
Wood "moth"

author:This young man

Moths, small individuals, adult body length is generally 2-3mm, most of the annual generation with larvae overwintering, the following spring pupate, April, May pupate into adults, adults mate after laying eggs, egg period of about 15 days hatched larvae will burrow into wood or fur hazards, is an important pest of agriculture and forestry, wood decoration and furniture and wood carving Buddha statue art, fur clothing.

Wood "moth"

The moisture content of wood has a certain impact on pests, most moths have strong drought resistance, almost can rely on the humidity in the air and the water content in the host to meet their survival needs, complete their entire life history. Whiteflies are rarely harmed in wood with a moisture content of more than 30%, and it only begins to harm when the water content of wood is 12-15%, and wood with a water content of about 8% is the most ideal wood for it to harm. The burglary, on the other hand, prefers wood that is quite wet and begins to decay, while for dry wood they have difficulty eating, and even if they have been mothed, the larvae living in the wood grow and develop slowly. Beetles, celestial bulls, and wood bees still have to survive in drier wood, and when the humidity is high, they cannot survive.

Borers are more endemic than other insects, and even in completely food-free conditions, many species can still be dormant and semi-dormant in different insect states, such as bamboo beetles, whiteflies, tianniu, etc. However, once the food supply is restored, when other conditions are suitable, it will quickly and normally move, and rampant harm will occur.

Moth pests like a dark, quiet living environment, especially afraid of vibration, as long as they are affected by vibration, immediately flee, some insect species also have the habit of pretending to die, in order to escape the unsuitable environment, once restored, life is in normal.

With the increase of wood decoration, especially the increase of residential moth infestation, it has a serious impact on people's lives and has gradually attracted people's attention. When environmental conditions permit, organic material furniture is also susceptible to pest invasion and parasitism, common furniture pests include termites, wood beetles, mealybugs, etc., these small insects with a size of less than 5mm, larvae will burrow into the interior of the furniture to gnaw, resulting in dense and hollow tunnels, and wait until mature feathering along the cave passage to fly out of the hole, mating and laying eggs again, completing its life cycle. Therefore, the appearance of the furniture should be checked frequently, if there are many small borer holes on the surface, it is necessary to take a closer look to distinguish whether it is infected with pests, if there are small and round holes left on the wood products, and the larvae forage in the wood products, resulting in holes in the wood products. And there are some small dust-like powders, indicating that the inside is still harmful insect activity, must be immediately wrapped in plastic bags sealed isolation, looking for relevant professionals for insect treatment.

In terms of classification, it is a general term for insects in the family Longfish, Burglaridae, Beetle family, Whitefly family and Picetaceae. Among them, the first three types of insects are mainly harmful in wood or live trees, and insects in the beetle family mainly harm skin, hair and their products. Silverfish individuals are small, adult body length is generally 2-3mm, most of the annual generation with larvae overwintering, the following spring pupate, April and May pupate into adults, adults mate after laying eggs, egg period of about 15 days to hatch the larva will burrow into wood or fur hazards, is an important pest of agriculture and forestry, wood decoration and furniture and wood carving Buddha statue art, fur clothing.

Wood "moth"

Prevention and control methods

First, the use of insect-proof treatment of the horn material.

Second, for the area where the harm occurs, the perfusion treatment is taken for the insect pest hole.

3. Implement comprehensive residual spraying of all scraps in the hazardous area.

Handicraft prevention and control

1. The authority to reinforce the carving shall be explained and agreed with the owner of the work.

2, the use of B72 or acrylic resin (acrylic resin) material with a concentration of 15% and 30% respectively.

3. First inject with 15% concentration of acryllic resin, which can go deep into the wood.

4. After the adillary resin with a concentration of 30%, it can be used as the main fixation.

5. If it is the back, it can be drilled in from below and then injected.

Chemoprevention Act

For the shelves for laying the floor, before laying the floor, spray or paint with Cruz emulsion, and the building materials used for furniture and wall panel linings are uniformly stacked and sprayed with KLUX emulsion. Through the prevention of the above methods, the spread of silverfish can be basically controlled.

High temperature method

When dealing with the degreasing of building materials, households generally use the steam high-temperature degreasing method, which can not only degreas the building materials, but also effectively kill the adult worms and eggs of the beetles, playing a role in killing two birds with one stone.


Soak the cotton in a special fumigation insecticide, use tweezers to put the cotton ball above the opening of the silverfish hazard hole, and then cover it with plastic film or household plastic wrap, and then seal it with tape around it, and use the fumigation, touch killing and gastric toxicity of the insecticide to extinguish it. After the fumigation is completed, the doors and windows must be opened in time for ventilation and ventilation.

Wood "moth"

Wood impact

First, the effect of wood composition on dry wood pests Wood is composed of countless small cells, the cell wall is composed of polysaccharide cellulose and hemicellulose and aromatic lignin, of which cellulose accounts for 40-62%, lignin 18-38%, hemicellulose accounts for 8-37%, starch more than 60%, sugar 6%, protein 1-2%. Different pests have different nutritional requirements for wood, and the beetle family can use their own digestion to directly digest the cellulose in the wood; the white nymph cannot digest lignin, cellulose and semi-fiber, it mainly sucks the starch and a small amount of sugar in the wood; the bamboo beetle and the tianniu also use starch and sugar as a source of nutrition.

Second, the impact of different parts of the wood on pests Different parts of the wood contain different nutrients: the sapwood cells contain rich nutrients, and the nutrients are suitable for termites and other pests to eat, so the heartwood is more resistant to insects and moths than the sapwood.

Third, the impact of tree species Moths eat different parts and substances of digested wood, and because different kinds of wood contain different substances, so its feeding is also different.