
Ten thousand blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World to stage the "Silver Storm Show"

author:China News Network
Ten thousand blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World to stage the "Silver Storm Show"

On July 1, 10,000 blue round trevally appeared at Nanjing Underwater World, gathering together to swim slowly and fast, a spectacular scene. Blue trevally is a warm-water pelagic fish with migratory habits, like to gather in flocks, and is convenient for predation to protect itself. The picture shows the children being attracted by the blue round trevally that gather to migrate.

Ten thousand blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World to stage the "Silver Storm Show"

100 million blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World.

Ten thousand blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World to stage the "Silver Storm Show"

The blue-circled trevally migrates sometimes gently, sometimes like a shooting star.

Ten thousand blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World to stage the "Silver Storm Show"

Children are attracted to the migratory blue round trevalls.

Ten thousand blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World to stage the "Silver Storm Show"

The blue round trevally is spectacular when it migrates.

Ten thousand blue round trevally appeared in Nanjing Underwater World to stage the "Silver Storm Show"

When the blue round trevally migrates, it is like staging a "silver storm show". (Photo by Yang Bo)

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