
The pastoral cat swaggered back from the outside with a "big bird" in his mouth: to feed himself by strength

author:Veterinarian Xiaoming

How "coming" can our pastoral cats be? Just look at the story shared by this netizen.

"What are you doing?"

The story takes place in Shanxi Province.

The woman has 2 cats in her family, a pastoral cat and a breed cat. Compared with 2 cats, although the pastoral cat does not look as strong as the breed cat, the strength is stronger than the pastoral cat.

The pastoral cat swaggered back from the outside with a "big bird" in his mouth: to feed himself by strength

On the afternoon of November 16th, the pastoral cat swaggered back from outside, looking very stunned, and holding a huge "thing" in its mouth, which looked like a big mouse from a distance.

"What are you doing?" The woman's face was full of question marks, but when she looked closely, she was startled. It turned out that the cat came back with an unknown big bird, still alive, which stunned the woman.

I saw the cat's mouthful of hair, presumably in order to catch this big bird, it also put in some effort, and this bird, the hair under the wings was also bitten off, and it looked like it was slightly injured.

The woman was also messy for a while, and she didn't know what to do, so she had to sprinkle some rice to feed the big bird and let it quiet down first.

The pastoral cat swaggered back from the outside with a "big bird" in his mouth: to feed himself by strength

Daily prey back

Speaking of this pastoral cat, the woman is also crying and laughing.

It is free-range, it will go out every day, although the family lives on the 3rd floor, but every day when the time comes, it will go home by itself, and every time it will not "return empty-handed", always bring back some prey, sometimes a praying mantis, sometimes a mouse.

Maybe someone has to question, could it be that the woman's food is not good, so the pastoral cat hunts himself? No, cats are eating freeze-dried cat food, the food is not bad, and the pastoral cat is also very particular, the prey it catches back it never eats, every time it comes back it is put in front of the woman and runs, obviously, it is displayed.

This time it was the same, after bringing the big bird back, it didn't care, just lay quietly on the side, looking like it had done a great job.

The pastoral cat swaggered back from the outside with a "big bird" in his mouth: to feed himself by strength

"Supporting yourself with strength"

The woman also did not dare to determine the identity of Big Bird, and thought of posting the video online for help from almighty netizens.

Soon, netizens commented after seeing the video, reassuring the woman that this is an ordinary pigeon, and the soup is absolutely delicious, in addition, some netizens expressed their envy of the woman, raised a good cat, and fed themselves with strength.

However, the woman is very kind, and after some entanglement, she still decided to let go of the pigeon, although this is the cat's intention, but she can't bear to kill.

Harm, veterinarian Xiaoming thinks that this cat is really powerful, ordinary cats can catch sparrows is already remarkable, and this cat can catch pigeons, it can be seen that the strength is indeed very strong.

The pastoral cat swaggered back from the outside with a "big bird" in his mouth: to feed himself by strength


Does anyone else think our pastoral cats are bad now? It's not a little better than a breed cat.

I hope that when considering raising cats, you can pay more attention to our pastoral cats, whether they are physical fitness or hard power, they are very strong, don't underestimate our pastoral cats.

The picture comes from the Internet, if you have any questions, you can contact the veterinarian Xiaoming.

If you have pet health and pet problems, pay attention to veterinarian Xiaoming for consultation.

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