
The world's most famous dog, the Migru Rabbit

author:Like O Yellow Crane

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The Migru Hound is also known as the Beagle and the Beagle. It is one of the world's famous dog breeds and belongs to the hunting dog in classification. The legend of Migru's name comes from the French word "beagle", which means small. It is regarded as a hunting dog in the United Kingdom, and because of its small size, it is specially used to hunt rabbits, so it has the title of "rabbit hound". The Barking of the Migru Hound is higher than that of other hounds, so it is known as the "Bell of the Forest".

The Migru Hound led the United States in the 1950s and was very popular. Long before that, the dog was already loved in Britain. Queen Elizabeth I once owned a group of beagles, and her bodyguards loved to take them for a run on the soccer field. As early as 500 years before the Queen came to power, there were small beagles, which were used to hunt small prey, which is what we see today as the Migru Rabbit Hound.

The world's most famous dog, the Migru Rabbit

What we didn't expect was that the Migru Hound could be widely known as a popular print called "Happy Beagle" at that time. Paison ▪ Hannywood's well-preserved collection of well-proportioned, small-scale paintings is not only regarded as a treasure by the art world, but also has a certain value in history. In the hunter circle at that time, those who had not seen these prints were equivalent to not knowing what a rabbit hound was.

The Head of the Migru Rabbit Is Strong and Not Rough, with no folds or wrinkles. The pigmentation of the head should conform to the gentle expression of Migru, the skull is slightly raised, the width is moderate, and the point is slightly pointed. The nose is wide, the ideal color is black, the light colored hounds allow less pigmentation, and the nostrils are wide. The muzzle is a good size, not pointed, and the lips have a moderate sagging. The eyes are dark brown or light brown, quite large, not deeply sunken or too prominent. The ears are long, rounded at the tip of the ear, and almost reach the tip of the nose when elongated. The ears are low and well textured, and the ears are gracefully sagging close to the cheeks.

The world's most famous dog, the Migru Rabbit

The Beagle has a straight back, a strong waist without losing softness, an abdomen that does not contract excessively, and a smooth hip. The tail is strong, the tail root is high, and it is lifted cheerfully, but does not roll over the back or tilt forward from the root. The limbs are thick, the bone mass is good, the muscles are developed, the feet are compact, and the foot pads are plump. The coat is short and thick and resistant to wind and rain. Coat color is available in three colours (black, tan and white); blue, white and tan; Badger variegation; Rabbit variegation; Lemon variegation; Lemon and white; Red and white; Tan and white; Black and white; All white. In addition to being all white, the above colors can be markings. Other colors are not allowed. The tip of the tail is white. Measuring between approximately 13 and 15 inches and weighing 18-30 pounds, it is a standard medium-sized dog.

The world's most famous dog, the Migru Rabbit

In addition to their cute appearance, the Migru Hound is warm, friendly, clean by nature, and they also like children. They are masters of rabbit hunting, good partners for hunters, and happy friends who increase the interest of family life. Although the Migru Hound has a lively and cheerful personality, it is not a pet suitable for every family. The reason is that the Migru Hound's curiosity, the amount of activity it needs and the amount of time it spends playing with, and its roar when it is dissatisfied or stuffy, are not suitable for breeding in urban apartments. And the Migru Rabbit Hound is a 100% group animal, so if it is just the only pet in your home, it is best to be mentally prepared that the Migru Rabbit Hound is a "destruction king".

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