
Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

author:UFO House

Apes are also referred to as apes, belong to the primates, and are the most intelligent animals among all primates, very close to humans, currently on the earth, apes mainly live in the tropical forests of Africa and Southeast Asia, and many are not clear about the difference between apes, monkeys and apes, according to biological evolution, apes evolved from monkeys, and apes evolved from apes, and then apes evolved into primitive humans, and finally primitive humans evolved into modern humans. But when many people see the behavior of the apes, they feel cold and ignorant, because many of the behaviors of the apes are incomprehensible, and the following is to introduce the relevant information about the apes.

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

Characteristics of apes

Apes are the most advanced, intelligent, and evolved animals in the primate order besides humans, with intelligence two-fifths of that of humans. Has a complex brain. The number and structure of teeth, the position of the eye, the shape of the outer ear, the cecumcoccum worm process, the thoracic cage, and the blood type are all similar to humans. The gestation period is 7 to 9 months, and the life expectancy is quite long, ranging from 30 to 50 years, which is half or even more than half of human beings. It also has no tail, no cheek sac, and no gluteal warts. Chimpanzees are genetically identical to 99% of humans.

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

Apes have very high IQs, and when the monkey looks in the mirror, it seems to see another monkey, but the gibbon reacts differently, knowing that the ape in the mirror is itself. And the orangutans can think of ways to get their favorite food. They also make it easy to use tools.

The difference between apes and humans

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

One of the main differences between humans and apes is that humans are suitable for walking upright on two legs. This is probably the most important criterion for biologists to distinguish. Human hands are no longer walking organs, but can be used to make and use tools, and many of the morphological and structural characteristics of human beings are related to upright walking. The human head is located at the top of the spine, and the occipital bone foramen is close to the center of the base of the skull, facing downwards. The human spine is bent in an S-shape, causing the body's center of gravity to fall on the pelvis and hind limbs to reduce the vibrations of the person when walking, running or jumping. The human pelvis is wide and the hips are open to the sides, which is convenient for supporting the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and provides an attachment area for the glute muscles and some muscles that keep the body upright. The human hind limbs are long and stout, shifting the center of gravity downwards and maintaining stability. The calcaneus are enlarged and the soles of the feet are arched, which enhances the bouncing force when walking upright. Humans have larger thumbs than any ape, while palms are relatively short, thus increasing the flexibility of the human hand and the accuracy of movements. Modern apes, on the other hand, have longer forelimbs than their hindlimbs, have a higher center of gravity, and have a slightly arched spine, so they mostly use semi-upright postures when walking and standing. The fundamental differences between modern apes and humans are mainly in:

1. The degree of brain development is different

The capacity of the ape brain is about 400 mL, there is no language and writing ability, according to studies, the intelligence of the great ape can reach two-fifths of that of humans; the capacity of the human brain is about 1 200 mL, with strong thinking ability and language and writing ability.

2, the ability to make tools is different

Apes can use natural tools, but will not make tools, so in many of the relevant studies on apes will mention this problem, through the proper guidance of humans, apes can use some simple tools provided by humans to explore behavior, which is also a point where apes are closer to humans; and humans can make and use a variety of simple and complex tools, thus creating modern human civilization.

3. The way of movement is different

Great apes like to walk between the trees of the forest, so the great apes mainly rely on their arms to move, although they can also walk with their feet like humans, but more often rely on their arms to move; while humans walk upright, relying on their legs to walk, which is the biggest difference between apes and humans.

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

Species of apes

According to the appearance of the apes, the species of apes can be divided into four types, namely gibbons, orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas, as follows.

1, gibbons: gibbons are relatively small. They are produced in the forests of Yunnan, Hainan Island and Southeast Asia in China. Gibbons are the smallest of the modern great apes, with a body height of less than 1 meter and a general weight of no more than 10 kilograms. Gibbons live a completely tree life, and are good at arm practice, that is, they are good at swinging their arms from one tree to another. When they come down to the ground, they can also walk on two feet. Gibbons live in groups.

2, orangutans: they are produced in the forests of Kalimantan and Sumatra in Indonesia, with long arms, two arms up to 3.5 meters, more than twice as long as humans. Orangutans have pointed heads, small eyes and ears, well-developed jaws, and large and sharp canine teeth, which are suitable for dealing with enemies. They also have powerful weapons against the enemy. The jaw refers to the bone and muscle tissue that make up the upper and lower parts of the mouth. Orangutans are quite intellectually developed. Their brains are much larger than those of dogs, with an average brain mass of 410 cubic centimeters. An orangutan that has been hunted and raised since childhood can be trained to simulate human movements and ask it to help people do something. Their lifespan is generally 30-40 years.

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

3, chimpanzees: their coat color is black, so it is called chimpanzee. They have rounded heads, small noses, large ears, and well-developed canine teeth. Their habits are somewhat different from those of orangutans. For example, they prefer to live in groups, ranging from a dozen to thirty or forty in each group. They like to be active in the trees and spend most of their time in the trees. In nature, few beasts dare to offend them. Chimpanzees are omnivorous animals that eat many species of fruit, young leaves, insects and birds. Sometimes they also cooperate to catch monkeys to eat.

4, gorillas: the average body height of males is more than 1.7 meters, and the weight is about 210 kg. The largest gorilla was recorded, with a height of more than 2 meters and a weight of 290 kilograms. Gorillas are also forelimbs longer than their hind limbs, and their arms are extended to reach 2.7 meters. The gorilla has well-developed canine teeth and great physical strength, and there are few enemies in nature that are more powerful than it. They mainly eat fruits, young leaves, bamboo shoots and so on. They also have high intelligence, with brain volumes averaging 500 to 600 cubic centimeters. The structure of the brain is very similar to that of the human brain. But there is no language and writing ability. Scientists have analyzed that short-tailed monkeys may also be a developmental category of great apes, the evolution of limbs and the similarity of brain structure.

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

Rambling on modern apes

The Swedish biologist Linnaeus based on taxonomic characteristics , forming monkeys , apes , and humans into a " Primates " ( meaning " supercultural animal " . How are the three categories of primates distinguished? Simply put, "the one with the tail is the monkey, the tailless is the ape, and the man is walking upright." There are many types of monkeys and they are small. There are not many species of apes, only 4 species, namely orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and gibbons. In terms of kinship, humans and modern apes are the closest: they all have 32 teeth, a pair of breasts, a bare face, no tail, and the composition and connection of the bones of the whole body are very similar. The large number of fossils excavated in the past hundred years also confirms that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor, ancient apes, 25 million years ago. Therefore, the four species of apes such as orangutans are called "apes" and are "cousins" of our humans.

So, what is the current status of these "cousins"? They are all now endangered. In response, all countries have taken protective measures. China has designated gibbons as national class I protected wild animals. Here is a brief introduction to the 4 species of apes.

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

Garilla gonlla, also known as "gorilla", is the largest of the great apes, an adult male gorilla with legs erect and 1. 8 meters tall and weighs 250 kg (females are shorter and weigh 100 kg). The whole body hair is black; the dorsal abdomen of adult males is grayish white, commonly known as "silver back". The gorilla has a short head and a short neck, an ugly and terrible face; it has a shruging brow bone, concave eyes, a collapsed nose, a wide mouth, and canine teeth that are particularly developed. The arms are long, and the hands are often clenched in the shape of a fist, and the fingers walk on the ground on their backs.

There is only one species of gorillas, which is found only in the rainforests of central Africa. Due to the different habitats, it is divided into three local species: plateau, plain and lowland. Its group is generally composed of 5-10, led by a strong "silver back"; the larger group also has "two kings" and "three kings", all of which are held by strong males. Once the group is threatened, the males step forward, roaring with their teeth, pounding their chests with their fists and making a drumming sound. In fact, the personality of the gorillas is gentle, they are timid and cautious, never take the initiative to attack each other, and the vicious actions they make are only bluffs and deterrents. Gorillas are complete vegetarians, especially like to eat wild bananas, their stems, young leaves, eat a large amount of food, eat about 25 kilograms of food a day. The breeding period is not fixed, the gestation period is 240-280 days; each litter, about 10 years old, matures, and the life expectancy is 30-40 years. Today, the number of gorillas is becoming increasingly rare, about 3,000 or so.

Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) have sparse reddish-brown hairs all over their bodies, also known as "red apes". It is slightly smaller than a gorilla and has 1. 5 meters tall and weighing 75-100 kg; females are smaller and weigh about 40 kg. Older males have noticeable skin stiffness (meat pads) on both sides of the face; as they age, the folding of the skin grows larger and larger, even extending to the larynx; it is larger after inflation and has a resonant effect when vocalizing.

Orangutans are found only in the tropical forests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sarawak in Asia. Docile and withdrawn personality, do not like to group, go alone. Slow in movement, with high tree climbing skills, he often uses his forelimbs to grab branches and wander around the forest. Nest in trees, the nest is simple, made of leaves, only sleep and abandoned. Whenever it rains heavily, pick large banana leaves to shade. It mainly eats wild vegetables, young leaves, insects and bird eggs. Breed every 4 years, one litter per litter, 9 months of pregnancy, one and a half years of lactation. Mature at 10 years old, life expectancy 30-40 years. There are currently fewer than 5,000 orangutans.

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

The panhozoan (pan hododytes) is black all over, so it is also called "black ape". Height 1 when upright. 1—1. 6 meters, weight 45-80 kg. The limbs are thick and the snout is prominent, with two larger "fan ears".

Chimpanzees are found in tropical rainforests in central Africa, in flocks of six or seven to large flocks of fifty or sixty. The members of the group are not fixed, they come and go, and they do not have a fixed spouse. Each litter has a gestation period of 242 days; mature around 10 years old, and 40 years old is old age. The diet is more varied, mainly berries, fresh leaves, young branches, etc., but also eats bird eggs, insects, and also catches small wild sheep, small wild boars and small monkeys. It has been observed that they also kill their own kind of pups and eat their flesh, which is rare in higher animals. Chimpanzees are lively and active, not only good at climbing trees, but also on the ground to walk upright or run on all fours. Nesting in trees at night to sleep, known as the "god of the forest". There are currently about 10,000 chimpanzees.

There is also a type of invasion of chimpanzees (Pan panis · CH$), body length only 0. 6 meters, dark face. They inhabit only the tropical rainforest south of the Congo River, and their long, narrow and sparse distribution areas make them rare.

Gibbons (Hylobates) are small apes found only in the tropical and subtropical forests of southeastern Asia. In addition to the 4 species of gibbons native to China, there are: 1. The Zygote gibbon (H. syn·dactylus)。 Also known as the "Malaysian Gibbon", it is the largest of the gibbons and is found in Malaysia and Sumatra. 2. Bochon gibbon (H. klossii)。 Also known as "Klein gibbon", it is found on several small islands west of Sumatra. 3. Silver-white gibbon (H. moloch)。 Distributed in Java. 4. Min gibbon (H. agilis), also known as "white-handed gibbons", are found in the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand and Sumatra. 5. Gray gibbon (H. muel-left)。 It is found in Borneo.

The great apes may be a type of mermaid

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

According to the British "Daily Mail" report, the research theory recently released by the Animal Planet Channel in the United States believes that there may indeed be creatures similar to "mermaids" in the ocean, and their real bodies are a branch of ancient apes in the process of evolving into humans - "sea apes".

According to this theory, in the process of the evolution of ancient apes into early humans, some ancient apes entered the water to live and became "sea apes", which may gradually disappear and be forgotten by humans in the process of evolution, but they have been passed down in human memory in the form of "mermaids".

Charlie Foley of animal planet channel said: "This is a very radical theory about the evolutionary history of humanity, but we are approaching the truth of this ancient mystery. This prompts us to think that mermaids may not be more than mythical creatures. ”

Although theories like "sea apes" are often seen as pseudoscience, there is a lot of evidence that early humans did live near the oceans and that they had amazing seafaring abilities very early on. Tools used by cavemen 100,000 years ago have been found on the main Greek mainland and on nearby islands, proving that they were able to travel by boat.

Foley added: "Humans are significantly different from other primates, but have many characteristics similar to those of marine mammals, such as web-like structures between fingers and subcutaneous fat." In addition, we have the instinct to swim and control our breathing. Humans can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes, much longer than other terrestrial creatures. ”

Evolution of great apes

Ape-like creatures, did humans really evolve from it?

Genetic studies have shown that the genes of humans and apes (gorillas, chimpanzees and other orangutans) differ by only a few percent. But if we strip naked and stand in the orangutan group, we will be surprised to find that we are so different from them, it is a world of difference.

For example, we can walk upright and move freely, but they can only bend their backs and land on all fours. Even if you stand up by chance and take a few steps, you are crooked from side to side, swaying from side to side because they are flat feet. Our heads are large and round, our foreheads protruding, our faces straight, and our teeth small and dense, arranged in an arc.

They have small, pointed heads, a reclined forehead, high brow bones, large and prominent mouths, and large, sparse teeth. Our upper limbs are short and thin, our lower limbs are thick and long, our hands are very flexible, and our feet are perpendicular to our calves. They have long upper limbs, arms over the knees, short legs, and a circle of curved legs. We have hair on our heads and eyebrows above our eyes. If adults have hairs under their armpits and genitals, males will grow beards.

They are hairy all over the body, and only the palms and soles of the feet are smooth. We can speak, write, think quickly, and be able to accurately express our feelings and meanings. They can only have monotonous voices, whimpering and screaming, and their intelligence seems to be inferior to that of a three-year-old child.

Since we are close relatives, why is there such a huge difference? It starts with human evolution.

Ancient Africa was a hot continent covered in large areas of tropical rainforest and inhabited by some ancient apes. Later, due to the movement of the earth's crust, east Africa gradually uplifted, the East African rift valley began to form, and the climate became drier and drier. By about 15 million years, the climate was getting drier and drier, and the area of forests began to decrease and be replaced by large areas of grassland. The Rama ancient ape, who had originally lived in the forest, then descended to the ground and entered the grassland. Other apes continue to remain in the forest.

The grasslands are very open, and the apes must look everywhere for food, but also be on the lookout for lurking predators, such as lion attacks. Often there are cases where they find a little food, such as a few bananas, just want to eat, but suddenly rush out of a lion. They had to flee for their lives in a hurry, but they were reluctant to throw away the hard-won food, so they had to hold it on their forelimbs and run on two hind legs. Running around like this, finally learning to walk upright, is the first step in the parting of humans and apes. This step is not a small step, so that the apes that enter the grasslands begin to evolve in a completely different direction.

The apes that stood up, with a wider field of vision, could see farther and more things. The activities are flexible and you can run more roads at a faster speed. The forelimbs are freed up and more can be done, improving the efficiency of the action and the odds of survival.

The weight of the whole body is pressed on the legs, the legs become thick and powerful, and the soles of the feet appear to be bowed and bent for easy walking. All these adaptive changes promote the further development of the brain and enhance the ability to think.

As the brain volume grows larger, the head becomes larger, the top of the head becomes flattened, the forehead protrudes forward, and the raised brow bone gradually disappears. They originally fed on plants, similar to today's gorillas and chimpanzees. Chewing plants requires well-developed molars, so the jaws are long and the mouth protrudes forward.

That's why all herbivores have long faces. After learning to use tools, the success rate of hunting increased, the opportunity to eat meat became more and more numerous, the cutting teeth became more and more important, the canine teeth and molars became smaller and denser, the teeth began to rearrange, from the original two rows of parallel to a curved arc, the mouth gradually became smaller, the chin contracted back, the nose bulged, and the face tended to be vertical, gradually tending to the way we are today. Foods with high protein not only strengthen the body, but also promote brain development. With simple language, they make each other more connected. By about 2.5 million years ago, the manufacture of tools began.

Thus, the evolution of human beings entered a higher stage, from apes to primitive humans, called "capable people"

Conclusion: "Through the analysis of early human skeletons living in the area of present-day Kenya 6 million years ago, scientists have found that human ancestors first began to walk upright at that time. "According to the theory of evolution, apes are actually the ancestors of humans, but what we need to know is that in nature, the emergence and development of organisms have their own laws, as mentioned above, perhaps there is indeed a branch of apes on the seabed, but we have not found it. And what we know is that in the early book knowledge has been taught, the reason why human beings can appear is because human ancestors can take the initiative to come down from the tree, although this statement is a bit excessive, but it is also a very intuitive explanation.

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