
Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

author:Breeze holding a cup of boiled wine up the West Building

First, the elephant bird, belonging to the ornithopod ornithopod family, lived more than two million years ago, extinct in the 17th century, is one of the few recorded giant extinct birds in human history; adult elephant birds can be nearly 3 meters tall, weigh more than 1000 pounds, is currently known to weigh the largest bird.

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

Elephant birds

It is a more docile and herbivorous bird; it lives mainly in the forests of the African island of Madagascar, feeding mainly on wild fruits and leaves.

Second, the Titan Bird. It belongs to the ornithischian order Dinosaur family, a giant bird that lived about two million years ago, became extinct 15,000 years ago; when it is more than 2.5 meters tall, it should weigh about 800 pounds.

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

Titan Bird

Ferocious temperament, carnivorous animals, mainly living in North America, its ancestors are South American birds, due to the squeeze of North and South America after being connected together, south American birds are invaded by more ferocious carnivores such as north American saber-toothed tigers and jaguars and become extinct, and then a part of the birds flee to North America in reverse, after north America evolved into titan birds, becoming larger and more ferocious, coexisting with the top predators in North America.

3. Frightened birds, thunderbird subfamily, Patagonian bird subfamily, lived in the Cenozoic generation 62 million to 2 million years ago; 3 to 7 meters long, 1 to 3 meters tall, and weigh 600 pounds.

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

Carnivorous animal, South America is the top predator, compared to the native bag saber-toothed tiger, known as the "bird emperor" of South America, and later became extinct due to the invasion of North America's top saber-toothed tiger legions.

Fourth, moa, up to 3.6 meters high, weigh about 250 kg, the tallest bird on earth.

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers


Living in New Zealand, Europeans became food after landfall and soon became extinct in 1800, making it the closest extinct giant bird to us.

The Gordon bird, also known as the "Gaston bird", lived in the Eocene period of 67 --- 49 million years ago, with a height of 4.75 meters and a weight of 900 pounds

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

Gordii bird

Herbivores, mainly living in Europe and North America.

6. Mulberry pseudolodon, the largest flying seabird.

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

Mulberry pseudolodon

It lived 25-28 million years ago, with a wingspan of up to 7.3 meters, which is twice the wingspan of the largest surviving bird, the Royal Albatross (3.5 meters), similar to the wingspan of the American Grumman AA-1 aircraft, and weighs an estimated between 20 and 40 kg, which can glide several kilometers in the sky without inciting wings.

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

Seabirds, living in South Carolina, Southern California, Antarctica and other regions of the United States, are similar in size to an airplane, challenging the limits of wingspan, and the cause of extinction is unknown.

The Argentine giant eagle has a wingspan of 6 meters and a weight of 70 kg, which is the size of a modern "Cessna" 152 light aircraft.

Some of the giant birds on Earth are comparable to airplanes, and some prey on saber-toothed tigers

Argentine Giant Eagle

However, although this giant eagle is large, its jaws are not strong, so it does not divide the food, but can only capture small animals and swallow them whole.