
Thriller and suspense movie "Horror Story"

Today I watched a Hollywood movie called "Horror Story". It is the masterpiece of the film master Hitchcock, and the story is about a man with a dual personality - Norman, who runs a motel and over the years kills not only the men and women who stay in the hotel, but also his mother and his mother's lover.

Thriller and suspense movie "Horror Story"

The girl stayed at the hotel on a rainy night

The story begins with a beautiful girl who steals a huge sum of money from her boss, stays at Norman's motel on a rainy night, and is brutally murdered in the bathroom. Norman killed the girl with her mother's personality and cleaned up the body with her own personality. Then he continued to run the hotel casually.

The private investigator arrives at the hotel while investigating the missing girl, and Norman pretends to be his mother and kills the detective.

The girl's sister and lover arrive at the hotel to investigate the missing sister and the private investigator, who is surprised to find that Norman's mother, who is hiding in the cellar, is a corpse.

Thriller and suspense movie "Horror Story"

In the cellar was the corpse of Norman's mother

The suspense set by this thriller suspense movie in a realistic way makes people psychologically shocked when watching the movie!

The script is based on the real American serial killer Ed. Gayn was the prototype and created the role of Norman as a killer. The suspenseful design of the film is ingenious, interlocking, layer by layer, and it can't help but make people nervous when watching.

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Although "Horror Story" is a black-and-white film from the 60s, with the superb acting skills of the actors and the director's ingenious camera language, it is still fascinating and breathtaking to watch today!

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