
From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

author:White grass is like jade

"The Climber" reminds me of a movie I saw many years ago that also tells the story of the Himalayas, "Vertical Limit".

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

After watching "The Climber", I turned out "Vertical Limit" again, and felt that although these two films are also "Golden Fleece" movies, the differences in the outlook on life and values in Chinese and Western cultures conveyed by the two films that seem to be roughly the same are very contrasting.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the two films have different narrative angles</h1>

"The Climber" for the purpose of "reaching the top"

Directed by Director Li Rengang, "The Climber" is set against the backdrop of the real historical events of the Chinese climbing to the summit of Mount Everest twice in 1960 and 1975, telling the story of Fang Wuzhou, Qu Songlin and other climbers who climbed the top of the world with the purest dreams and beliefs and shouldered the mission of the times.

In 1960, Fang Wuzhou was appointed as the temporary "captain" by Linwei, leading the Chinese mountaineering team members Qu Songlin and Jeb to go through hardships and dangers, successfully climbed from the north slope to the highest peak of Everest, planted the national flag, brought back the fossils of the summit of Mount Everest, and completed the task that was recognized as impossible by the world mountaineering industry.

However, because Fang Wuzhou had to give up the camera in order to rescue the team member Qu Songlin, their summit did not leave 360-degree image data of the summit, so their summit has been criticized and questioned by the international mountaineering community, and it is difficult to be generally recognized.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

In 1975, the state re-established a mountaineering team, wanting to climb the summit of Mount Everest from the north slope again, make up for the regrets of that year, gain international recognition, and also measure the actual height of Mount Everest.

This time, the members of the mountaineering team are more complete, with professional cameramen, meteorological personnel, surveyors, and more advanced equipment. Fang Wuzhou and Qu Songlin are determined to win.

Under the leadership of Fang Wuzhou and Qu Songlin, the young mountaineers worked together, and after experiencing failure and the test of life and death, they finally seized the last opportunity to successfully reach the summit again, and took video data to measure the height of Mount Everest.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

"The Climber", as the name suggests, takes "climbing" as the theme, narrates the story of how in the process of "climbing", people overcome difficulties and fears, overcome themselves, and climb to the top of the peak.

Contrary to the "one-hearted upwards" of the characters in "The Climber", "Vertical Limit" tells the story of the protagonist's "one-hearted downwards". This "down" is to go down to the crack in the ice to find the sister, but also to successfully take the sister down the mountain.

Vertical Limit for "Rescue"

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

Peter and his sister Anne were originally a pair of brothers and sisters who loved each other and loved the sport of "mountaineering" under the guidance and influence of their father. However, due to a mountaineering accident, his father was killed, which also led to a knot between Peter and Annie, who could not understand and could not forgive her brother, and the brother and sister became strange.

After the death of her father, Peter had a shadow in her heart and gave up mountaineering; while Anne believed that "mountaineering" represented her father's expectations, she became an internationally renowned female climber through continuous "climbing", and also hoped that she could get closer to her father's "soul", feel her father's heart, and hope that she would become his "pride".

Anne's new challenge is to follow a commercial mountaineering team to challenge K2, the second highest peak in the Himalayas. K2 Peak is towering, holy and snow-white, but also dangerous.

Her brother Peter tried to dissuade Anne, but Anne thought that the team was professional, well-equipped, well-equipped, and the courage of the leader also infected her, and she had confidence.

Unexpectedly, during the climb, the team suffered a sudden change in climate, Anne and the team members were trapped in the cracks in the ice, and because of the high altitude, Anne also suffered from the fatal "plateau pulmonary edema".

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

In both films, the lethal reaction to climbing high-altitude mountains is mentioned at the same time : "altitude pulmonary edema". In "Vertical Limit", Annie suffers from "pulmonary edema", life enters the countdown, Peter needs to race against time to save Annie; in "The Climber", Xu Ying, played by Zhang Ziyi, lost her life directly due to "plateau pulmonary edema".

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"
From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"
From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

In order to rescue his sister, Peter temporarily formed a mountaineering rescue team, not only to accurately "locate", but also to smoothly take people down the mountain, Peter is tantamount to racing against the "God of Death", and finally saved Annie as he wished.

Vertical Limit is a production by Columbia Pictures, directed by Martin Campbell, released in late 2000. The theme of the film is "rescue", which tells the spirit of close relatives who can even sacrifice their own lives in order to protect each other.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the collision of outlook on life and values in Chinese and Western cultures</h1>

The beliefs that support the protagonist to complete the task are different

1. Fang Wuzhou, a participant in the faith group "The Climber" - As the first protagonist of the movie, Fang Wuzhou has dreams and national beliefs, which is the biggest force supporting his two "summits".

After the first successful summit, Fang Wuzhou's dream of climbing has been fulfilled, and he conquered Mount Everest. However, because no video data was left at that time, their "summit" could not be generally recognized by the international mountaineering community.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

"Conquering Mount Everest" is not only Fang Wuzhou's personal dream, but also represents national honor and is an opportunity to prove China to the world, because it is not recognized, and Fang Wuzhou's heart has not been able to let go.

Even if the national mountaineering team was disbanded at that time and Fang Wuzhou was assigned to the boiler room of the factory, he still maintained the training of the mountaineers, and even more he left the personal feelings that were already in the bud behind, in order to respond to the call of the country at any time and climb Mount Everest again.

In the film, until he was called into the national mountaineering team for the second time, Fang Wuzhou was "holding on to a force", going alone, not caring about the eyes and evaluations of the people around him, and always adhering to his original intention.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

It is also his ten years of consistent adherence to his mountaineering training that can ensure a high-level "mountaineering" state, lay a solid foundation for the final success, and also set an example for the team members and strengthen the confidence of the team.

2. Brother Peter of the family group "Vertical Limit"

The strength that supported Peter's final successful rescue of his sister Anne down the mountain was undoubtedly "family affection". And this spirit of protecting the safety of his loved ones, even if he needs to sacrifice himself, comes from his father.

At the beginning of the film, the father takes Peter and Annie to "climb the mountain", and after an accident, the lives of the three are hanging in the balance.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

The father, who was hanging at the bottom, did not have a sharp weapon in his hand, and he asked Peter to cut his rope and sacrifice himself to keep his children safe. At the critical moment, at the urging of his father, Peter could only close his eyes and cut the rope for his sister.

Fathers have successfully exchanged their lives for the safety of their children, and this is the power of affection.

Peter later stopped climbing the mountain, but for the sake of his sister Annie, knowing that K2 Peak was dangerous, his mountaineering skills had become unfamiliar, still disregarding the danger, and decided to form a team to rescue the mountain, once again, this is the power of family affection.

In this film, in addition to the power of "affection" between Peter and Anne, there is another character, Montgomery, who embodies the power of "love" in him.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

Montgomery is one of the mavericks among climbers, with an eccentric and solitary personality, but his climbing skills and experience are second to none. Behind this is a sad story - his wife once led a mountaineering team up the mountain as a guide, but unfortunately died and disappeared on K2 Peak. In order to find his wife, although both feet and feet were lost in half, Montgomery climbed K2 Peak again and again, and finally found his wife when he followed Peter up the mountain to rescue Anne, but he made up his wish and buried with his wife in the snowy mountains.

In this film, you can clearly feel the director's personal tendencies - faith, courage, skill may be able to achieve Bonnie's dreams, but only "family affection" can guard your safety.

Team members are made up differently and climbed differently

1. The Climbers are gathered by the call of the nation and a common faith. Therefore, the team cohesion is stronger, and their climbing method is to perform their duties, work together and advance and retreat, which is also a good guarantee for the safety of team members.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

2. The members of "Vertical Limit" come from different countries and regions, and join Peter's rescue team due to "interests", because they do not know Annie's location, so the team considers a variety of possibilities, disperses the action, the team is loose, and accidents occur frequently.

The two teams in these two films happen to be a national mountaineering team gathered in the name of the country; the other is a pure commercial mountaineering team, except for Peter for "family affection", the other team members are almost all for "checks", each pregnant with a "ghost fetus", the tacit understanding between the team members is not enough, the preparation is relatively hasty, so the "mortality rate" is higher than the "national mountaineering team".

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

The choice between life and death is different (which is also the main contradiction between the protagonists in the two films): what forces make them choose to give up their lives?

"Life and death choices" are almost an unavoidable topic of climbing the Himalayas, and of course, they are also the problems that the protagonists in such disaster films will inevitably face, and the choices in these reflect the differences in the outlook on life and values between the characters, and also reflect the contradictions between the characters.

In both films, there are characters who actively choose to sacrifice themselves:

1. Li Guoliang. Li Guoliang, a photojournalist with mountaineering hobbies and experiences, joined the 1975 national mountaineering team and was responsible for shooting video materials after reaching the summit.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

Not being able to take the video data is the biggest regret and anger in the heart of the veteran team member Qu Songlin. He thanked Fang Wuzhou for saving him, but he was even more angry that Fang Wuzhou lost his camera in order to save him, because he was a part-time photographer and was responsible for the safety of the camera, and he would rather sacrifice himself than save the camera. He believes that because of Fang Wuzhou, he will have those "regrets", and he can no longer climb the mountain because of his foot injury.

Therefore, Qu Songlin was particularly troubled by Li Guoliang's training and had high requirements. Living up to the expectations of Qu Songlin, after Fang Wuzhou was accidentally injured, Li Guoliang took the initiative to ask Miao to serve as the leader of the mountaineering commando team and formulated a strict mountaineering plan, but when he was about to reach the summit as scheduled, he encountered an accident and rolled off the cliff.

His teammates wake up the unconscious Li Guoliang, who finds himself in a precarious position, as are his teammates pulling him. For the safety of his teammates, he threw the camera up and chose to fall off a cliff himself.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

The intention of the film is to "let Li Guoliang sacrifice for Qu Songlin", Li Guoliang saved the camera, but he sacrificed himself, so that Qu Songlin instantly understood Fang Wuzhou's choice at that time, and understood that the meaning of life lies in "living". Without "living", faith and dreams will be zero, as long as you live, there will be another opportunity, but life is only once.

2. Peter's father and Montgomery. Peter's father and Montgomery made the same move in the face of the same dilemma — sacrificing themselves and saving each other.

The father is to protect his children, and Montgomery is because he has fulfilled his wish, the desire for life is not so strong, and he still has a villain who owes several lives in his hands- Karim.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

Montgomery's sacrifice is to avenge his wife and the people killed by Karim, and the other is to fulfill the family relationship between Peter and Anne's brothers and sisters, responding to the theme of the film.

3, choose to sacrifice others, to save their own villain - Karim. Karim is the only "villain" in both films. He organized mountaineering teams to climb K2 for "commercial gain." When encountering difficulties, they should have supported and rescued each other with the team members, but Karim chose to occupy all the rescue resources alone, regardless of the lives of his teammates, and only wanted to "live alone".

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

His "living alone" succeeded once, but in the end he was discovered that his "bad deeds" were killed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > seemingly the personal "choices" of the characters, in fact, they are inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. </h1>

Nepal and The Tibet region of China border, and historically there has been a traditional customary line between China and Nepal that is basically along the middle of the Himalayas, but it has never been formally demarcated or demarcated.

At the end of the 1950s, China began diplomatic negotiations with Nepal on the settlement of the land border issue on the agenda of the two governments, of which the more controversial issue was the ownership of Mount Everest.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

Nepal insists that Everest belongs to their country, and some people even ridicule: "Your country has not even climbed Mount Everest, so why say that it belongs to China?" ”

In the face of such severe doubts, China has formed a mountaineering team and chosen to climb to the top on the north slope of Mount Everest. Of the 200-man climbing team formed, only 4 people finally climbed Everest in bad weather.

Because it was reached at night, no video data was left, which led to the world's disbelief Chinese successfully climbed Mount Everest from the north slope.

The questions and insults from all sides of the international community have made our country determined to choose the right time to form a "climbing team" again to fight back with strength.

After 15 years of humiliation and burden, in 1975 the national mountaineering team assembled again, took a video camera, and successfully reached the summit from the north slope, proving to the world that we are China.

Combined with the historical background, we can better understand the behavior of the characters in the film and the heaviness of their responsibilities.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">04</h1>

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist</h1> harvested

1, "Climber" Fang Wuzhou: Faith and dreams can make people "fearless", but with emotional blessings, you can be protected.

After the release of the movie, some people thought that the emotional drama between Xu Ying and Fang Wuzhou was "painting snakes and adding feet", which was not necessary, but I thought that the role of "feelings" in character growth was very critical.

The first ascent of Fang Wuzhou and the team members has demonstrated that the power of faith and dreams can make people "fearless" and "indestructible". It was only because of a small regret at that time that the "summit" was not recognized by the international community, and there was a second "summit" later.

If you "climb to the top" for the second time, the spiritual strength behind the characters has not changed, and it is inevitable that the mood of the film will appear flat, not sublimated, and there will be a feeling of "false emptiness".

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

It is precisely because the "feeling" factor is added to the spiritual force that promotes the success of "climbing to the top" that the character can stand more real and fuller, and also reflect the growth of the character.

Fang Wuzhou from suppressing for the ideal, or even giving up his emotions, to finally completing the "dream" with the assistance of "emotion", this is a complete process of character growth and maturity, so his and Xu Ying's emotional line is very necessary to help complete the arc of the character.

Xu Ying also completed her "character" mission from the original incomprehension to supportIng Fang Wuzhou with her life.

2, "Vertical Limit" Peter: The power of family affection can make people break through fear and shackles, and the way to get rid of pain is not to escape, but to face and overcome it

After his father's accident, because it was Peter's own hand that cut the rope, his inner pain was even greater, and he also denied himself, so he left the mountain to escape the "painful memory".

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

But the right way to heal the wound is never to escape, and the inner wound is also where the sun shines in.

When his sister Anne is in danger, forcing him to break through his fears and pains and having to climb the mountain again, Peter truly begins his "healing" treatment.

By facing the same situation as his father again and successfully saving Annie, Peter's injuries were completely "healed".

He understood that his actions were a must-do to weigh the pros and cons, and he understood that if his father had a knife in his hand, he would cut the rope with his own hands, just like Montgomery did.

At the same time, Anne also truly understood her brother, and the brother and sister reconciled and reconciled.

No matter how thrilling the film is, it is still "optimistic", because no matter how big the danger, the film means can no longer be restored. The Himalayas are far more thrilling than we can see and imagine, especially Mount Everest, but it still attracts climbers from all over the world with its heights and challenging difficulties on top of the world.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">05</h1>

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Mount Everest, known for its world's highest height, is the sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"</h1>

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

British mountaineer George Mallory

The first human ascent to Mount Everest at an altitude of 8,848.43 meters was recorded by the famous mountaineer Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953, and the Sherpa of Nepal, Tenzin Norgai.

Regarding "why climb Mount Everest", the famous British mountaineer George Mallor has a famous saying - because the mountain is there!

On June 8, 1924, George Mallory challenged Everest, but he died heroically during the second summit of Mount Everest, leaving his dreams, life and spirit on Mount Everest.

The first time in history that a real Chinese "climbed to the top"

On May 24, 1960, four commandos of the Chinese National Mountaineering Team, Wang Fuzhou, Kampot, Qu Yinhua and Liu Lianman, set off from the assault camp at an altitude of 8,500 meters, and successfully reached the summit of Mount Everest at 4:20 a.m. on the 25th, standing on the top of the world.

At a critical moment in history, as the first Chinese to summit Mount Everest, they achieved the feat of climbing Mount Everest from the north slope for the first time in human history, leaving a strong mark in the history of world mountaineering.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

Mount Everest is divided into a south slope and a north slope, of which the south slope is located in the territory of our neighborIng Nepal, the slope is relatively gentle, the north slope is located in china, the slope is steep and more dangerous, so the difficulty of climbing from the south slope is much lower than that of the north slope, and the number of people who climb from the south slope every year is far more than the north slope.

The danger of the southern slope lies mainly in the Khumbu Glacier, which is also known as the "Horror Glacier". Because glaciers are unstable, accidents such as ice avalanches and ice bridge breaks often occur, so 30% of accidents on the southern slope occur here.

The north slope route located in Tibet in China is generally considered to have five main difficulties:

The first difficulty is the forward camp, also known as the "devil", located at an altitude of 6500 meters.

The second difficulty is the large ice wall at an altitude of 6500 meters to 7028 meters north of the pass.

The third difficulty is the high wind outlet at an altitude of 7500 meters.

The fourth difficulty is the yellow belt cross-cutting lot above 8300 meters.

The fifth difficulty is the second step between 8680 meters and 8700 meters above sea level. When China's mountaineering team first climbed in 1960, Liu Lianman had the best physical fitness among the 4 team members, so he has always shouldered the task of opening the way.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

When climbing the "second step", Liu Lianman even used his own body as a ladder to let his teammates step on him and cross over. When he finally sprinted to the top, Liu Lianman was physically exhausted, and the mountain sickness became more and more serious. The teammates had to make a difficult choice - let Liu Lianman stay at an altitude of 8700 meters, and the other 3 people continued to climb the summit.

They all thought that this was a parting of life and death, and Liu Lianman also wrote a "suicide note". Fortunately, Liu Lianman waited for them to return alive and successfully triumphed with his teammates.

In 1975, when the Chinese national mountaineering team organized the second climb of Mount Everest, a 6-meter metal ladder was erected on the second step, known as the "Chinese Ladder". This "metal ladder" was replaced once in 2013.

The first Chinese woman to climb Mount Everest

In the "Climber" movie, when the national mountaineering team successfully reached the summit in 1975, there was a Tibetan female mountaineer in the team, Black Peony, who was the first Chinese woman in the film to climb to the summit of Mount Everest.

Her prototype is pando, the first Chinese Tibetan female climber in real history to climb to the summit of Mount Everest.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

Pando came from a Tibetan serf family, and her name means "useful person." She joined the Chinese mountaineering team in 1958, and with the tenacity of her character in a difficult upbringing, Pando quickly stood out from the team.

Before reaching the summit of Mount Everest, she had conquered Muztag peak at an altitude of 7546 meters and Gonggel Jiubie Peak at an altitude of 7595 meters, breaking the world women's mountaineering height record twice.

On May 27, 1975, she successfully climbed to the summit of Mount Everest with the national mountaineering team. Pando was not only the first Chinese woman to climb to the summit of Mount Everest, but also the first woman in the world to climb from the north slope.

The prototype of the "Yang Guang" character played by Hu Ge - Xia Boyu

In the movie, Yang Guang, a young mountaineer played by Hu Ge, cut his sleeping bag to a female doctor, resulting in frostbite and amputation of his right leg, and had to stop climbing. Years later, the elderly Yang Guang (played by Jackie Chan) wore prosthetics and finally climbed to the top of Mount Everest, completing a long-cherished wish of a lifetime. This story also has an archetype in history, and his archetypal character is called Xia Boyu.

From "The Climber" and "Vertical Limit" to see the collision of Western values and outlook on life 01 The narrative angles of the two films are different 02 The collision of life views and values in Chinese and Western cultures 03 It seems that the personal "choices" of the characters are actually inseparable from the influence of different social environments and cultures in the East and the West at that time. For our country, the timing of the story of "The Climber" is of extraordinary historical significance. 04 The ending of the "Golden Fleece" movie - the growth of the protagonist's harvest 05 Everest, which is known for its world's highest height, is the incomparably sacred "yearning" in the hearts of all "climbers"

When Xia Boyu climbed Mount Everest with the national mountaineering team in 1975, he gave up his sleeping bag to a Tibetan compatriot who lost his sleeping bag, resulting in frostbite amputation of his lower legs and having to temporarily give up his dream of climbing.

But Xia Boyu has always been obsessed with climbing Everest, and under his unremitting insistence, in 2018, at the age of 69, he finally successfully reached the summit with a prosthesis, becoming the first climber in China to successfully reach the summit of Mount Everest without legs, and the oldest Everest climber, who used his life to interpret the spirit of never giving up.


(This article is original to Bai Mao Ruyu, and today's headlines are first published.) Please contact the author for reprinting, welcome to forward. All pictures in the text are from the Network, if it involves infringement, contact will be deleted. )

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