
Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

author:Zhao Nan zn

A few days ago, a foreign industry website exposed the salary income of Hollywood film and television stars in the new year (unnatural year, July last year to July this year), which is not as unexpected, representing the highest level of action commercial films, has always been a producer personally, hired a team to make films, and starred Tom Tom Cruise, with the sequel to the Air Force theme commercial film "Top Gun: The Lone Ranger" that returned after 35 years, breaking the box office record of 1.1 billion US dollars at the global box office, through the bill-sharing labor salary, Achieved more than 100 million income, a ride to the dust, ranking first (Tom is really a ghost in sharing accounts, his model is how to shoot what I say, I myself ask the screenwriter and director, the investment company is only responsible for taking money, and then the film loses money to calculate the film company, make money Tom directly according to the contract proportion to the account, of course, such a willful bet, from its own strong box office appeal, the actor world is Tom, the director world is Nolan)

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

In second and third place are "black and white" (black brother and white brother) "big force" Will Smith and "Little Plum" Leonardo DiCaprio, the salary and works of the two are 35 million US dollars "Free the Black Slave" and 30 million US dollars "Flower Moon Killer" It is worth mentioning that the highest salary records for male stars in previous years were 20 million and 25 million US dollars, both of which were first created by Xiao Lizi, and the result was directly increased by 10 million in just a few years. Is streaming disrupting the market or global inflation.

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

(Xiao Lizi's "Flower Moon Killer" is the Nth cooperation with mentor Martin Scorsese, invested by Netflix, and Brad Pitt, a friend of Xiao Lizi, also earned 30 million for starring in an untitled new film with an F1 theme, and then followed by the 20 million club with an obvious sense of disconnection.)

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

The superhero film "Black Adam" starring Dwayne Johnson earned 22.5 million, Joaquin Phoenix won an Oscar for "Joker 1" and set a global box office of $1 billion, and in the sequel, it directly increased the price from 4.5 million to 20 million in the first part

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

As for "Hammer Brother" Chris Hemsworth "Shocking Rescue 2", Vin Diesel "Fast and Furious 10", Tom Hardy "Venom 3", Ryan Reynolds and Will Farrell "Passionate" and others are also 20 million salaries, but these more creative real superstars than the above step by step, seem to have earned "hot money" because of "popularity traffic", is the actress, the highest ranking is the highest salary among actresses is "Harlequin Girl" Margot Robbie, She and "High Commander" Ryan Gosling starred in the aesthetically toxic "Barbie" live-action movie, each with a salary of 12.5 million, achieving the same salary for the male and female leading actors in the same film, but as the "highest female" compared with the salary of male stars, the gap is clear at a glance, when can this gap be crossed, or tilted not so naked?

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

In terms of TV stars, the standard of $1 million per episode set by the starring actors of "Friends" in the last few seasons in the early years is still the highest standard for measuring the popularity of a series and the value of the actor today, Will Farrell and Paul Luther co-starred in "The Psychologist Next Door" both took 1 million, Jason Sudeikis also got this price for starring in "Football Coach", and these three can be said to have originated in SNL

The two Oscar supporting actor and actress, Anne Hathaway and Jared Letowin, each earned 750,000 yuan in a single episode in "Startup", but the show did not achieve the expected word-of-mouth and ratings, and it was not a successful attempt for actors and TV stations.

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?
Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

And coincidentally, they are all Apple's dramas, it seems that Apple+ is indeed very good in terms of streaming media, and the two parents of Netflix's global hit series "Stranger Things", David Haber and Winona Ryder, have received a single episode of 450,000 paid, and the old editor is definitely more worthy of high salaries, especially in the case that Netflix can casually give 20 million salaries to workers who starred in "Shocking Rescue" such as "Hammer Brother"...

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

However, there are sometimes slight exceptions, in the list Kevin Costner for "Yellowstone", two-time Oscar winner Mahershala Ali for "The Pilot", both received a single episode of 1.3 million salary, but this is not replicable, because these two actors are indispensable from the perspective of project operation, and they even hold other positions, such as producers and so on.

Hollywood star salary big news! The gap is too big! Do you find it shocking?

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