
Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

author:Cold Eye Observation Bureau

Some of them are the consortiums that control the world economy behind their backs, which have not faded for a hundred years, and they are rich enough to rival the country;

Some were world creditors, twice relying on family financial resources to save the United States from crisis;

Some were at their peak, accounting for half of the world's wealth.

That's right, today Uncle Leng will talk to everyone: the richest eight families in the world!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Pay attention to Uncle Leng, long press and like, Uncle Leng will take you to open the secrets of these families and see if they can actually trench off your jaw!

The first Shadow Emperor, the Rothschilds

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

One of the family's mansions

How rich the Rothschilds are, it is estimated that it will scare you to death!

It is said that their total assets once reached 50 trillion US dollars, and it should be known that China's GDP in 2016 was only 12 trillion US dollars, and the wealth of a family is equivalent to China's GDP for four years!

Because they refused to go public, they were never on the Forbes Rich List.

But if we talk about the world's famous wine 82 years of Lafite, and "diamonds are eternal, a perpetual" Delbis, we will not be unfamiliar, and these are all one of the properties of the Rothschild family.

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Synonymous with expensive red wine: Rafi

How did they get rich, don't worry, then look down, Uncle Leng will now share this secret of making big money with you!

Founder Meyer Rothschild and his 5 sons have opened banks in London, Paris, Vienna and other European cities, and when soldiers fight in war, they dare to lend the country's usury!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Meyer and five sons

The Waterloo War of 1815 was the end of Napoleon's hegemony, but it was the beginning of Rothschild's conquest of the world with money!

They learned of Napoleon's defeat a day in advance and sold all the British Government bonds, so everyone began to sell, and the British stock price fell from £100 to £5 under their control!

Who knew that Lao Luo had secretly bought back these big dive treasury bonds!

The result was Napoleon, the British national debt soared, and the old Luo family earned 200 million pounds in just one day, equivalent to the current 50 billion US dollars!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Battle of Waterloo

I don't think the world can find a profitable businessman more profitable than him! After the news spread, Rothschild's reputation was completely destroyed, and the princes and nobles of all Europe asked for loans from their families!

It is said that in the 19th century, the sum of money of all the people in the world did not add up to this family!

At its peak, the currency of the entire European continent was in their hands, and no cabinet dared not listen to them!

Second place Sixth magnate rockefeller family.

The founder of the Rockefeller family, John, started from scratch and was the first billionaire in the history of the world!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

John Rockefeller

As the saying goes, it is not more than three generations to be rich, but Rockefeller has flourished for six generations!

Standard Oil, Chase Bank, the University of Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art, and even the World Trade Center that collapsed in 9 11... The Rockefellers were everywhere.

At that time, the oil digging fever swept through the United States, but he looked at the oil refining business that no one cared about, and as a result, there were too many people digging oil, and the pants were gone, and rockefeller, who was refining oil, became rich!

He created Standard Oil, which single-handedly created and monopolized the U.S. oil industry. At that time, even 90% of the oil in the United States was refined by Standard Oil, and even the price of oil was already Rockefeller's decision!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Standard Oil's refining scenario

If John had survived to this day, he would have more wealth than the world's top ten richest people combined!

A greedy capitalist like him is the greatest philanthropist in the United States!

The Rockefeller Foundation was once the world's largest charity, and John himself donated $500 million in his lifetime, even the Peking Union Medical College in China, which was established by the foundation.

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

The palatial Peking Union Medical College Hospital

But public opinion commented on him: "Rockefeller donated money with two hands, but robbed with many hands." ”

Third place The Morgan family, the world creditors

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

The Morgan family mansion that was too big to see

Looking at this headless mansion, can you feel a little bit of the Morgan family trench?

But you would never have imagined that this family would be so rich!

The president of the United States, who has been strong all his life, has twice begged the Morgan family to borrow money!

Morgan also issued bonds to Mexico and Argentina, and even the British Empire and France at the time could not escape the fate of borrowing money from them!

By the beginning of the 20th century, the family had become a true creditor of the world!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Borrowing money is so arrogant!

Jack and the love of meat silk everyone knows it, this famous luxury cruise ship Tankenick, the owner of the gold behind it is also the Morgan family!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Luxurious and dreamy Titanic

Even the inventor Edison and the trust, the man behind it is Morgan! It turns out that it is not the electric lights that light up the world, but the Morgan family!

Good guys, Uncle Leng also has his own dream of invention, can Morgan also invest in investment?

The fourth president is the Bush family.

This family is different from the others, their wealth is power, a frightening power!

The Bush family took the oath five times in front of the majestic White House, of which the elder Bush was elected vice president twice, the president once, and the son George W. Bush jr. was elected president twice.

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Bush was successfully elected president

Not only the president, but the Bush family has many successful bankers and businessmen, producing two U.S. senators, a Supreme Court justice, and two governors!

With its strong influence in politics, the Bush family can almost influence the American political arena, and even the Kennedy family is far behind him!

Uncle Leng told everyone an interesting story, the elder Bush is still the president of China the most, he has more than twenty visits to China in his lifetime, and has won the Outstanding Friend of China Award!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Bush Sr. paid a happy visit to China

And he also had a romantic little story with Chairman Mao!

When Bush first met Chairman Mao, he was still an ambassador.

Chairman Mao took his hand and said cordially that you must come to see me! At that time, the elder Bush was as shy as a child in front of Chairman Mao!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

The elder Bush was as shy as a child in front of Chairman Mao

Later, when Bush Sr. first took office as president, he broke the tradition of the White House visiting European countries first and chose to visit China first! Sure enough, I love our China deeply!

Moreover, bush sr. likes Chinese food very much, especially Beijing roast duck, and after returning to the United States, he is still in love with it, and often has to go to Chinese restaurants to eat!

The fifth is the DuPont family of arms giants

In the 1890s, the DuPont family controlled as much as $150 billion in wealth, producing 250 rich people and 50 super rich people!

Good guys, in their family rich as if they don't want money!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

The rich "unremarkable" DuPont family

DuPont, the family's company, is the longest-lived company in the fortune 500 and the largest chemical company in the United States, and because it started by manufacturing gunpowder, it is the largest arms supplier to the US military!

The bloodline passed down to the third generation, and the Dupont family had at least 10 pairs of cousins married, making it the largest family with the most close relatives in the United States.

Even so, there are so many family scandals that people are scared of rape and incest!

The most bizarre thing is an heir named John Dupont, who is not accustomed to the private life of the Olympic wrestling champion he has greatly funded, and shoots him directly!

The case was later adapted into the film Fox Hunter, which also won the Cannes Film Festival Director's Grand Prix!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Fox hunters who look normal are actually crazy balls

Sixth, the fortune myth of the hillbilly, the Walton family

Walmart is the world's largest supermarket chain, and the Walton family owns half of it!

It also makes them the richest family in the United States, with family wealth even higher than Singapore's GROSS domestic product, twice that of Bill Gates!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

The first Walmart supermarket opened

In 1985, family founder Sam Walton topped america's richest list.

Sam became the focus of public attention overnight.

But when they saw america's richest man living the simplest of things, they couldn't help but be disappointed: Sam was wearing cheap clothes, a discounted baseball cap, and a dilapidated pickup truck!

It is this kind of "hillbilly" who has created a terrible myth of wealth!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Classic photo of Walton

But now the Walton family has no one to inherit the business situation, who helped Uncle Leng to go to the United States to pass on a word, if everyone does not want to, I am very willing to be this heir...

Seventh place Indian chaebol Tata family

Tata Group is the largest conglomerate in India and has a position in India equivalent to South Korea's Samsung.

Indians often say that they are woken up in the morning by the alarm clock produced by Tata, go out in the car produced by Tata, pass through the bridge built by Tata, go into the enterprise under Tata to work, buy food at the supermarket opened by Tata after work, and then go home to drink tea produced by Tata...

From its founding in 1868 to the present, Tata has been involved in seven areas: communications and information technology, engineering, materials, services, energy, consumer products and chemicals.

The Tata Group has more than 100 companies with operations on six continents and more than 660,000 employees worldwide!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

A huge landmark of Tata Company

Just one Tata car can occupy a place in the world's top 500!

In 2008, Tata Group launched a new car, the Nano, priced at just over $2,000, setting a record for a low-priced car!

Even if the development of low-end cars, the top luxury car brands Jaguar and Land Rover, are also the industries acquired by Tata!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Top luxury car Land Rover

This is exactly what the Tata Group has always done: in almost all areas, the Tata Group has both high and low brands!

What they want to seize is all the markets in India!

Eighth tragic successor to the Lee family

We should all know the Samsung Group, eating and drinking Lasa is sick and dead, it is clearly arranged for Koreans!

On the list of the top 500 Asian brands, South Korea's Samsung ranks first, and its revenue even accounts for 25% of South Korea's GROSS domestic product!

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

The original Samsung Group

So Lee, who runs Samsung, is South Korea's most powerful chaebol, and is even known as the "economic president," but do you know lee's bloody scandals?

Samsung President Lee Kin-hee became the richest man in South Korea, and in order to recover his shares, he sent his eldest nephew to prison, forcing his second nephew to commit suicide in depression.

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Mr lee

Lee Kin-hee's eldest daughter, Lee Fu-jin, as a three-star princess, married a bodyguard who did not graduate from high school.

And her husband Ren Youzai once lied, drank, and even abused Li Fuzhen, who was pregnant!

Lee's eldest son, Lee Jae-yong, was implicated in The Park Geun-hye case and imprisoned for bribery.

The third daughter, Li Yinxin, also committed suicide in Manhattan because her family opposed her love.

This group of South Korea's top successors did not continue not wealth and power, but also the tragic fate brought about by wealth.

Eight of the world's most powerful families: At their peak, they accounted for half of the world's wealth, and the President of the United States twice begged to borrow money

Each has its own unfortunate successors

Okay, this video ends here, which family story are you interested in? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section to discuss! Like Uncle Leng's video, remember to long press like, give me "highly recommended".

Pay attention to Uncle Leng, and continue to take you to observe this strange world next week!

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