
This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

author:Drawer movies

Beautiful words are not only used as a weight of praise, but sometimes, irony can also be expressed in the deepest form. Any word will have a two-sided nature, and using the same word in different situations sometimes produces different meanings.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

It's like movies, we look at movies as an art form, and if there is praise, there will be punctures. Many times, some of the things we abandon, the film will always show us through another way, those in daily life of the nobility, if on another occasion, then it is undoubtedly a naked denigration.

The film recommended to you today is to satirize a group by showing different aspects of the same life, which looks shining under the sun, but in fact, when they begin to be in another state, this aura will be faded, and all that remains is dirty and false nobility.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

"The Prudent Charm of the Bourgeoisie" is the movie I want to share with you today. The main theme of this film is very simple, that is, to mainly explain the caution of this group of people. The word "caution" seems to be a word of praise, but in fact, this praise is conditional to some extent, and at different times or in different people, the word will have different meanings depending on the group, and it is obvious that in this film, the meaning of this word is pejorative.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

The group in this film is undoubtedly the group of people who look noble in our daily lives, they belong to the bourgeoisie, why should we divide them by class, because we can understand through this film that we can look at the daily life of another class, the proletariat, from their point of view.

It's an interesting perspective, and the story that this perspective provokes, it may be more interesting than the perspective itself. In a capitalist country, there is such a group of ordinary people, but their positions are not ordinary at all.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

Several government officials, a foreign envoy. They are a group of good friends in name only. Their meetings always take place at dinner, but they always prevent the meal they want because of various things.

In fact, not only their meals, but also their other private lives, as well as all kinds of office routines, these seemingly ordinary lives will always be defeated by all kinds of accidents, but this group of people stubbornly want to gather together to continue their own life. But there is no doubt that life is still incoherent, and all behavior will still be interrupted.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

The story seems meaningless, but in fact it is the intricate dreams of several men unexpectedly connected. Through this multi-layered series, this film explains a seemingly simple, but in fact intricate topic, what kind of facts exist between faulted classes, and how hypocritical people are behind the superficially glamorous people.

A person's character can be seen through how he treats people in high positions, and the people in these high positions in this film reflect a kind of arrogance everywhere to treat people who are one class lower than themselves.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

In order to prevent the proletariat from proclaiming itself, bourgeois officials can shoot at the streets. When coercing the people at the bottom, if they cannot achieve their goals through the hypocritical side, then after agreeing to release people one second, the next second they will instruct the secret police to arrest them.

When inviting friends to dinner, they are repeatedly delayed because they want to burn themselves, and the friend's delay in showing his face to the owner or a strange behavior will immediately think that something is not good and run away.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

There will always be a dynamic equilibrium within this kind of crowd, but once this balance is slightly tilted, it will immediately trigger a series of chain reactions, and when the big trouble comes, it will fly separately, it is not alarmist, it aptly describes the contradiction of the current situation of this group.

When all the crises have been resolved, they will again carry out their daily lives as if nothing had happened, as if there had never been any contradiction between them, and there had never been any gap between them.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

This dynamic equilibrium continues as a result. This is what the film calls the charm of prudence. A high degree of caution will make their lives more secure, but this caution destroys their nature as human beings, luxurious and at the same time unfree.

Under the face of hypocrisy, people will always have all kinds of real demands, as long as there is power and money, anyone will submit to these substances. Even the priest, the pronoun of their faith, would be proud to be the gardener of the official family.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

And this seemingly charitable face, after crossing countless people, cannot eradicate his hatred from his heart. The reason is simple, the previous ferry people were only forced to act for a purpose, and once the outside world is no longer binding on themselves, the brain will be completely occupied by this meanness.

Although this film is a satirical film of the battle and neatness, this neatness is not cramped, but full of tension, because of the intricate multi-layer, we can see the hypocrisy of this class in all directions, the endless meal, the endless road, do not know where the hope is, but do not stop.

This unpopular movie tells you that the charm of the bourgeoisie is somewhere between greed and fear

It may not be appropriate to understand some class contradictions through this film, but it is also a kind of lead to let us see different aspects of the problem.


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