
October 3rd, today in history

author:Perfect little fish 4u

October 3rd is not a quiet day. Historically, October 3 was written with blood and at the same time left a glorious day of victory.

First, the water battle of Poyang Lake

Many people have seen >> of the << Ming Dynasty, and some have heard the audio version of Master Wang Xinxin, and they should all remember the Battle of Poyang Lake. In 1363, Chen Youyu and Zhu Yuanzhang won the world here, but Chen Youyu was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang, and finally defeated and killed.

October 3rd, today in history

Fire to Poyang Lake

Two, the roaring V-2 rocket

On October 3, 1942, the V-2 rocket developed by Nazi Germany was successfully tested, and as one of the most advanced technological crystallizations at that time, the V-2 ballistic missile had the ability to fly to the sub-orbit. Although the accuracy and destructive power of the V-2 were not high due to various limitations, after the failure of the Sea Lion Plan, as part of Hitler's air raid plan against britain, the V-2 still brought great casualties and destruction to London and the surrounding area. According to statistics, in the long years of bombing operations, the V-2 killed a total of 2724 people and injured 6476 people. Until the war, the technology of the V-2 was still coveted by the great powers, and eventually taken away by the United States in operation "Paperclip".

October 3rd, today in history

London at the time

October 3rd, today in history

Captured V-2 rockets

Third, the two Germanys are unified

On 3 October 1990, the german reunification ceremony was held at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. East Germany (German Democratic Republic) was formally incorporated into West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) and the two Germanys were unified. The sound of the fall of the Berlin Wall still echoes in the ears of the people of the two Germanys, which were finally unified with the decline of the Soviet Union.

October 3rd, today in history

The site of today's Berlin Wall

October 3rd, today in history

The two Germans before reunification

In the movie "Goodbye, Lenin", the impact of German reunification on Germany and the world at that time can be seen, and some translators have translated the film as "79 square meters of GDR", in which a pair of children create a 79 square meters of Germany in order to continue the life of their mothers. For the people of East Germany, when they woke up, the Berlin Wall fell, and in the blink of an eye, the two Germanys were unified, and the changes in the world were rapid but quiet, engraving the glory of the two Germanys in the annals of history.

October 3rd, today in history

"Goodbye, Lenin"

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