
The most eerie creature fire ladybird's "Ghost Blowing Lamp Spirit Ancient City" chapter

author:Man Paris luggage studio wow

Suddenly, a large blue fireball, the size of a basketball, flew out of the dug earth pit, and the fireball hovered in mid-air for two circles and landed on the ground, and the blue flame gradually extinguished, turning out to be a strange little ladybug. Falling to the ground, the whole body is like a red transparent crystal, the wings are even more crystal clear, and the translucent internal organs inside can be faintly seen through the transparent carapace, which seems to have a faint flame flowing, which looks indescribably mysterious and strange. However, no one expected that this fire ladybug would bring devastating disaster to the later archaeological team.........

Legend has it that there is a very low-lying small basin near a large glacier, and the upper part is that the large glacier is composed of three parts, with a huge drop, a steep slope, the highest altitude of more than 6,000 meters, and the snow does not melt for thousands of years; The middle section is the longest, full of mirror-like slippery cold ice, and the ice layer is hundreds of meters thick; The lower part is lower than the average altitude of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, sinking deep into the earth like a rift, where the atmosphere is warm, forming a rare belt of green plants.

Common sense teaches us not to make a loud noise when marching under the glacier, otherwise we will cause an avalanche and be buried alive below. Avalanches have never been seen by authors who grew up inland.

Unfortunately, during the march, a comrade who fell into a glacier fell on his feet, and then arranged for two people in the team to bury the body on the spot. I didn't expect the nightmare of a lifetime to begin... The team members had just gently dug the dirt on the ground with a sapper shovel, dug a few times, and suddenly a large blue fireball flew out of the pit he had dug, the size of a basketball, circling twice in mid-air, and suddenly rushed into the crowd, and the members of the squad hurriedly dodged.

The fireball fell to the ground, and the blue flame gradually extinguished, turning out to be a strange little ladybug. The whole body is like a red transparent crystal, the wings are even more crystal clear, and the translucent internal organs inside can be faintly seen through the transparent carapace, which seems to have a faint flame flowing, which looks indescribably mysterious and strange.

Wang Gong leaned over curiously, pushed the deep myopia glasses that were pushed on the bridge of his nose, and excitedly pinched the ladybug like a red flame with two fingers, carefully watching carefully. However, at this moment, the fingers he and the ladybug came into contact with were ignited by a blue flame, and in an instant, the flames engulfed his whole body, and the skin was instantly filled with a layer of large bubbles and then burned again, and the myopic glasses on the bridge of his nose were burned and fell to the ground, and he fell to the ground in pain and twisted and struggled.

It was too late for us to save him, and the scream of his being burned by the fire demon resounded through the valley, and everyone shuddered, and it seemed that he would not be able to breathe for a moment and a half.

Someone wanted to use a shovel to shovel the soil to extinguish the flames on his body, but the burn area of his whole body had reached one hundred percent, which belonged to deep burns, even if the fire on his body was temporarily extinguished, in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains, which lacked medical treatment and medicine, I am afraid that he would not be able to suffer for an hour or two, wouldn't that make him suffer alive? The scene of the living being burned by fire was so cruel that Lonin did not dare to look again, twisted her head, her expression froze, covered her ears, opened her mouth, and did not know whether she wanted to cry or shout. The youngest Kobayashi was also frightened, hiding behind the big man, his whole body shaking.

The second squad leader pulled out a pistol to help Wang Gong end his suffering, but he really couldn't bear to see him suffer so much.

And if he shouts again, he must cause an avalanche.

The instructor held down the hand of the second squad leader who was pulling the bolt of the gun and whispered to him, "You can't shoot.

Gotta use a bayonet, let me come. "Tens of thousands of tons of snow hang over large glaciers at the top of the mountain, and any little noise can have catastrophic consequences." The only thing that can help Wang Gong now is to give him a bayonet in his heart and make him die a painful and happy death. Without delay, the instructor took the bayonet-mounted type 56 semi-automatic rifle from a soldier' hand, said softly, "I'm sorry, comrade brother," and closed his eyes and inserted the stab into Wang Gong's heart. Wang Gong finally stopped the heart-rending screams and fell to the ground without moving, while the flames on his body were still there

It continues to burn. The fast instructor was just about to pull the bayonet out of his heart, and the strange blue flame suddenly lit up, and it quickly passed up the bayonet from the body of the rifle. The speed of the flames was so fast that it didn't even take a blink of an eye, and before people could see what was happening, the instructor's whole body was already engulfed in blue flames.

The instructor, like Wang Gong, struggled and screamed in pain. Everyone knows the instructor too well, he is definitely a tough guy, although his appearance is weak, but his endurance and perseverance are up to the standards of the best professional soldiers, and he does not know how tragic it is to be burned by that strange fire, which will make him emit such a sad cry. The second squad leader raised his pistol with tears in his eyes, and now he couldn't care if it would cause an avalanche, and he couldn't bear to watch the instructor suffer anymore. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the instructor, who was full of fire, suddenly said, "I order... None of you are allowed to shoot......... Get the comrades out of here..."

The instructor's body was unbearable, but his consciousness remained awake, he realized that his screams might cause an avalanche, and in order to stop making a sound, he reversed the red-hot bayonet and inserted it into his heart. After a long time, his body was burned into a fine pile of ashes. The remaining members of the squad watched this magnificent and tragic scene in pain, each clutching their fists tightly and gritting their teeth, trying to hold back the tears swirling in their eyes, and some of them had their lips bitten off by themselves. There was no sound in the valley, and the blue sky above my head was reflected on the ice surface of the great glacier,

It gives the illusion that there are two identical skies in the world, and it is not clear which one is up and which one is down. Wonderland-like magnificent scenery, but full of eerie and terrifying atmosphere.

There were two piles of ashes on the ground, and just a few minutes ago they were all alive, but now they were two small piles of ashes, burning so much that there was no bone residue left. If it hadn't been for witnessing all this, who would have believed that something like this would happen in the world.

Suddenly, from the ashes left after Wang Gong was burned, a blue fireball flew out, and it turned out that it was not dead. At this moment, almost all of them had the same thought in their hearts when they faced this strange blue fireball: "I would rather be buried alive by an avalanche than be burned alive by this ghost thing."

Several of the unsuffled warriors had already raised their guns and aimed them at the ladybugs in mid-air, and suddenly an unbelievable scene appeared in front of them: the strange ladybugs that emitted flames had changed from one to three, each the same size as the original one.

One of the three blue fireballs swooped straight over, and the other two burrowed into the crowd like lightning bolts.

The semi-automatic rifles in the hands of the warriors went off fire, "click, click, click But things also went in the worst direction, and the instructor would rather kill himself than let us shoot, but in the end the gun still rang. According to common sense, shouting may only have a 30% chance of triggering an avalanche, but the sound of gunfire will bring the most terrible consequences in two hundred percent. Suddenly I felt a chill on my head, so I came back to my senses and touched it with my hand, and it turned out that a snowflake fell on my forehead.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and it was impossible to snow at this time. My heart sank, and the first thought that came to my mind was: Finally an avalanche.

More and more snow fell overhead, followed by a rumbling sound in the sky, and the whole valley in it was shaking. I looked up, and the snowboard above rolled up a storm like a white tsunami rolling down toward us. The avalanche came too quickly, swept in, and the valley shook for a while. I have heard people talk about the avalanche before, but I never thought that there was such a powerful silver wave between heaven and earth, and this time everyone's hearts were like ashes, even if they had two more legs, they would not be able to run away.

The author likes the strange creatures and plants described by the ghost blowing lamp, the wonderful environment described, and the various strange and bizarre adventure stories presented. Therefore, I will streamline the storyline and only extract the essence to make the reader more enjoyable.

Predict what will happen and follow the next episode for continuous updates