
There are thousands of arthritis classifications to take you to understand the common and frequent arthritis

author:Rheumatology encyclopedia

The human body is formed by the connection of joints, and the cavity in the connective tissue between bones and bones is the joint.

Arthritis is a clinical manifestation of inflammation around the joint capsule, muscles and tendons that occur pathologically, is a common, frequent, more harmful disease to human health, patients are mostly young adults, often due to chronic arthritis and joint rigidity, walking limp, resulting in lifelong disability.

There are thousands of arthritis classifications to take you to understand the common and frequent arthritis

The medicine of the motherland believes that the meridians of the muscle surface of all human bodies are invaded by the three evils of wind, cold and wet, which make the qi

Poor blood flow causes pain, soreness, weight, and numbness in the muscles, muscles, joints, etc

And joint enlargement, inconvenience of extension and other symptoms, collectively known as paralysis. Arthritis falls under the "paralysis" range.

Human joints are divided into:

Immovable joints, such as the cranial suture of the skull; less moving joints, such as sacroiliac joints, intervertebral joints; live

Moving joints, such as hips, ankles, elbows, wrists, etc., most of the joints of the human body are movable joints. The basic structure of a typical joint, including the joint surface and its parts covering cartilage, joint capsules, joint cavities, etc.

There is a small amount of synovial fluid in the joint capsule, which plays the role of lubricating the joint and nourishing the joint cartilage.

Arthritis has acute arthritis and chronic arthritis, and its pathogenesis is many, such as cold, cold, humidity, fatigue, malnutrition, traumatic infection, autoimmune reaction, metabolic disorders, and physical and chemical poisoning. Among them, autoimmune arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculous allergic arthritis, etc.; metabolic disorder arthritis, such as gouty arthritis; infectious arthritis, such as bacteria, viruses and other infectious arthritis; hematopathic arthritis, such as hemophilic arthritis; physical and chemical factor arthritis, such as lead, fluorotoxic arthritis, frostbite arthritis, etc. Arthritis of other causes or causes unknown, such as osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, etc.

There are thousands of arthritis classifications to take you to understand the common and frequent arthritis

These causes are closely related to occupation, working environment and climatic conditions, such as geological exploration, underground and underwater operations and forest harvesting, etc. Due to the influence of humid factors all year round, the chance of rheumatoid and rheumatoid arthritis is more. Due to the cold climate in the northern region of China, there are more people suffering from osteoarthritis.

Due to professional relations, carpenters and forgers are prone to osteoarthritis of the elbow joint, and porters and excavators are also prone to osteoarthritis due to long-term weight bearing of joints. Women and pianists are more likely to suffer from arthritis between their fingers because they are highly susceptible to damage.

Patients with arthritis have different symptoms due to different degrees of onset: some swelling is obvious but the pain is not significant, and some are not red and swollen, but the degree of pain is more severe. However, in general, arthritis is often locally manifested as redness, swelling, heat, pain, dysfunction, and even effusion, bleeding or suppuration in the joint cavity, and individual symptoms may appear, or inflammation may coexist with systemic diseases.

In terms of age, rheumatoid arthritis is more common before the age of 20 years, rheumatoid arthritis is more common between the ages of 20 and 40 years, and osteoarthritis is more common in the age of 40 to 60 years.

There are thousands of arthritis classifications to take you to understand the common and frequent arthritis

The diagnosis of arthritis is not difficult, and you should seek medical attention as soon as you find symptoms. Through clinical examination, supplemented by laboratory tests and X-ray examinations, a definitive diagnosis can generally be obtained.

In the treatment of arthritis, nutrition should generally be increased, appropriate rest should be taken to avoid injury, cold, and humidity, and attention should be paid to the exercise of joint function to prevent joint deformities and muscle atrophy. For radical treatment of the cause, such as recurrent inflammation or suppuration of the tonsils, tonsillar excision and treatment of primary lesions and systemic diseases should be performed. In addition to taking drugs, symptomatic treatment can also use occlusion, massage, acupuncture and other therapies.

In the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, for joint swelling and pain, not red and not hot, wandering uncertainly, rainy and aggravated when cold, thin tongue, tight pulse strings of the wind and cold and wet paralysis, mostly to dispel the wind and cold, warm menstrual pain, with aconitum soup plus or minus; for joint redness and swelling and heat pain, cold and comfortable, fever and thirst, upset, red tongue moss yellow, smooth pulse strings and a few rheumatic fever paralysis, more use heat and dampness, wind circulation, with gypsum zhimu guizhi soup flavor; phlegm obstruction, joint swelling pain, long-term deformity, subcutaneous knots, obscure face, tongue with bruises, moss thin, Those with astringent pulses use expectorant sputum, dredge the meridians, and add and subtract with pain and stasis soup, which is generally ideal.

However, if traumatic arthritis or joint rigidity occurs, or even severe deformities, causing severe joint dysfunction, surgery or artificial joint replacement is recommended.