
She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

author:Soccer ultrasound room

The 1998 World Cup in France, the first love of football for many Chinese fans, that year, we remembered the young and frivolous blonde Beibei, and also remembered Argentina who "don't cry for me", we remembered the "alien" who returned from drinking and hating, and even more remembered the "Qi Xuanzu" who waved Fang Xiao; Of course, in the stands on the sidelines, a smile of a young girl also touched the hearts of countless fans, she is the Brazilian supermodel of the protagonist of this article: Suzanne.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Suzanne Warner

Basic information

Name: Suzanne Warner

English: Susana Werner

Birthday/Age: July 20, 1978 (age 44)

Nationality: Brazilian

Place of Birth: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Height: 170cm

Weight: 50kg

Occupation: model/actor/host

Relationships: Kadia Werner (mother), Avellino Werner (father), Giulio Cesar (husband), Cauet Werner (son), Julia Werner (daughter), Ronaldo (ex-boyfriend), "King of Clay" Kurten (ex-boyfriend)

Marriage date: April 26, 2002

Self-reliant girls go to the end of the world

On July 20, 1978, the protagonist of this article, Susanna, was born in Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil, and like many children born in civilian areas, Susanna's childhood family was not rich, her father Averino and mother Cadia were low-level workers, however, the enthusiastic and lively little Suzanne did not want to be bound by poverty all her life like her parents.

In 1992, Suzanne, who took on the responsibility of sharing the family's financial pressure, left school and went to the end of the world alone, she was only 14 years old at that time, a huge city, a lonely back, it is difficult to imagine how much little Suzanne who was ignorant at that time endured how much deception, fortunately, God gave her a handsome face and also gave her the opportunity to get ahead.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Suzanne's early filmography

In 1993, 15-year-old Suzanne was discovered by talent scouts and filmed her first commercial film, and the naturally beautiful Suzanne quickly entered the public eye with a sweet smile, she was ecstatic, and little Suzanne discovered for the first time that she could earn income and show herself on the screen.

In 1995, 17-year-old Suzanne became even more delicate, and the image of her diving into the Coral Sea in a colorful swimsuit made the Brazilian global television program "Cara e Coroa" a great success, and Suzanne stood out as a professional actress and model.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

The rice circle debut was successful

Blooming in the French summer

After becoming famous in Brazil, Suzanne's social activities and shooting invitations also increased, which also allowed her to contact some celebrities in the upper class circle, including Ronaldo, known to fans as the "alien", and his love story with Suzanne began.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual


In 1997, 21-year-old Ronaldo was invited to participate in the famous Brazilian TV series "Malhação", and one of the heroines in the play was 19-year-old Susanna, Ronaldo was instantly conquered by Susanna's face, and in the following months, "aliens" often traveled back and forth between Milan City and Rio de Janeiro, and finally succeeded in capturing the hearts of beauty.

It is worth mentioning that Suzanne is the first fairy companion publicly recognized by "aliens" among Ronaldo's many gossip girlfriends, Suzanne was beautiful at the time, Ronaldo was heroic and cool back then, and the love between the two was well known to the world and happened in that romantic "French summer".

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Suzanne at the World Cup in France

In 1998, "World Footballer of the Year" Ronaldo led the "Samba Army" to attack the Hercules Cup, and Suzanne in the sideline stands wore a Brazilian flag, cheering for her boyfriend and her motherland.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

extremely beautiful

For Chinese fans, the French World Cup is the "first love of football" after many 70/80s, and Susanna, as a unique "scenery" in the World Cup, has made countless fans excited, thinking back to the time, Ronaldo on the green field, Suzanne red sleeves under the green field, a pair of "golden boys and jade girls" The peerless words of "golden boys and jade girls" really made countless Chinese fans envious.

Love does not tolerate betrayal

However, behind the seemingly brilliant love, there are many hidden crises, due to the huge influence of "aliens", Susanna, as Ronaldo's first official girlfriend, has also been focused on the world's media, and there are also different opinions about the performance of "aliens" in the French World Cup.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Ronaldo's "fainting incident" in the 98 World Cup unsolved case

The most memorable is Ronaldo's "fainting incident" before the World Cup final, four or five hours before the start of the final, Ronaldo suddenly felt unwell, fell into a coma for a time, convulsions and foaming at the mouth, until 40 minutes before the start of the game, Brazilian coach Zagallo was forced by sponsor pressure to reluctantly arrange Ronaldo to start.

The result can be imagined, the "alien" who is in no state sleepwalks throughout the game, and the "Samba Army" collapses in front of the "Gallic Rooster", and finally Brazil defeated France 0-3 and lost the Hercules Cup.

According to a summary of media news at the time, the important reason for Ronaldo's fainting was autonomic disorder caused by high mental tension, and the main source of mental stress was the feeling of suffocation before the final and negative reports about his girlfriend Suzanne having an "abnormal communication" with a Brazilian reporter during the World Cup.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Suzanne "Interfaced" with Brazilian journalists

After the World Cup in France, in order to "prove her innocence", Suzanne once gave up her acting career and went to Milan City to take care of Ronaldo's life, but it backfired, and the "alien" who has long regarded paper drunk gold fans as a daily routine under Suzanne's nose has had scandals with tennis beauty Kurnikova and Brazilian supermodel Fabiana.

Although the "aliens" strongly denied the media reports about the "cheating" in their relationship, it is easy to break the mirror and reunite, Susanna, who grew up self-reliant, did not want to turn a deaf ear and swallow her voice, and her and Ronaldo's differences in marriage and career became more and more serious, and finally in June 1999, Suzanne and Ronaldo, the "golden boy and jade girl", officially parted ways.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

The golden boy and the jade girl parted ways

"Ronaldo is great as a player, but as a boyfriend, he's so much worse; Women who are stars depend on and use stars, but I have never taken advantage of anyone, except my dad, I have never let any man take money out of his pocket to buy anything for me, even a popsicle," Suzanne said in an interview years later.

The Son of Heaven has quietly arrived

After breaking up with Ronaldo, Suzanne returned to Brazil alone to continue her acting career, during which she also had a brief relationship with the former "king of clay" in the tennis world, Brazilian star Gustavo Kurten, but in the end, the relationship between the two failed to bear fruit.

"True Destiny" quietly arrived in 2002, when Suzanne received a sports interview as a host, targeting the talented goalkeeper Julio Cesar, who was playing for the Brazilian giant Flamengo club at the time, the interview process was relaxed and enjoyable, Suzanne was deeply attracted by the honest and restrained big boy in front of her.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Suzanne meets Cesar

"Frankly, before we met, I didn't know anything about the young goalkeeper, because the show needed it, I got to know Cesar's upbringing in depth the day before the interview, the whole interview was full of laughter, we talked speculatively, Cesar's police father was the focus of our ridicule, so after the show, we decided to continue the relationship", Suzanne recalls.

In the following three months, Suzanne and Cesar's relationship quickly warmed up, and on April 26, 2002, she entered the marriage hall, "I didn't marry Giulio for money, you know, Cesar was just a young goalkeeper in the Brazilian domestic team at that time, and I was already a household name in Brazil, I believe that God helped me find the direction of love", Suzanne said in an interview.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Suzanne offered to kiss

The union with Cesar did allow Suzanne to find an emotional home and a sense of belonging to the family, after giving birth to a son and a daughter for Cesar, Suzanne decided to quit the entertainment industry again and focus on her husband and godson, it turns out that Suzanne is indeed "Wangfu", after joining Inter, Cesar made great contributions in the process of the "Nerazzurri" to hit the "Triple Crown", and eventually became a generation of "door gods" in Brazil.

Another interesting topic occurred in Serie A in the 06/07 season, when Suzanne's husband Giulio Cesar was already in the main Inter goalkeeper position, and Suzanne's ex-boyfriend "Alien" Ronaldo also happened to return to the Apennines in the winter window to join the Nerazzurri's arch-rivals AC Milan.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Husband Cesar

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Ex-boyfriend Ronaldo

On March 11, 2007, the 06/07 "Milan derby rematch" was about to start, and what was even more bloody was that this match was Ronaldo's first encounter with his old club Inter Milan after joining AC Milan, and the "Suzanne derby" between Inter goalkeeper Cesar and Ronaldo was equally exciting.

In the game, as long as there are corners and other opportunities, Ronaldo will run to Cesar's side and whisper, in the sensitive state at that time, it is very easy to make people think of Suzanne, after the game Cesar was asked about the content of the conversation between the two said: "Ronaldo came to me to joke all the game, what did he say?" That was a secret between me and him. ”

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

"Susanna Derby" Ronaldo holes through the goal guarded by Cesar

The tension between Ronaldo and Cesar because of Sussar lasted for several years, and even the farewell battle of Da Ronaldo's career in 2011, Cesar was absent for some reason, until the 2014 World Cup 1/8 final, Cesar saved to help Brazil eliminate Chile, and after the game, Ronaldo posted a photo with Cesar on social media, and the gap between the two football superstars because of Suzanne disappeared.

On April 22, 2018, Cesar ended his career in his native Brazil, and after the match of Flamengo 2-0 defeat of América Mineiro in Baja, the 38-year-old Brazilian goalkeeper accepted the greeting, and the image of his beloved wife Suzanne and her children looking at Cesar affectionately in the stands became a classic and timeless.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Suzanne and Cesar were like guests

To this day, Cesar and Suzanne still show their affection on their respective social media, Cesar is honest and honest, Suzanne is gentle and virtuous, and their marriage is a match made in heaven, and their unswerving loyalty and silent companionship in the past two decades have also become a positive example of the married life of public stars.


How many people have admired your appearance when you were young, you know who is willing to bear the ruthless changes of the years, how many people have come and gone in your life, you and I will be by your side all your life.

She is a Brazilian supermodel, in love with Ronaldo, married to Cesar, and now 44 years old mature and intellectual

Susanna, who is now mature and intellectual

Today, 44-year-old Suzanne and her husband Cesar have settled in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and started their own luxury chain "Queen's Life", although the youth slowly passes with time, Susanna, who used to be smiling, is reconquering the world in another way, and I sincerely wish Suzanne a smooth sailing in the future!

(Lanling TCFB)

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