
A hermit in the mountains and medicine pickers

author:Zhiyuan Read City
A hermit in the mountains and medicine pickers

In a bustling metropolis, in the era of mobile Internet where cyberspace surrounds everyone, hearing the story of Zhou Biying's medicine collection, I suddenly feel that time and space are confused: because this should not be this era, but the story of the last century or the last century. This is a story about trust, and it is also the highest achiever in any industry, and it is not a mysterious realm of outsiders - "Zhiyuan Reading City"

A hermit in the mountains and medicine pickers


One of them, we see, it's only half

In folk Chinese medicine, people who really have the Tao, after decades of cultivation and accumulation, individuals themselves have become the best sensors to detect the disease, their eyes, nose, ears and skin are like detectors, for all the diseases of patients, have the most accurate measurement.

Therefore, the real old Chinese medicine does not look down on those who need to rely on equipment and equipment to find out the disease. Perhaps, this is why TCM is more respected the older it gets. Of course, without years of accumulation, without obsessive attachment, without a clever head, you cannot reach this realm for no reason.

For the common sense of Chinese medicine, the average person can understand this level, which is already quite enlightened. Even so, it can only be said that you only know half of TCM. Every true TCM practitioner hides another side.

On this side, only a few peers who are equally senior can understand it. And outsiders, even if they are not aware of its existence at all.

Compared with accurate consultation and judgment of the condition, this other side, although mysterious, but its importance in Chinese medicine cannot be underestimated. Zhou Biying, the fifth-generation heir of the Chinese medicine family Jiuzhitang, said that its importance accounts for 60% to 70% of the overall treatment effect. And the general public knows nothing about it.

And I, after many exchanges with Zhou Biying, realized its existence in a casual conversation with her.

Zhou Biying has been famous for a long time, although she is already 74 years old (at this age, many elderly people already have problems with basic life), she still has to sit in the clinic until after 10 o'clock in the evening. She did not want to disappoint every patient who came to visit.

Once, she inadvertently said that every spring, summer, autumn and winter, she had to go out to collect medicine, and once she went, it was ten days and half a month.

This strange act immediately aroused my interest. What is the reason why it is more important than her patients? Was it possible to get her to leave the clinic for so long each year?

There will be something in it.

A hermit in the mountains and medicine pickers

Second, only by having a reverential heart can we find good medicinal herbs

Finding the opportunity, I specifically asked Zhou Biying this question. At first, she was stunned, but immediately the conversation began.

Indeed, basically no one asked her this question. First, ordinary people do not know that there is such a thing; second, people in the industry are secretive about this kind of problem, because they are not embarrassed to inquire about the core secrets of the Chinese medicine family.

Zhou Biying said that although peers know the importance of this issue, everyone tries to avoid it. Even if we talk about it, we will only ask about the overall production and acquisition of medicinal materials in recent years, and we will never ask in great detail.

To me, Zhou Biying was open to talking. However, it comes to key medicinal herbs. She still just tells me the common name, not the name of the proprietary Chinese medicine.

Zhou Biying said that the herbs she uses to treat rheumatism in internal medicine, in addition to bulk herbs, the most critical herbs are extremely exquisite. According to her requirements, these Chinese medicines must be wild, and must specify the place of origin. In fact, Zhou Biying said, they cannot be artificially cultivated. To this end, she also consulted experts from the highest scientific research institutions in China's traditional Chinese medicine, and as a result, they also held the same view.

Listened to Zhou Biying's story. I just learned that the several key medicinal herbs used by Zhou Biying were not easy to come by.

Imagine an old lady over seventy years old, living in a bustling city all year round, but every summer, autumn, and winter, she has to go out to the far door, and go alone to the deep mountains and old forests, as short as a week, as long as half a month. It feels a bit like the mysterious agent's approach.

All she was going to was in places like Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province. Every time the old lady went, she had to walk for more than 7 hours after reaching the end of the vehicle. The remoteness of the medicinal herbs can be seen here.

I said, is this necessary? Now many Chinese herbal medicines are not artificially planted, directly to the market to place an order to buy, is not it OK?

Zhou Biying shook her head, ordinary medicinal herbs can. However, the key medicinal herbs in the ancestral secret recipe can only be wild.

She cites one of the medicinal herbs called "Tianniu" (scientific name, the old man did not say), which grows in completely pollution-free mountains and grows specifically in the middle of the stone crevices of the surrounding vegetation.

For this flavored medicinal material, Zhou Biying buys it every three years, and once entrusts the local medicine collector to collect about one ton. She said that the origin of this wild medicinal material is extremely demanding and the production is also very limited.

After each collection, Zhou Biying wanted to let that medicinal plant recuperate in the mysterious deep mountain old forest, recover for two to three years, and then pick it again. The plant is weird, she said, and if you don't pick it all the time, it won't continue to grow. When you're done, it relies on seeds that fall to the ground and roots in the ground, and the next year it brushes together and grows better than the first year.

Every generation of Jiuzhitang, including Zhou Biying, pays equal attention to the use and protection of the precious gifts of nature to their families. They let this noble medicinal material be used by them, and it will not be exhausted and can be recycled.

Perhaps, this is the best way for us humans to treat nature. The descendants of the family of Chinese medicine are well versed in its way.

A hermit in the mountains and medicine pickers

Rare herbs: A bowl of water by the river

Third, it is passed down from generation to generation

Zhou Biying's story, I listened to it with relish.

I really did not expect that in the old town of this bustling city, there is such a deep mountain medicine picker.

Zhou Biying said that medicinal materials are the most critical part of the ancestral secret recipe of the Chinese medicine family. For the varieties of key medicinal materials and the places where the medicinal herbs are collected, they are kept secret to outsiders and can only be passed on to the next generation of heirs.

Zhou Biying still remembers her old mother, the fourth generation of Jiuzhitang, who officially taught her this secret.

When Zhou Biying's mother was alive, she was also like Zhou Biying now, and every year she had to personally go to the production area located in the deep mountains and old forests to purchase medicinal materials.

The last time, in the early 1970s, she wrote a letter to invite the medicinal farmers who had collected medicinal herbs for generations in their family to Wuhan, and officially told them that Zhou Biying would be the new heir of Jiuzhitang and their new boss. She said, "You're going to treat this new boss like you're treating me." The medicinal farmers quickly nodded their heads and said yes.

Since then, Zhou Biying has traveled to the mysterious valley of Jiuhua Mountain every year to buy "Tianniu" and several other key medicinal materials.

Between Zhou Biying's ancestors and the local medicine pickers, they also formed friends who crossed the era. The types of medicinal materials and specific origins collected by Zhou Biying are also kept tight to outsiders. A few years later, Zhou Biying, like her mother, gained the trust of the deep mountain medicine pickers.

They used to communicate with each other by letters. Later, Zhou Biying installed a phone for the medicine farmer's family, and then bought a mobile phone. She lamented that compared with before, it is indeed more and more convenient to contact now.

Zhou Biying also knows that one day, like her mother, she will pass on this secret to the next generation.

This trust between the Zhou Biying family and the family of deep mountain medicine pickers has spanned time and space. It is precisely because of the existence of this trust that Zhou Biying appears to be very confident when treating patients.

She said that TCM treatment eventually ended up with medicinal herbs. Only good herbs can reach the lesion part. As the saying goes, medicine to get rid of the disease, this is the truth. There are no authentic medicinal herbs, and even the most clever doctors are lacking in skill.

Therefore, when Zhou Biying saw a doctor, she only used her own drugs. It is not a medicine that she personally collected and acquired, or a medicine that she has not been to and has an unknown source, Zhou Biying does not dare to use it, because she cannot believe it.

It can be said that the biggest difference between folk old Chinese medicine and academic doctors lies in their tireless pursuit of authentic medicinal materials. This pursuit simply reaches a state of obsession.

For the TCM family, they all have their own fixed supply of medicinal materials, and they are secretive. After having a good source of medicinal herbs, they also have to continue to search across the country, after all, a place is not safe.

For a family of Chinese medicine, whether they are in a downtown area or hidden in a township, they have been searching for authentic medicinal materials all their lives. ★

A hermit in the mountains and medicine pickers

Rare medicinal herbs: Bamboo ginseng

"Zhiyuan Reading City": Write the hundred states of life into the landscape

Producer: Wu Zhiyuan Communication Scholar

Head of Preparation of Hubei Self-Media Association (2018)

Consultant of Hubei Hometown Association and General Chamber of Commerce of Western Australia (2017)

Honorary President of Hubei Planning Association (2014)

Member of Hubei Youth Federation (2011)

Vice President of Hubei Tea Society (2009)

Hubei Top Ten Outstanding Young Journalists (2007)

Hubei Daily Media Group's First Famous Pen (2004)

He is committed to brand integration communication, creative writing, agricultural communication and new media application research

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