
Beautiful big feet

author:The sky over Emiran

Once upon a time, there was a girl who never wore shoes, just because her feet would have a fever as soon as she put them on, and in the spring she danced on the green grass, in the summer she danced in the shade of the trees, in the autumn she danced on the mountain roads with deciduous leaves, in the winter she danced in the snow in the depths of winter, and when she was dreaming, she was already dancing, with the kind that pointed to the ground, otherwise her feet would have a fever. 

  Until the day of eighteen years old. Girls of her age in the village were married, and there was not even a single lad at the door of her house (because at that time all the girls were foot-bound, but her feet were not), and people said, "Look at her big feet, if on the day she gets married, if the groom walks in front, her heels are flattened by her, who dares to marry her?" But even if not a single boy came to her house to kiss her. But what does it matter, as long as her dance accompanies her. 

  Until the mother who was dependent on her was dead, there was no one in the world to protect her. So people said, "You see, her big feet are really a disgrace to the people of our village." ”

"Also, she must have bumped into evil spirits, always dancing in the middle of the night in her mother's graveyard." Dance the night away. Many of the people who rushed at night were scared half to death by her, and we had to drive such ominous people out of our village. ”

 "Good," said all the people in the village.

One day, a man from the village came to her house and said to her, "Last night, a blue melon I planted was gone. ”

"What does that have to do with me?" Beautiful Bigfoot asked him

"Because I saw a pair of big footprints on the ground," the villager drew with an exaggerated gesture.

"But I didn't go to your melon field last night."

Say it's not necessarily that you stole it while sleepwalking. ”

Oh, yes. When a person sleepwalks, she can do everything, and she always has the problem of sleepwalking. Several times in the past she had woken up in the night and she was in the wild. Maybe this time I really stole someone else's melon while sleepwalking. And I don't know where to put it. So Bigfoot said to him, 'Then go and find it yourself in my yard.' I probably don't know where to put it anymore. ’

thereupon. The man took away the only blue melon on the melon rack in her yard.

Another day. A villager came to her and said, "A piece of potato in our field was missing last night." ”

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Because I saw a pair of big, big footprints."

"But I haven't been to your potato field!"

"Maybe you stole it while sleepwalking."

 Yes, a person who does everything while sleepwalking, not necessarily because he went to dig up other people's potatoes when he sleepwalked last night. So she said to the man, "Then go to my house and find it yourself." ”

 So the man took half of her room full of potatoes and carts.

Another day later, a villager from a village came to her again, "My family's nest of eggs is gone." ”

"What does that have to do with me?"  

"But I saw a pair of big, big footprints."

"I haven't been to your house!"

"Maybe you stole it while sleepwalking."  

"Then go to my house and find it yourself." Bigfoot told her directly that she thought she had sleepwalked again last night.

So the man took away all her basket of eggs.

Sleepwalking, how she is these days, how is she always sleepwalking, and finally she thinks of sleepwalking. So when she saw the villagers coming to her house, she knew that it was because of her sleepwalking, and finally when she saw the villagers find the door, she didn't have to think about it and said to them: You go to the house and find it yourself. I probably don't know where to put them anymore.

 Until one day, people took everything from her and she had nothing.

That night she lay in the empty house and fell asleep crying, and when she was asleep, she had another dream, and in the dream she danced again, and she danced and jumped, and came to a beautiful place, and she saw a river. On the other side of the river, there is a house as beautiful as a fairy tale, but connected to that side is a bridge made of a rainbow, can the bridge built by the rainbow pass it herself, she hesitated to go up, did not think that the bridge of the rainbow is not only very strong, she can actually dance on it. oh! It was really a magical bridge, so she crossed the bridge and went to the house over there, and when she was about to open the door of the house with her hand, she didn't expect the door to open it herself, because she was dreaming, so she didn't know to be afraid, she saw the door open and went in, and saw a fairy living inside: "Oh! How could I come to such a place? She was amazed.

"That's because you're in a dream," the fairy told her.

"Ah, am I really in a dream, or am I sleepwalking again, and I'm going to bring someone else's messy things?" So she pinched herself so hard that she didn't feel the pain, and she believed that she was indeed in a dream.

"So what is this place?" Bigfoot asked.

"I am the goddess of this land, I have been sleeping for a hundred years, and it was your footsteps that woke me up."

"Ah. Will my dancing footsteps be so loud, how the sound of thunder did not wake you up, how did the earthquake not wake you up, how did my footsteps wake you up?" Bigfoot is sorry.

"Nope. Only the lightest footsteps in the world would wake me up. ”

"Oh... So why did you bring my dream here? ”

"I want to teach you the language of animals and the language of flowers and plants, all of which are useful to you. You have nothing now, and as long as you can understand their language and speak to them, they will come and help you. ”

"Really? That's great. It's just that there are a few more annoying things that bother me beyond that," Bigfoot frowned. Seriously.

"What else?"

"Am I really, as the people in the village say, that I am really an obnoxious girl, and all this is because I am a big foot?"

"If a girl's big feet are sinful, then please look at my feet." When the fairy had finished speaking, she took her feet out of her shoes, and it turned out that her feet were already a pair of big feet. Bigfoot was stunned.

"Ah, are you too big to marry and become a fairy?" Bigfoot's eyes were filled with sympathy.

"Say anything, we women at that time were bigfoot. If the old man wrapped a piece of cloth on his feet, he would not be able to marry. ”

"The customs at that time were really strange."

"Strange thing about you modern people. . . ." The fairy was so angry that she didn't know how to reason with her.

"Then, teach me what you just said." Bigfoot seemed angry when he saw the fairy. She just wanted to go early.

"Well, if you follow me to learn this mantra, you will be able to know the language of other beings." After Learning the spell with the goddess, Bigfoot suddenly woke up, only to find that she was still in her bed, in order to prove that the dreams just now were not true, so she hurried out of the house, and sure enough, she could understand the voice of the flowers and plants... ”

When she understood the language of animals and flowers, she no longer worried about her own life, and because her dance was so beautiful, the creatures of the land could not do without her, and from then on every morning, the thrush would come to her window early and sing to her, the bees would move under her eaves to brew the most delicious honey for her, the sun would shine through the window ledge of the cabin, weaving the most beautiful lattice in the world in the house, and the old river mussel in the river would see that she would offer her the most beautiful pearls. When she was lying in bed after a tiring day, the sound of the mountain wind was her best sleeping song, like the moonlight of the water would come and pour out her tiredness, and even the fluorescent fireflies in the wind that night had flown into her cabin, dancing softly with her dreams, and her dreams were already dancing. In the end, she decided to dance only for all the life in this land, and kept dancing morning into dusk, day into night, and years into seasons, although she was sometimes very tired, but she was very happy.

And it was then that a beautiful princess came from a Western country who said she was going to dedicate the most beautiful dance in the world to the prince of China. And the young prince saw the princess's dance and thought it was too beautiful, the kind of one that tiptoed to the ground, but he thought, if this dance was performed by a Chinese girl, how good it would be, the prince's mind was seen through by a minister who came with the princess, so he came to the prince and said, "Dear Majesty, the women of your country will never be able to dance such a beautiful dance." ”

"Why?" The prince asked curiously.

"For all the women of your country have their feet wrapped up," said the foreign minister triumphantly.

"No, I must find a woman who can dance, and who walks a thousand times more beautifully than your princess's dance."

When the prince had finished speaking, he went out unconvinced.

 But a year had passed, not to mention a girl who could dance, not even a barefoot girl he had never seen, and the prince was a little disheartened. It was another snowy night in the depths of winter, and the first snow had fallen, and the prince was still riding his horse on the road of the first snow in search of a girl who could dance, and suddenly he saw that on the ground, a string of footprints extended like a dance to the distance, and there were fairies dancing in this snowy night of deep winter. So he walked down the trail curiously, and sure enough, at the end of the moon, he really saw a fairy dancing in the snow, because her dance was so beautiful, he looked at him so stunned, even if he was frozen, he did not know, and after Bigfoot danced, he saw a frozen man in the snow, so he took the prince home by the way.

The next day. The prince woke up to find himself in a warm log cabin, the warm sun shining through the window into the hut, and there was an indescribable warmth in the hut, when the bigfoot girl was boiling him a bowl of ginger soup with honey and brought it in.

 "Oh, dear girl, you must be a fairy here, otherwise, why is your dance so beautiful?" The prince got up and asked.

 "No, I'm just an ordinary girl with a pair of big, big feet, and if you really like me dancing, then you can stay." Watch me dance every day." Because no one had ever said that her dancing was beautiful, she felt so happy to hear it.

 Since then, the prince has stayed in the palace and has seen her dancing every day.

 In such an ancient country, the prince was gone, which caused panic among the people, so people spontaneously tried to find their beloved prince, but people almost turned the country over and did not find their prince, because people could not imagine that the prince would be hidden in a log cabin.

 Until one day, two dutiful soldiers found the log cabin, and although they did not believe that the prince would live here, they still went out of their way to ask about it. They asked the bigfoot girl who was sweeping the snow in the courtyard, 'May I ask, do you see our prince?' ’

 "Oh, the prince is gone". Could it be that I stole the prince while sleepwalking, Bigfoot secretly pondered to himself. So she said to the two soldiers, "Go into the house and find it yourself." I don't know where I hid him anymore." Unexpectedly, the two soldiers did find the prince from the house.

The prince was leaving, so he said to Bigfoot, "Dear girl, would you please give me one last dance?" ”

 What an honor to be able to dance for a noble prince, and at this moment she knew that the man she had rescued was the prince, she thought. Except for the prince. No one will watch her dance anymore. She tried her best to dedicate the most beautiful dance in the world to the prince. So she danced and danced, and she was so tired from dancing that she passed out.

But. When she woke up, she found herself lying in the palace, and it turned out that the prince had taken advantage of her unconsciousness to take advantage of the opportunity to take her back to the palace in a carriage.

 When the prince saw her wake up, he knelt down in front of her and proposed to her: "Dear girl, please marry me?" ”

"What are you in love with me?" ”

"Your Kindness"

"What's the use of kindness, I have a pair of big feet, I don't deserve you." When the bigfoot girl finished speaking, she got up and ran out of the palace barefoot, and ran back to her cabin in one breath.

 When she awoke the next day, she found herself still asleep in the palace, and it turned out that she had been too tired of running when she returned yesterday, and the prince had taken her back to the palace in a carriage while she was asleep at night.

 "Dear girl, will you marry me?" The prince knelt down again and proposed to her.  

"What are you in love with me?"

"Your Purity"

"Ah. What's the use of being pure, because I have a pair of big, big feet. I don't deserve you." She ran out of the palace in one breath, this time she ran faster, and the prince rode a fast horse and did not catch up with her. The prince sighed in disbelief: It seems that her big feet, in addition to being used for dancing, run quite fast. But such a wild girl, I just like it.

  When she woke up on the third day, she found herself still lying in the palace. Because she was too tired when she came back. The prince took advantage of her sleep the night before and took her back to the palace in a carriage.

"Dear girl, will you marry me?"

 "What are you in love with me?"

 "Your beauty."

 "What's the use of being beautiful, I have a pair of big feet, I don't deserve you."

 This time she cried more bitterly than the previous two times, and ran farther, and when the prince chased him out of the palace, he did not even see her shadow.

When she woke up on the fourth day, she found herself finally lying back on the bed in the cabin. "Dear girl, please marry me." It turned out that the prince still did not let her go, chased her to the cabin, and stayed by her bedside all night. When he saw her wake up, he told her.

"Dear girl. This time I will not force you to marry me, and if even you are not worthy of me, then I will ask you. What other woman in the world is worthy of me? ”

"Not me anyway."

"Really, not necessarily."

The prince took her to a mirror. Pointing to the person in the mirror, he asked, "Then do you say she deserves it?" ” 

"Oh, that's her." She pointed to herself in the mirror and said.

"That's your own mirror." It turned out that the prince had quietly groomed her carefully last night while she was familiar, and she had never imagined that she could become so beautiful. Her face turned red when she looked at her mirror shadow.

"But my big feet... She was hurt again.

"Actually, your feet are not big at all." The prince finished speaking, and took out a pair of shoes made of emeralds. "After you put on these shoes, your feet will no longer have a fever." Of course, I still like the way you don't wear shoes, because then you can dance better. ”

Oh my God, those shoes were so small, she dared to say, she had never seen a shoe like this in her life, her big feet, could she wear it? She hesitated too much to give it a try.

  Then I will personally wear it for you, I did not expect the prince to try to put it on her, she could not believe it, it turned out that her feet were not big at all, it turned out that the prince took advantage of her sleep last night. Having quietly measured her feet, the prince took her out of the hut, and on the way back to the palace, every passerby the prince proudly declared that she was his bride.

 Yes, in the eyes of the people, only a woman as beautiful as this is worthy of a noble prince, because she walks as beautiful as dancing, and suddenly someone in the crowd screams: Look, her little feet.

 She was so touched after listening to it, she had always thought that happiness was just a legend, but she did not expect that today she could have it. So she couldn't help but burst into tears, dancing in the group for her own blessing, the kind that tiptoed on the ground.

Author's note: Aesthetics is a very strange thing, you think that you like something is engraved in the genes, the most direct, instinctive, and life is one, in fact, it is not.

There are many aesthetics of human beings that are very pathological, and many of this pathology are subject to politics, power. The influence of culture, it is difficult for people to imagine that the ancients would regard the wrapping of small feet as beauty, but this beauty has existed in our country for thousands of years, and the push and disability of women has reached an incomparable point, because many women have broken the foot plate in order to wrap their feet smaller, and my grandmother's feet are already a pair of small feet.

However, in history, there is no real one to reflect on this kind of persecution and persecution, to complain for these victims, and it is almost impossible to find such reflective articles from ancient texts, which shows a problem, our civilization is a moral civilization, but it is difficult to have the ultimate humanistic care of the civilization. Even, sometimes moral purpose deviates from ultimate human concern, and even causes human disasters.

Think about how traumatic and inconvenient it would be to wrap a girl's feet for a lifetime, let alone those who are disabled because of it. However, women for more than a thousand years have come this way.

However, men have expressed the behavior of female foot binding as beauty, and have also created a special idiom: what is the head of the foot, three to win the golden lotus. It is enough to show that in ancient times, the aesthetic of the feet was as comparable to the face. In fact, the ultimate purpose is to prevent women from eloping. It's a war about women.

If you look at it with a modern aesthetic, how to look at it is ugly, I really don't know where the beauty comes from, but it has existed for more than a thousand years.

My point is that human life and dignity are above any position and morality.