
Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

author:Yiren Cinema

This article is written by Vicky Hedgehog

Oscar Day has finally arrived.

Now, let's talk about the oscar for best actress hit "Girl with a Bright Future". A proper masterpiece, a good film, a good acting. Worth recommending!

When the night is opened to ghostly seduction, Casey will put on heavy makeup, wear a chest-revealing slip dress, and enter the bar with an ambiguous atmosphere.

In the midst of the red and green lights, her sexy red lips, drunken flesh, like a fruit candy, full of temptation. The "gentlemanly" men, one by one, flocked to help and took the initiative to help. Said good to send her home, a moment of sexual disorder, sent her to the hotel, and then sent to the bed, by the way for her to take off her clothes, but also want to continue to provide her sexual services.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, word by word, clearly into the ear: Hey, I said, you are here, what are you doing?

Men are directly frightened. Turns out, what I picked up at the bar wasn't corpses, f**k, you weren't drunk at all!

The next day, Casey strode in front of the camera, barefoot, carrying high heels in her hands, gulping down a hamburger with a suspicious red liquid on her legs and arms. When I got home, I forcefully drew a red road on the small book, and on it, it was densely packed, and it was all red and green lines. Gather five lines and cross them out again.

She killed the man? Every line represents a person?

Such a hardcore beginning, very cool, very cult, very enjoyable isn't it?

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

"Girl with a Bright Future" begins with a very cool and handsome, making us think that this is a revenge story of a big female protagonist with a variety of scumbags, full of women's brave and wild life fighting spirit.

But when you see the ending, you will feel particularly depressed, particularly sad, and be stung by a tragedy, and you can't let go for a long time.

Exquisitely carved jade, the most afraid of being broken. Casey, on the other hand, just wanted to hear the sound of the smashing. If refinement is the appearance, then breaking is the result she wants.

She and her friend Nina, who were originally high-achieving students in medical school, are smart and beautiful, and have a bright future like boys. At a party, the arrogant school grass Monroe sexually assaulted a drunken Nina in public, and a group of people watched to take pictures, Nina called the police, but Monroe was shielded by the school and lawyers and was not convicted, and Nina dropped out of school. Casey also dropped out of school to accompany Nina, but Nina committed suicide. From then on, There was no more light in Casey's world. After that, her life was only for the sacrifice of Nina.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

It seems that the female protagonist retaliated against the scumbags who took advantage of the drunkenness and tried to take advantage of the girls, but compared to the slut-shaming humiliation suffered by the girlfriend before she died, what was this small setback of being called off? They will not stop, they will not be deterred, and if they want to retreat, it is almost like dancing on the tip of the knife, bleeding step by step.

What do the green or red lines represent? I carefully recalled the details of the movie, and suddenly understood that the green lines were her success in deterring the man who wanted to sexually assault her while she was "drunk" and escaped safely. And the red line, maybe she didn't succeed in escaping danger, maybe it was her record of being violated after fighting.

She was using pain after pain to feel Nina's pain, and sacrifice after sacrifice to redeem her original absence. Thinking of this, my heart, really tightening for Casey's life, and sad.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

She did not let her former classmate Madison be "picked up", let alone let the principal's daughter be hurt, a confession from the lawyer can make Casey cry and forgive him for his past sins. From beginning to end, she is performing intimidation, performing revenge, and her heart is still the little girl who is full of kindness to the world. Even if they are vengeful, they do not want to give each other substantial harm, as long as they realize the humiliation and pain that Nina has endured, as long as they admit their mistakes, she will forgive them.

As long as they feel empathy, as long as they wake up, it is enough. Her plan for revenge was as simple as that.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

Dressed in a suit and sitting gracefully in the café, she often felt that she was just a silk flower, with only false beauty. So, although thirty years old, she was cold-hearted, had no friends, and never dated men. Because she knows that all they see is the cuteness of her appearance, but the brokenness that belongs to the heart, no one will understand. Instead of being restrained by a man to be lonely, it is better to confess the pain of loneliness. And love, is a luxury commodity that she can't afford.

Until a man appeared, polite and gentle and humorous. The man's name was Ryan, and he was her classmate in medical school and had always had a crush on her. He began to pursue her, slowly, little by little, melting the solid ice in her heart, so that the thorns of her body, one by one, were put away, revealing vulnerability, revealing tenderness, revealing a true nostalgia for life.

She decided to let go of the past and look forward. Talk about a sweet love and live a normal life.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

But the reality is always extra cold. In the live video where Nina was filmed that year, she heard a name, Ryan. It turned out that this affectionate man had always been a bystander. She went to him, and he didn't regret it, he just cared about whether his future would be affected.

Kathy's utter despair set her on the final path of sacrifice.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

A show that was killed eventually put Monroe in jail and could no longer be easily exonerated. The text message sent to Ryan in advance is her last smile in the world. This smile, poignant, cold, and determined.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

The shot of her being killed by Monroe, for three minutes, is truly suffocating. Her short, thin body, underneath the strong and tall Monroe, slowly stopped struggling and slowly stopped breathing. During this process, Monroe did not hesitate a little, and had been very fiercely pressing her with a pillow. It was a completely repressive killing scene, but silent.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"
Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"
Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

The director did not want to render the tragedy of death, she just restrained, calmly, and completely reproduced the short and long three minutes. Such disparities in physical confrontation, such suffocating deaths, happen every day.

When she died, Monroe was only worried about his future, and the upcoming wedding. His friend was more cold-blooded, just as Casey was a trampled ant, holding Monroe and comforting him: It's not your fault. They burned Casey's body, and when the affair was just a small episode, they continued to play the social elite, the winner of life.

"These boys have a bright future, they will all be doctors in the future, they are social pillars, and they cannot be affected by such a small sex scandal." That's what the principal said.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"
Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

This time, can they still be easily exonerated? Will anyone else defend them by saying that he was just drunk, that the woman was a perverted prostitute, and that he was just acting in self-defense? I believe that as long as he is rich and powerful, there will be well-known lawyers who will excuse him, and his family will continue to use various ways to shield, argue, and reduce his sentence.

Kathy's true identity will be deliberately hidden by them, and her dress is extremely unfavorable to her. Between a social elite and a low-level prostitute, between a promising future and a lowly life, which is more important? What choices will you make?

Fighting with your life, but not necessarily to wash away Nina's humiliation, nor necessarily to let Monroe get the punishment he deserves, is such revenge worth it? The revenge of ordinary people may be so powerless that they can only fight with death and hit stones with pebbles.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

This is the heavy interrogation of the film, and it is also the revelation of the cruelty of reality. Tragic, weak, helpless, desperate. This is not a feminist film, and it does not render the power of women. It's like a title, full of irony.

This society is rife with rape culture, slut-shaming, and victim guilt. As Casey in the film says, "Men's biggest nightmare is getting involved in a sexual assault scandal, so do you know what women's biggest nightmare is?" ”

The movie ended sullenly. It's unpleasant, it's pessimistic. But, that's the reality.

Oscar Day, detailed explanation of the biggest hit after the film "Girl with a Bright Future"

(Image from the Internet, copyright belongs to the original author)

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