
What pest can eat the leaves of the Fuso flower, causing the plant to wither?

author:Garden new plant protection

Fuso flowers wilt towards the twilight of bloom due to their bright and dazzling flowers. It is widely cultivated in the south. However, the cotton curl leaf borer often endangers the Fuso flower, and when it is serious, the entire leaf can be eaten, which has a great impact on the plant, how to control it? Xiaobian takes you to learn the occurrence law and hazard characteristics of this insect pest first, and lay the foundation for good prevention and control.

[1] Hazards

The insect is an omnivorous pest, which is harmful to flowers and trees such as safflower, plane flower, chandelier flower, wood hibiscus, hibiscus, kapok, sycamore and other flowers and trees, and the light one loses the ornamental value of the flower and tree, and the heavy one eats the leaves, causing the plant to wither.

[2] Pattern recognition

Adults are 10–14 mm long and have a wingspan of 22–30 mm. All yellowish white, with a flash. There are 12 brownish-black dots arranged in 4 rows on the back of the chest, and 1 hair in the first row. The male moth has a black stripe at the base of the tail end, and the female moth has a black stripe on the posterior margin of the eighth abdominal segment. The outer, sub-outer, outer, and inner horizontal lines of the forewings are all brown wavy, oval,slightly flattened, about 0.12 mm long, milky white at first birth, and later pale green. Growing larvae are about 25 mm long, all bluish green, and turn pink when ripe. The pupa is about 13–14 mm long, bamboo shoot-like, reddish-brown, with a spine-like protrusion from the ninth segment of the abdomen to the caudal end.

[3] Occurrence law

Guangdong has 5 to 6 generations per year. Mature larvae overwinter in deciduous leaves, tree holes or crevices. Pupates pupate in mid- and late-April of the following year, feathers adults from late April to mid-May, and lays eggs on the second day after feathering, laying 70 to 200 eggs per female. The egg stage is 2 to 9 days. The larvae are 6 years old and have a period of about 10 to 22 days. Pupal period 6 days. Adults live for 3 to 4 days, and the eggs are scattered on the back of the leaves, close to the base of the leaf veins. The larvae gather to feed at ages 1 to 2, and disperse the leaf curl after 3 years and feed in the leaf roll. Larvae can be seen in mid- and late May, adults appear in late June, peak in early and mid-July, and gradually decrease after mid-September. In the case of drought in spring and summer, and rainy years in autumn, the most occurrence occurs and the most harmful.

[4] Prevention and control measures

1, when the adult insect feathering is in its prime, we can use the light to booby trap it to kill it.

2. Timely removal of dead branches and leaves can reduce the number of overwintering larvae, which can effectively inhibit the number of releases in the second year.

3. Protect natural enemies, the natural enemies of the insect have borer cocoon bees that parasitize the larvae, and the larva to pupae has a broad black spot tumor bee and a corn borer thigh wasp.

4. Pharmaceutical control: It can be used in the early stage of pest occurrence to use Qilin tree insects for spray control once net or wide.

What pest can eat the leaves of the Fuso flower, causing the plant to wither?

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