed her parents' arrangement to stay in China to study.

It is reasonable to say that with Xu Baihui's love and talent for music, it is naturally not a problem for her to apply for a good conservatory.

But in the end, by chance, she accidentally had an indissoluble relationship with performance.

After that, Xu Baihui applied for the Central Academy of Drama and became classmates with Tang Yan and Bai Baihe.

Even in the face of a group of future goddess-level classmates.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

Xu Baihui's appearance is not inferior at all.

However, compared with the stunning actresses in today's circle, Xu Baihui can more reflect the attractiveness.

She is the type that is not stunning, but will make people like it more and more.

In addition, after her debut, Xu Baihui was unwilling to "collude" with some actresses.

So in the end, I have been in the entertainment industry for 18 years.

Perhaps it is already accustomed to the "academic bullying" on the body.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

So even if I've never been exposed to acting.

However, it did not take long for Xu Baihui to become the "leader" in the class.

Soon after entering school, Xu Baihui found that her line skills were not up to par.

So after that, she got up early every day to recite in an open place.

Because she had no experience with lenses, she bought a camera herself to practice every day.

Even Tang Yan, a friend of the same window at that time, once said in the show that she had a strength not to accept defeat.

Because of her excellent grades, Xu Baihui, who has just graduated, has won the favor of many directors.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

Although as a newcomer, I don't play much.

However, most of the people who cooperate with it are some of the senior bigwigs in the circle.

In this way, Xu Baihui, who debuted directly, participated in many film and television drama performances.

For example, "Little International Student", "CodeName Thirteen Chao", "Obstetrician", "The Age of Storms", "The World" and so on.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

However, because he has been appearing as a supporting role, he has not been able to impress the audience too deeply.

In addition, she herself has no low requirements for the script, and she is not willing to climb the elite.

Therefore, the debut for so many years has always been the situation that the drama red people are not popular.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

But after so many years, Xu Baihui has maintained a very clear mind.

This is very rare in today's entertainment industry.

Xu Baihui knows that her identity is that she is an actor and not a star.

So she has always stuck to her heart and never thought of relying on hype to win the attention of the audience.

Although the popularity is not as good as the traffic stars in the circle.

But also Xu Baihui has not had the slightest negative scandal on her body after so many years of debut.

It may be that some people say that she is not hot enough and not famous.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

But in fact, think about it, it seems that the rumors of small actors who have no fame in the entertainment industry are flying all over the world.

If you have to say the difference between Xu Baihui and other actresses.

That should be the difference between a peony and a lotus.

Debuted 18 years without scandal, and now with the "Yu Hong" in "The World of Man", he has finally become famous.

It can be said that the weight of this drama in Xu Baihui's heart at the beginning of filming is very heavy.

For good scripts, she has always held a sense of awe.

For the shaping of the role, she has always paid attention to the most intuitive truth.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

Maybe it's the meticulousness of the script and the characters.

Talent makes Xu Baihui stand out in this work that gathers stars and big men and has been loved and recognized by the audience.

It's just that compared to the acting career that has slowly improved.

Xu Baihui's personal emotional path has always been stagnant.

There has been no scandal in many years since her debut, and naturally at the age of 39, she has always been single.

It may be that it is too good for a group of suitors to retreat.

Maybe the work is too busy and the vision is too high, and I am not willing to settle down.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

Today, Xu Baihui's only pleasure in filming is health maintenance.

Sometimes she shares it with viewers on shows.

And that's exactly what happened, after so many years.

At the age of 39, she still maintains the same vitality and appearance as a young girl.

Perhaps in Xu Baihui's eyes, she felt that she still had room for improvement.

And for love and marriage, her attitude is not to refuse but to go with the flow.

This sobriety is very rare, not to mention that it is still in the entertainment circle like the "big dye vat".

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

I also believe that such an excellent Xu Baihui will be able to find her own happiness in the future.

Xu Baihui, debuted 18 years with zero scandals, 39 years old elegant and intellectual, unmarried and unprepared like a frozen-age girl

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