
Why would a stranger burst into a large field? After 68 years, who will solve this mystery? What kind of ending he had

author:Yan Shujun

#头条创作挑战赛 #

On an ordinary and ordinary day, how many young people who are determined to correct the bow of the ship of history sit in a restaurant of about ten square meters and hold the greatest meeting? Where do they all come from? What is your name? Where was this extremely secret meeting chosen in the French Concession of Shanghai?

The highly confidential meeting went smoothly, but what unexpected happened on the last day of the meeting? How did the sudden intrusion of a stranger in a gray cloth robe change the meeting? Why did The International Representative Marin strike the table with his hand and make what decision?

For a stranger who breaks into the venue, the delegates are witnesses, what kind of account do they have afterwards? There are common memories, but what are the different expressions? Who would deal with the venue surrounded by police? What does it mean to have a thrill, a blessing in misfortune?

The stranger who broke into the venue was a secret agent from the French Concession, but what was his origin and what was his name? What kind of mystery is this for the delegates? Who solved this mystery through whose memories after 68 years? What was the end of this secret agent's life?

On July 23, 1921, a day worth remembering forever, a new page was opened in china's modern history, and the first congress of the Communist Party of China was held at the apartment of Li Shucheng and Li Hanjun brothers at No. 106 Wangzhi Road (now No. 76 Xingye Road) in the French Concession of Shanghai. This is a two-storey brick and wood structure, which is a typical Shanghai Shikumen-style building. The meeting was held in the living room on the first floor, and the venue was simply furnished but the atmosphere was solemn.

A total of 13 delegates attended the CPC Congress. They were: Li Da and Li Hanjun of the Shanghai group; Dong Biwu and Chen Tanqiu of the Wuhan group; Mao Zedong and He Shuheng of the Changsha group; Wang Gemei and Deng Enming of the Jinan group; Zhang Guotao and Liu Renjing of the Beijing group; Chen Gongbo of the Guangzhou group; Zhou Fohai of the group traveling to Japan; and Bao Huisheng, a representative appointed by Chen Duxiu from Guangzhou. Representatives of the Comintern, Marin and Nikolsky, also attended the congress. Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao did not attend the meeting due to busy affairs.

Why would a stranger burst into a large field? After 68 years, who will solve this mystery? What kind of ending he had

The first congress of the Communist Party of China

It was an extremely secret assembly. However, in the middle of the conference, an uninvited guest "wearing a gray cloth robe" came in from the alley and directly pushed open the back door and crashed into the venue.

This day is July 30, which is the sixth and final meeting of the Communist Party of China. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Guotao, with Mao Zedong as the recorder. The man who was looking for the president of the Federation of Social Associations suddenly broke in and left in a hurry. This made Marin, a representative of the Comintern, who had a wealth of experience in underground struggles, immediately realize the seriousness of the situation. He hit the table and got up: abort the meeting and move away immediately. This proposal of his changed the course of a major meeting of the Cpc. As mentioned in the ccp's report to the Comintern after the meeting, "In order for the Congress to continue to meet, it was necessary to go to a small nearby city. ”

This small city is Jiaxing, Zhejiang.

Regarding the meeting, someone suddenly broke in, and the parties attending the meeting later had their own memories, and the earliest person to recall the incident was Chen Gongbo, who wrote in his memoir "Cold Wind Collection":

One night, something changed. We had a meeting on the Hanjun Building, and before anyone had arrived, the international representatives Marin and Nikorowski had also arrived, and suddenly a servant ran upstairs to report that there was a suspicious-looking man who asked the manager if he was at home, and the servant was also alert and hurried upstairs to report. As soon as the international delegates heard this, or because of their long experience, they immediately advocated dissolution, and I think everyone was already a little panicked, and when they heard Marin advocating dissolution, they all opened the front door and fled separately.

For this matter, Zhang Guotao also had more detailed memories in his later years:

Around seven o'clock that night... Just as the meeting was about to be announced, suddenly a stranger opened the curtain of the study, spied on it, said" "I found the wrong person's house", and turned away. We were all alert to the fact that this man might be an undercover agent in the French Concession. I immediately asked everyone to pack up the documents and prepare to leave immediately, and to translate the matter to Marin and Nikorowski. Marin was very alert, jumped up from his seat, struck the table with his hand, and said, "I suggest stopping immediately, and all the people are leaving in separate ways."

Why would a stranger burst into a large field? After 68 years, who will solve this mystery? What kind of ending he had

South Lake Red Boat

For this person who broke into a large conference, the delegates to a large meeting have written in their memoirs: Liu Renjing said that "suddenly there was a person"; Li Da said that he was an "uninvited guest"; Zhang Guotao said that it was a "stranger"; Chen Gongbo said that he was a "suspicious-looking person"; Bao Hui monk recalled that he "wore a gray bamboo cloth coat"; Chen Tanqiu said that he was "a man in a long shirt with a roe deer's head." Although they have some disagreements about the specific "form" of the person, the attitude of the stranger is good, "sorry" is a consistent recall that almost all the recallers hear and have consistency, and it is clear that the stranger does not want to hit the grass and startle the snake.

Less than 15 minutes after the meeting deputies were evacuated, two police cars came from the patrol house, they surrounded the Li Mansion, and then rushed into the Mansion to rummage through boxes and cabinets and search them closely. Because nothing of value was found, they had to go away.

On the tenth day after a major meeting, Chen Gongbo wrote "Chunshenpu in the Ten-Day Journey". The article recounts the scene after the secret agent broke into the venue. Because the article was published in the public magazine "New Youth", some words were hidden:

...... I don't want to immediately come to a French inspector, two French detectives, two Chinese detectives, a French soldier, three translators, that French soldier is fully armed, two Chinese detectives, also open their eyebrows, to take people at once. The inspector asked us first, why the meeting? We replied that he was not in a meeting, but just a normal conversation. He asked which country were our two professors? I replied that he was British. The chief inspector was very suspicious, and immediately gave the order to strictly search and inspect, so he rummaged through the box and searched the box and harassed it for two hours.

...... The detective told me that he had misidentified me for Japanese, that the two professors were Russian Communists, and that was why he had come to search for them. At that time, they also searched, but the most coincidental thing was that my friend Mr. Li was a very good expert in learning, and there were many books in the family, as well as foreign literary sciences and subsets of Chinese scriptures. But these foreign gentlemen only recognize Marx's economic books in English, but not the classics of China's Confucius and Mencius.

After searching, he smiled at us and said: "Looking at your collection of books can confirm that you are socialists, but I think that socialism or the future will be of great interest to China, but today education has not yet been popularized, and advocating socialism will inevitably be dangerous." Today I could have sealed the house and arrested you, but I see that you still have people with intellectual status, so I have to be accommodating..."

Why would a stranger burst into a large field? After 68 years, who will solve this mystery? What kind of ending he had

Cheng Ziqing, a secret agent who broke into the first session of the Communist Party of China

In 1944, Chen Gongbo wrote "Me and the Chinese Communist Party." In this reminiscence article he adds an important plot:

(Secret agents) have seen everything, except for a draft outline of the Communist Party organization in the drawer, but they have never paid attention, or they have paid attention to the ordnance, or they have paid attention to the secret places and not to the open places, or because the outline is written on a thin piece of paper and has been changed to a mess, they think it is an insignificant piece of shredded paper, and they do not even look at it...

Li Hanjun, who was left at the venue at the time, calmly and calmly negotiated with the police detectives. Because the place where the meeting was held at that time was also the social communication office of the "New Era Series", it was an agency specializing in translation and publication. Li Hanjun was also proficient in English, German, and French, and through the "dialogue" with the person who had broken into the venue, he understood that this intruder was a secret agent in the patrol house of the French Concession. However, the venue was searched, but it was not damaged in any way, which was to a considerable extent due to the cover of the "New Era Series" and Li Hanjun's "improvisation". However, the only thing, at that time, Li Hanjun did not ask, and perhaps could not ask. The name of the secret agent who broke into the venue became a mystery.

What is even more unexpected is that this mystery has been hidden for 68 years, until 1998, when the mystery was solved.

In 1998, the famous writer Ye Yonglie learned from Zhongshu Huang, the director of the Shanghai Film Studio, that there was an old man named Xue Gengxin, who had worked in the Patrol House of the French Concession in Shanghai for many years, and he probably knew the secret agent.

Therefore, Ye Yonglie interviewed Xue Gengxin. Subsequently, in his book "The Red Starting Point", Ye Yonglie disclosed Xue Gengxin's situation and some "historical facts" that no one else knew, and also unveiled for the first time the secret agent named Cheng Ziqing who broke into the "big one" of the CPC that year.

Xue Gengxin, born in Shanghai, came to Belgium at the age of 9. Later, he returned to Shanghai and worked in the French daily newspaper in Shanghai. In 1929, Xue Gengxin was admitted to the French Concession Patrol House as a plainclothes police officer, and later served as a translator for the Social Section of the Political Department. Later, Cheng Ziqing returned to Xue Gengxin's hands and continued to serve as a secret agent. The two work together and get along well. Later, Cheng Ziqing told Xue Gengxin the secret of breaking into the Communist Party venue.

Why would a stranger burst into a large field? After 68 years, who will solve this mystery? What kind of ending he had

Xue Gengxin (third from left) and Cheng Ziqing (second from left)

So, how did the secret agents in the French Concession know about the convening of a major founding congress of the Communist Party of China?

In fact, this matter has to do with Marin. Marin, a world professional revolutionary, was arrested in April 1921 in Vienna, Austria, on a visa to travel to China, and after his release, Malin became a close target of police in various countries. After Malin left for China, his whereabouts have been under close surveillance. When Marin arrived in Shanghai on 3 June, he registered with the Dutch Consulate General in Shanghai, and if he did not register, he was in danger of being deported. Marin is public in Shanghai as a Shanghai correspondent for the local economist magazine.

By this time, the concession police had received information that the communist organization was meeting in Shanghai. At the end of June, the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department received information that the "Shanghai Communist Party of China" will soon convene a meeting of representatives from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuhu, Anqing, Zhenjiang, and other places, and the Japanese will also participate. Although the report mistakenly changed the scheduled meeting date to "June 30", the meeting place was indeed "Baylor Road, French Concession in Shanghai" (now Huangpi South Road). According to the diplomatic practice of the time, the intelligence of the Japanese police had to be reported to the authorities of various countries in Shanghai. Therefore, after Marin arrived in Shanghai, the secret agents had clearly investigated his whereabouts and recorded it. When Marin came to the Lee Mansion for a meeting, he had already aroused the vigilance of the French Concession authorities.

Not only that, but the French Concession authorities immediately formulated a regulation on the information obtained, namely the "Ordinance on the Suppression of Assemblies" reported by the Shanghai newspaper on July 31. The ordinance stipulates that from 1 August onwards, any assembly must obtain the permission of the Chief of the French Concession Police Department 48 hours in advance, and those who assemble in secret or do not state the purpose of the assembly shall be punished if they are discovered.

The French Concession Patrol Sent Cheng Ziqing to break into the Li Mansion to investigate, and this opportunistic act seemed to be a "mistaken collision", but it was actually intentional. And Xue Gengxin's explanation quoting Cheng Ziqing is also more special:

In the week leading up to July 1, 1921, plainclothes patrols of the Central Patrol House stopped two suspicious-looking men while on a routine patrol of the public road, Saposai Road (present-day Tamsui Road), who spoke a northern dialect, followed by two grenades on them. After the judicial police brought them back to the political group of the patrol house, we interrogated the two men and finally learned that the Beijing government promised to give them 10,000 oceans if they could throw the two grenades where the Communist Party was meeting. They also revealed that one of the 12 leaders of the Red regime, who was about to meet on July 1, had betrayed information about the meeting to Marshal Duan Qirui, which was considered the day of the founding of the Communist Party. In light of these circumstances, I reported the matter to the head of the criminal group, Mr. Chazal, hoping to inform the Communist Party leaders to relocate the venue of the founding congress of the Communist Party.

Xue Gengxin said in his French version of his memoirs that Cheng Ziqing had told him many times about the intrusion into the venue, so his memory was very clear. He even believed that Cheng Ziqing had deliberately let the Communists go.

Due to Cheng Ziqing's intrusion, the CCP had to be suspended and moved to Jiaxing South Lake to hold a meeting on the last day.

Cheng Ziqing was originally an insignificant little person, but he left his name in history by breaking into the first congress of the Communist Party of China. Just write the beginning of the history of the Ccp, and his name is destined to appear at the same time as the founders of the party.

What kind of person is Cheng Ziqing, and what kind of life ending?

Cheng Ziqing was a native of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, and was born on March 3, 1882. After entering a private school from a young age, he went to junior high school and was considered a cultural person. Later, he went to Zhenjiang Rice Shop as an apprentice, and practiced his arm strength in the Rice Shop. Before 1900, Cheng Ziqing traveled from Zhenjiang to Shanghai to make a living. Worked as a porter at the Sixteen Shops Wharf. There, he became acquainted with Jin Jinrong, the leader of the Shanghai Gang, and became known as "Huang Laoda" (Jin Jinrong), "Ding Lao'er" (Ding Shunhua), and "Cheng Laosan" (Cheng Ziqing). And because of his dark skin, nicknamed "Black Skin Ziqing", he belongs to the "Wu" character of the Qing Gang. In 1905, through the introduction of Jin Jinrong, Cheng Ziqing entered the French patrol house as a patrol, and later promoted to the political group of the criminal section.

On July 30, 1921, after Breaking into the CCP's "Big One" venue, Cheng Ziqing discovered something strange, so he quickly returned to the police station and transferred people to surround the "Big One" venue. After the "One Big", Cheng Ziqing and Jin Jinrong also arrested the CCP leader Chen Duxiu twice at the same time.

On October 6, 1921, the 14th edition of the "Declaration" reported: Chen Duxiu, who lived in the New Concession area of the Law of Residence, was discovered by the special organs' inspectors Jin Jinrong and Bao Duan cheng Ziqing because of his editing of books on communism, socialism, Laborism, and New Youth.

On August 10, 1922, Shanghai", "Current Affairs News" reported: Chen Duxiu's residence in the French Concession Huanlong Road Mingdri No. 2, yesterday (9th) was arrested by the special organ of the Special Organ of the General Inspection House of the Law, Xi Dana, together with inspectors Jin Jinrong, Hua Detective Cheng Ziqing, Li Yousheng, Bao Tan Cao Yiqing and others, and brought into the Lujiawan (citation note: that is, Lujiawan) General Patrol Room, waiting for the public court to interrogate.

In 1927, Cheng Ziqing participated in the "April 12" coup d'état and was awarded the "Qingtian White Sun Third Class" medal. Hu Hanmin and Wang Jingwei gave him a scroll of his own calligraphy, which really excited him for several days.

In the French Concession, Cheng Ziqing also did some useful work for the Communist Party, progressives, and leftists of the Kuomintang. He participated in the activities of the China Civil Rights Protection League led by Soong Ching Ling and facilitated the development of the activities; Some CCP members were arrested and released after Song Qingling and others "dredged" him; Participated in the investigation of the assassination of Yang Xingfo by Kuomintang agents; After a Kuomintang agent kidnapped Deng Yanda, the leader of the Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, in the French Concession and was destroyed by the house patrol, Cheng Ziqing asked Song Qingling to relay to Deng Yanda: "It is best to warn the house to send someone to protect him, so as to prevent accidents." Cheng Ziqing once said that "I am also a believer now, and I am willing to follow the truth to behave and do things", and his behavior has aroused the dissatisfaction of right-wing elements in the Kuomintang.

Why would a stranger burst into a large field? After 68 years, who will solve this mystery? What kind of ending he had

In 1968, Xue Gengxin confessed about Cheng Ziqing's intrusion into a large conference hall

Between 1931 and 1936, Cheng Ziqing received seven anonymous warning letters, the last two of which were accompanied by bullets. Cheng Ziqing was assassinated near Dapu Bridge on Xujiahui Road in Shanghai. After that, when Cheng Ziqing commuted to work, the French Concession Patrol House sent personnel to escort him for half a year, until the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

After the founding of New China, Cheng Ziqing stayed in Shanghai and was censored by the government for political issues. At this time, he thought of Song Qingling, so he turned to Song Qingling for help. After Song Qingling went out to explain to the relevant departments, he was not arrested and imprisoned. Cheng Ziqing later recalled: "Because he did some good things to the people, when he was censored after liberation, Mr. Soong Ching Ling tried to protect him, and only during his old age and illness was he not detained... Nor was he suspected of being a spy bought off by imperialism. ”

Song Qingling can prove for Cheng Ziqing, there is a big reason to repay the situation. Once the Kuomintang secret service agency has been monitoring Song Qingling, but can only be on the periphery, can not go deep, learned that Song Qingling's nanny Li Yan'e is single, so they selected a male agent to fall in love with Li Yan'e, in order to break into Song Qingling's home. After Cheng Ziqing learned of this information, he quietly told Song Qingling the identity of the beautiful man, so that Song Qingling could see through this "beautiful man plan" in time.

Cheng Ziqing and his wife Yang Jingde married in 1920, and soon after their marriage, the two joined the Catholic Church together and had two daughters and a son. They originally built four three-storey new lane houses in Lane 137, Jianguo Middle Road (Xue Huali Road) in Shanghai. In addition to one of the buildings, the other 3 are rented. In cheng ziqing's later years, he relied on collecting rent and lived a worry-free life.

On September 27, 1961, Cheng Ziqing died of illness in his private residence on Jianguo Middle Road at the age of 79.

In 1980, Cheng Ziqing's wife, Yang Jingde, died of pneumonia at the age of 83.

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