
At this year's Expo, what did Chinese and foreign dairy companies "show"?

author:Ibat's camel milk

The 5th China International Import Expo concluded today (November 10). During the period, a total of 145 countries, regions and international organizations participated in the exhibition, and more than 2,800 enterprises from 127 countries and regions participated in the enterprise business exhibition; 438 representative debut of new products, technologies and services were displayed, exceeding the level of the previous session. As of 12 o'clock today, the intended transaction amount for one year was 73.52 billion US dollars, an increase of 3.9% over the previous session.

  As a grand event to promote mutual benefit and reciprocity of global trade, the Expo provides an important opportunity and platform for international enterprises to display goods and services, and also attracts the attention and participation of many dairy enterprises at home and abroad, among which, Yili, Ausnutria, Danone, Jianhe and many other dairy enterprises have been "clocked in" into the Expo for five consecutive years. During this period, what dialogues and cooperation did these dairy companies have, and what blockbuster products and innovative categories did they bring? Let's take a look together~

At this year's Expo, what did Chinese and foreign dairy companies "show"?


  Danone participated in this year's CIIE with the theme of "Promising to the World and Empowering China", fully demonstrating Danone's achievements in the past five years on the "Expo Express". This year, Danone brought nutritional solutions for healthy aging and green packaging production technology.

  "As a participant and beneficiary of China's opening up, Danone has always been optimistic about the huge potential of the Chinese market." Weibo Xie, President of Danone China, North Asia and Oceania, said. Since the first CIIE, Danone has seized the new opportunities brought by the open platform of the Expo, comprehensively accelerated its business development in China, and has introduced more than 70 products into the Chinese market in the past five years. This year, Danone reached a number of cooperation with government departments and partners on healthy aging, global sustainable development and rural revitalization, and officially signed a contract with China International Import Expo Bureau for the sixth CIIE, and booked next year's booth early.


  Yili has jumped from the top nine global dairy companies in 2018 to the top five in the world in 2022, and its revenue has exceeded the 100 billion mark. At this year's Expo, Yili brought 4 popular products such as Golden New Zealand Pure Milk, Golden Collar Crown Ruihu, Yili Pro Global Selection Cream, and Yili New Zealand Imported Whole Milk Powder to participate in the exhibition, and signed the "Zero Carbon Alliance Charter" with 43 global strategic partners such as Tetra Pak, FrieslandCampina, Chr. Hansen and Rogett, and issued the "Zero Carbon Proposition" one after another, adding another ray of freshness to the "green tide" surging at the Expo.

  Pan Gang, Chairman and President of Yili Group, said, "Only by adhering to the 'prosperous because of green', practicing green concepts, strengthening green management and promoting green actions, can the health food industry actively promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and embrace the bright future of 'green mountains always exist, industries always prosper, and gold mountains always stay'." "The signing of the Charter of the Zero Carbon Alliance means that Yili has drawn a clearer path to promote the green and low-carbon development of the industrial chain. In the future, each partner in the alliance "will focus on sustainable development and carbon management to maximize social value." ”


  As a loyal "old friend" of the Expo, Mengniu Group participated in the exhibition for the fifth time, bringing its Yashili, Bellamy, Cheese Fresh and partner Alle and other brands to collectively appear, becoming a dairy enterprise with a larger exhibition area and rich categories, showing the world the "world quality" from China to the world and sending out the strong voice of China's dairy industry.

  Among them, Bellamy's brought its "milk powder + complementary food" full line of organic products to the 5th CIIE, including the platinum version of organic A2 milk powder, the Chinese version of Jingyue organic infant milk powder, organic high-iron rice powder and other powerful product matrice, rich in categories and fine nutrition.

  In an interview with Mother and Baby Industry Watch, Mr. Gu Zhendong, who officially became CEO of Bellamy's on September 6 this year, said that this layout is to accelerate the organic transformation to diversified and full-life cycle professions in response to changes in market demand. "On the one hand, Bellamy's insists on category expansion, extending to organic snacks and other categories, and accelerating the layout and market expansion of zero complementary food products; On the one hand, adhere to the innovation of milk powder categories, implement the high-end upgrade strategy of milk powder, deeply cultivate the layout of 3,000 days of early infant nutrition organic nutritious food plus supplementary snack product matrix, accelerate innovation iteration, and provide diversified organic nutrition for Chinese babies. ”

  Flying cranes

  Feihe, the leading leader of the domestic dairy industry, brought many star products to the exhibition, and its new national standard products - Xingfeifan, Xingfeifan Zhuorui, Xingfeifan Zhuoyao, and Zhenzhi Organic and other milk powders have received widespread attention. Feihe's diversified product layout and ultimate quality pursuit not only show the brand strength of Chinese milk powder to the world, but also help to enhance the international popularity of domestic milk powder.

  Among the many exhibitors, the newly upgraded Xingfeifan series is hot. Feihe Star Feifan series is the world's highest-selling infant formula milk powder, and was certified as the "No. 1 item" in the infant milk powder category by the authoritative research agency Frost & Sullivan in 2021.


  During the 5th China International Import Expo, Feng Jinmao, assistant to the president of Junlebao Dairy Group, said at the roundtable forum "The Road to Low-carbon Transformation of Enterprises - Sustainable Development Action of Enterprises in China 2022" that Junlebao regards "sustainable development and carbon reduction" as an important social responsibility and strategic goal, integrates primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and forms an ecological cycle industrial chain of "planting grass in the field, feeding cattle with grass, producing milk from cattle, returning manure to the field, and biogas power generation".

  At the forum, UNDP, China Chamber of International Commerce and PwC China jointly released the 2022 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Practice Survey Report of Enterprises in China, summarizing the pain points and practices of some enterprises in China in the process of low-carbon transformation. Previously, based on the green production system of the whole industry chain, Junlebao participated in the baseline research of the sustainable development goals.


  As a leading brand in the global high-end nutrition and health industry, H&H Group has participated in the Expo for five consecutive years, bringing its high-end infant nutrition and health brand Biostime, overseas natural health nutrition food brand Swisse, imported pet nutrition food brand focusing on intestinal health Solid Gold, and Zesty Paws, the first high-end pet nutrition food brand in Amazon sales, and four major brands. H&H Group comprehensively contributes to the construction of a new development pattern and shows the future of "nutrition and health for the whole family" to global exhibitors.

  The relevant person in charge of H&H Group said, "This time H&H Group built a booth around the concept of 'whole family nutrition and health', and fully protecting 'whole family nutrition and health' is H&H's philosophy all along, and it is also the group's strategic layout. We hope that through the Expo, Chinese consumers can see the global innovation of 'Whole Family Nutrition and Health'. ”


  As a highly globalized dairy company, Ausnutria made its fifth appearance at the Expo. This time Ausnutria exhibited the star products of its brands such as Jiabaiite, Hypnochem 1897, Nengliduo, Chunhui, Aoz and Nutrition Care, sharing the globalization results of Ausnutria selecting global high-quality milk sources and gathering global wisdom crystallization with a diversified product matrix, showing the charm of the integrated development of the global dairy industry.

  Yan Weibin, chairman of Ausnutria, said that thanks to the mainland's continuous opening up, Ausnutria has been able to embark on a unique global development path and realize the company's dream of nutrition and health with its own efforts. Ausnutria will continue to adhere to the global development route, continue to convey the voice of Chinese dairy enterprises to the world with its own high-quality development, and assume the corporate responsibility of the new era and new era.


  A2 Milk Company of New Zealand, a pioneer of A2 protein, and its strategic partner China Agricultural Reclamation Holdings Shanghai Co., Ltd. once again attended the annual event, which also marked the tenth year of A2® Milk Company's® entry into the Chinese market.

  At this year's Expo, in addition to the star product series of A2 Milk Company, two blockbuster new products were unveiled - the newly upgraded A2 Platinum® infant formula and A2®® maternal formula.

  David Bortolussi, Managing Director and CEO of A2 Milk, said they had been honored by the recognition of A2 branded products by consumers over the years, and A2®®® was growing healthily in the dynamic market of China. In the future, we will continue to invest in scientific research, actively develop innovative products, based on the unique benefits of A2 protein, meet more different needs, and play an active role in the healthy life of Chinese people.


  As an "old friend" of the Expo, this year Youbrimu went to the appointment again with the theme of "Rare Nutrition Goes Further", highlighting the brand charm with excellent quality, attracting countless families with innovative products, and creating a win-win ecology with internal and external cohesion.

  The brand side of Youbrimo believes: "Internally, we should go up and down the same frequency to improve efficiency." We have been enhancing market competitiveness through strong products, strong brands, strong operations and strong talents. Only when the internal is stable and strong can we achieve sustainable development with higher efficiency and higher quality. And cohesion is channel focus and form a joint force. Whoever can solve the problem of store drainage and open new problems and protect the interests of channels is the main promotion of the store. This year, Youbrimu focused on core channels and achieved certain results through continuous empowerment of precision marketing such as media cohesion and hundred cities and stores. Only by working together with the channel can the brand be stable and far-reaching. ”


  As one of the first batch of foreign-funded enterprises to enter the Chinese market, Nestlé is also one of the first companies to confirm its participation in the Expo, and has now participated in the Expo for five consecutive years. This year, Nestlé brought eight business units and more than 300 best-selling products from 16 countries around the world to the Expo, of which more than 90 products entered the Chinese market for the first time.

  Zhang Xiqiang, Executive Vice President of Nestlé Group and Chairman and CEO of Nestlé Greater China, said that since January 1, 2022, Nestlé China has been upgraded to Greater China, bringing a new round of local innovation and growth. Nestlé combines global resources and high-quality products with Chinese consumer demand, and continues to rapidly develop and innovate products around high growth, large categories and health.


  New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra Partnership Group has participated in the Expo for five consecutive years. Before the opening of the fifth CIIE, the sixth CIIE was signed. With the theme of "Focus on Sustainability, Win-win New Future", Fonterra Cooperation Group presented 24 strategic signed projects, 15 blockbuster products and 22 new product launches, flash mobs, live broadcasts and other activities.

  Zhou Dehan, CEO of Fonterra Group Greater China, said that we have been in the Chinese market for nearly 50 years, and the platform of CIIE has given us a new growth curve. Through the high-level opening window of the Expo, we have met more 'old and new friends' in the past four years. Since the first CIIE, Fonterra's signed projects at the Expo have increased year by year, totaling more than 60. We hope to take advantage of this expo to explore cooperation opportunities through a series of benign interactions, knock on the door of opportunities, and jointly promote the development of the catering industry with new and old friends. ”


  This year, the old national milk powder brand Adali appeared at the Expo for the third time, not only showcasing a full range of word-of-mouth products, but also bringing innovative technical achievements True Green Organic Patent Process, showing its brand strength and innovative technology, adding another trump brand product to the organic milk powder market.

  On the afternoon of November 6th, Adali held the "True Green Organic Patented Process Conference" to discuss the organic milk powder market in depth and reveal the highlights of True Green Organic Patented Process. Mr. Cha Wei, Commercial Counsellor of the Commercial and Investment Section of the French Consulate General in Shanghai, said at the press conference, "The patented True Green organic technology brought by the scientific research team of the Sodiaal Group is the best proof of the Group's continuous provision of quality, health and sustainable products to consumers around the world. Source: Integrated network information collation