
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida instructed an investigation into the "Unification Church," and nearly half of the LDP members of the Diet were involved in the church

author:Political knowledge new media

Written by | Li Yan

China News Agency disclosed on October 17 that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida instructed an investigation into issues related to the Unification Church on the same day.

or will apply for a dissolution order

On October 17, China News Agency quoted Japanese media sources as saying that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida instructed Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Keiko Nagaoka to investigate the Unification Church's involvement in the sale of "spiritual objects" in accordance with the "Religious Legal Person Law."

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida instructed an investigation into the "Unification Church," and nearly half of the LDP members of the Diet were involved in the church

According to the report, around the high donations of the Unification Church and the sale of "spiritual objects", the Japanese group of governmental experts has pointed out that it is necessary to apply for a "dissolution order" and investigate it in accordance with the "Religious Legal Persons Law". Kishida said earlier in an interview with the media that he would consider strict countermeasures.

According to surging news reports, the report released by the Japanese Consumer Affairs Bureau Inspiration Business Law Expert Seminar on the 17th said that the "Unification Church" violated the law, committed acts that obviously harmed the public's welfare, or was suspected of violating the original purpose of religious groups, and asked the government to investigate. In addition, the National Inspired Business Law Lawyers Liaison Association, which is dedicated to helping victims of the "Unification Church", has submitted a request to the government to dissolve the "Unification Church".

Keiko Nagaoka said at a press conference on the 17th that immediate measures will be taken to effectively advance the investigation, and the government will judge whether to apply to the court for a dissolution order against the "Unification Church" based on the investigation.

Collective fornication and wanton enrichment

The assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has attracted attention from all walks of life.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida instructed an investigation into the "Unification Church," and nearly half of the LDP members of the Diet were involved in the church

"Daily Economic News" published an article on the 17th, saying that the suspect in the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Toru Yamagami, also confessed that his mother caused his family to collapse due to the influence of the "Unification Church", and he assassinated Abe who is closely related to the Unification Church in retaliation for the church.

At that time, the Japanese police revealed that Toru Yamagami also confessed: "In the past, my family members became followers of a religious group (Unification Church) and donated money to this group, resulting in hardship. As a result, the "Unification Church" has become the focus of public opinion by selling "spiritual objects" and other methods to oppress believers.

Previously, China Youth Network reprinted an article on the China Anti-Cult Network revealing that the "Unification Church" was originally called the "World Association of Christian Unity Gods", and later changed its name to the "World Federation of Peaceful Reunification Families", originated in South Korea, headquartered in the United States, and was founded by Wen Ming (born in North Korea, and later founded the "Unification Church" in South Korea).

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida instructed an investigation into the "Unification Church," and nearly half of the LDP members of the Diet were involved in the church

△ The text is clear

The article concludes that the "Unification Church" has done many evil deeds:

  • Under the guise of teaching doctrine, the founding humanities often locked up beautiful female believers in their own living rooms and forcibly took away the chastity of female believers. Wen also led the devotees to commit collective fornication, saying that sexual intercourse with people of pure blood is a great obligation of the individual to be saved and save mankind.
  • Wen told believers that newcomers must bring more than three people to join the "Unification Church" in order to become "devotees." "Devotees" are required to donate money and materials, work for free, and are given the task of selling flowers, ginseng tea, honey, etc. to others at several times their value.
  • After joining the church, believers are required to hand over all income to the church for the first three years, and tithe after three years. The Unification Church tells believers that they can atone for their sins by paying money or helping the church raise funds.

The article said that the "Unification Church" defrauded Tetsuya Yamagami's mother of her life savings and rich family property, resulting in family breakdown and hardship, and Toru Yamagami also resented it.

Nearly half of LDP MPs are associated with the Unification Church

As a former Japanese prime minister, why did Shinzo Abe have anything to do with religious groups?

The Paper previously quoted Jeffrey Hall, a researcher at Japan's Kanda University of Foreign Studies, as saying that although the "Unification Church" originated in South Korea, it has become one of Japan's more active "emerging religious groups", and its members have provided a firm conservative voter base for the Liberal Democratic Party.

Political knowledge (WeChat ID: bqzhengzhiju) found that in 2015, Xinhuanet reprinted an article entitled "Nikkan Reveals the Surprising Religious Forces Behind the Abe Regime" and disclosed that the political support force behind the Abe regime is religion.

The article quoted the views of Japanese religious circles as disclosing that "the 'Unification Church' is both popular and vote-winning during elections, and LDP members cannot ask for it." In addition, the article pointed out that the founder of the "Unification Church", Moon Ming Ming, also founded two right-wing political groups separately, and Abe's maternal grandfather Kishi Nobusuke was a supporter of Moon. Globe magazine also published an article revealing that Shinzo Abe has continued the close ties with the right-wing political group that have been passed down from generation to generation since his maternal grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi.

After Abe's assassination, the Liberal Democratic Party conducted an internal investigation into the relationship between members of the Diet and the "Unification Church". According to, the results of a survey released on September 8 showed that nearly half of the LDP MPs were involved in the Unification Church.

In response to the Kishida government's investigation of the "Unification Church", quoted Japanese media analysis as saying that the "Unification Church" problem is one of the reasons for the decline in the support rate of the Kishida cabinet, and it may be intended to boost the support rate by facing the problem squarely.

Information | CCTV, The Paper, China Youth Network, Xinhuanet, etc

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