
Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

Author: Adi/Anitama Cover Source: Theatrical Version of Lupin III VS Detective Conan THE MOVIE

Last time we got a preliminary look at what the "Lupin III" series was, roughly how it had an impact, and where the framework came from in the first place. Regarding the impact, if we only talk about the degree of status and achievements, it is still relatively illusory for domestic audiences who are far away from the times and regions, then take the works of Tsuyoshi Aoyama, who are well-known in China, to give some concrete examples.

As a generation influenced by Lupin's most popular period, Aoyama's later creations have many shadows related to Lupin that let us see the imprint of the times, just like when Toriyama began his creative career, his works were also full of monsters and Ultraman.

In the atmosphere of his teenage years, Aoyama Shunto, who became a Lupin fan, paid attention to Robin and continued to sherlock Holmes. Then he began to create his own strange thief Kidd, although Kidd was more stuffy Lupin but was a big color wolf.

For example, his other work "Sword Warrior Legend Blade", which is earlier than Conan but also starred in Takayama Minami, appeared in a role is Ishida Rokuemon, which is slightly eye-catching. Because Lupin has a nemesis called Ishikawa Goemon, originally written is Ishikawa Goemon, so decades of production arrays have changed the way of writing back and forth, because the pronunciation is the same anyway. The setting is a descendant of the famous Japanese thief Ishikawa Goemon, as if it were used to symmetrically with the descendants of Lupin, a strange foreigner.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

On the left is Ishikawa Goemon in Lupin III, and on the right is Ishida Rokuemon in The Legend of Sword And Brave

These two works are not yet play, there is a little shadow, mainly after Conan played big, you see who the first love of the metropolitan goddess Miwako is.

In fact, when Aoyama's career first touched stones and crossed the river, he still wanted to play the monster thief type first, so the earliest serial was "Magic Quick Fight". Kidd is not called "Heisei Lupin", why not call Robin of Japan, because Showa already has one. When the Black Feather Quick Bucket was not yet called the Black Feather Fast Fight, his prototype was called the Rogue Fast Bucket, and the pronunciation of the Rogue Was Lupin.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

The picture on the left is the prototype short story "Cynical Gangster" of "Magic Quick Fight"

Later, the "Kaneda Ichi Shonen's Incident Book" was on fire, and it was Kodansha, and the elementary school hall was red-eyed. Because this kind of protagonist who uses IQ to brush fashionable values is the level that the middle-aged and elderly people have, and then the earth-shattering ghost god plays a youth, you are crazy to play a teenager, then we can't play a childhood. Easy to do, the next weekly shonen day said that we happen to have a Sherlock Holmes fan called Aoyama here, so the new work will turn out to be a child.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how the protagonist's name came about first. Simple, Edogawa And Conan Doyle, how did the real name come from? This Aoyama also said, he said because I just like the name Shinichi. Well, then why the surname Kudo, because his father's surname is Kudo. Well, why is his father's surname Kudo?

At the end of the 1970s, Toei made a TV series "Detective Story", which was also a Japanese television station, and Aoyama also liked this drama. The protagonist is called Tosaku Kudo, and the actor is Yusaku Matsuda, a combination, and it is called Kudo Yusaku. By the way, Kudo Toshisaku, the detective from face to hairstyle to clothing, what the whole look of the whole look, Oda Eiichiro tells you, that is, the general of the pheasant is not exaggerated at all.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

From left: Yusaku Kudo, in the middle is Tosaku Kudo, who was drawn by Tsuyoshi Aoyama in the image of Yusaku Matsuda at the end of volume 18 of the manga, and on the right is Tosaku Kudo, played by Yusaku Matsuda

Then he continued to ask to death why this Kudo detective was called Kudo. Because there is a script writer in this drama named Hiroshi Kashiwara, the setting of this character image is what he did, and he has a teacher named Kudo. At this point, someone can finally react, heck, where has the name Kashiwara Hiroshi seen it - because Conan was the scripter at the beginning. He can see it later, he can see it now, he can see it in the theatrical version on TV, and he is the one-hour special for two consecutive weeks in the recent animation of the twentieth anniversary.

But before that, Kashiwahara was one of Lupin's representative scripters, and he had played Lupin from the usual return to the special episode from the TV version to the film version. And the main time he wrote about Lupin was not in the late seventies, when Lupin was at its peak, but in the mid-nineties, when Conan was first born.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

Look at the protagonist and his mother, Mrs. Kudo is so cute that she doesn't want to drip, causing my sentences to deviate from the topic and expose my nature. The mother is very direct, and the prototype of the role image of the wife is very clear, that is, Lupin's heroine Feng Buzi.

Aoyama set this policy from the beginning to shape the character, so the name of course more to play, what Mrs. Kudo's name is, called Yukiko, decades ago "Lupin III" when the voice actress of Fujiko was called Yukiko. As if that wasn't enough, it's easy for someone who knows a little Japanese at this point. Mrs. is still a big girl when the surname is not Kudo, the surname of The last name is What, the surname of Fuji Feng, you write in reverse, Feng Teng, according to this pronunciation and then change the way of writing what becomes, Peak is not two.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

On the left is Kudo Fujiko, and on the right is Kudo Yukiko

Yukiko's voice actress is called Sumi Shimamoto, who also played Mrs. Lupin that year, oh not Mrs. Would-be, and is the heroine of the late 1970s movie "Lupin III Cariostro City", called Clarice. In addition, Robin's haired wife was from the "Countess of Cariostro", also called Clarice. This was the first film in which Hayao Miyazaki supervised the big beam, and Miyazaki also participated in the Lupin TV version, including the final words of the first two issues, so Shimamoto was appointed an important role in the final words of the second issue. After Miyazaki's first work after independence, "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind", the protagonist Nausicaa was played by her. Of course, there is no king-sized meaning here, and the above mentioned several are confirmed to pass the audition meeting before they can be performed.

As for Hayao Miyazaki, the more he watches Japanese animation in Japan, the more difficult it is to have a real sense of the national level of Miyazaki's works in Japan. It is no exaggeration to say that the degree is probably Doraemon, Pokemon, One Piece, Conan, Monster Watch, all of which sound like national-level things. In addition, Lupin's longevity and Miyazaki's later fame have a complementary effect, which is mutually reinforcing, of course, this is what we will talk about later.

The role based on fujiko is not only Xizi, why this phenomenon occurs, that is, the role of Fujiko itself is not simple.

A beautiful woman in the world, you have to have a face and a body to have a figure. In the 1970s and 1980s, Lupin was the goddess of many Japanese men and the role model of women, because at the same time they also had to have the ability to do it. She is a female version of Lupin, and she also has all the skills and equipment of the big monster thief, and sometimes she goes with Lupin and sometimes she makes trouble for him.

Then you say that she is not with Lupin in the end, no, people are thieves, they are with money. So Aoyama said that when Fujiko is a good guy, he is Yukiko, and when Fujiko is a bad guy, he changes roles, that is, Belmod in the organization. This voice actor has a story, and Belmode's voice actor Momomi Koyama was a one-time actor who was a one-shot limited.

When the family finished talking about the family, why is Maoriland called Maoriland. General popularity is from the author of Robin at that time, Maurice Lubbon, here is a little more understanding of people who know a little Japanese, Morris Lubbon so long directly changed his name to Morrillon.

It's not wrong, but in fact, this idea is already second-hand. Then it is explained that Lan is from the foreign text of the word running, which is Aoyama wants to send you not to be deceived. The truth is in Lupin III, many times more direct than Fujiho Yukiko, Lupin has a scriptor Takayashi Hideo was called Maoriland. Of course, this is a pen name, others are also men, well Lan is indeed a woman.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

Kogoro is obvious, Edogawa's famous detective Wise Kogoro. Speaking of Kaneda Ichiri, there is a wise police guard, and it is also from here. By the way, there is Xizi in the swagger, oh do not hide the identity, but also took a pseudonym Wendai, this is the proper name of the wise Xiaogoro his daughter-in-law ah, and so Aoyama Tsuyoshi what do you mean.

After saying that the family and then look at Kiyou, detective Kudo of the "Detective Story" mentioned earlier has a kiyou criminal surname Hattori. When Japanese people talk about Hattori, it is easy to think of the ninja Hattori Hanzo, so Heiji's father has to be called Heizo.

The name Heiji itself is also obvious, that is, the head catcher of the Edo period, Qian-shaped Heiji, and the head catcher is now said to be almost a criminal policeman. However, unlike Hattori Hanzo, Heike is not a historical character, but a novel, and then made into a film and television famous. Here is Toei again, and the TV series "Qianzhi Pingji" has been broadcast for eighteen years and 888 times, which is the longest GUIN record in the world. Qian Zhiping's daughter-in-law is called Jing, so pingci his mother's name is Jinghua, but his father still calls his mother Jing.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

From left: Hattori Heiji, Money-shaped Police Department, Played by Oikawa Hashizo

In the animation industry, The fame of Hanakata Heiji was spread by "Lupin III". You see this film is not very fond of playing the descendants of the terrier, Lupin, the big thief also has a nemesis, the police who specialize in hunting him all over the world are set to be the descendants of Qian Zhiping.

The rank of money-shaped criminal is the police department, and the police department is the most frequently used in all kinds of creations involving the police, and you see that the Conanrie police department has a dozen. Because in the Japanese police ranks this is just fine. This role is not easy to handle cases at all; high is generally less in the scene to handle cases, and cannot make up stories. Aoyama gave the Money Police Department a number, calling him the first police officer in Japan. However, there is a big tragedy in the shape of money, as a descendant of Heiji, he was originally set to be called Heiichi, but when it was published, it was mistakenly written as Koichi. The author also made a fuss, forgot that he had given a name, and revived a name called Heijiro.

Conan played the Lupin Terrier like this, did Lupin know? I already know ah, last time said that the circulation business and production business behind these two are as good as their own family, oh no, obviously it is their own family, so Lupin sometimes plays Conan's.

Not long after Conan came out in 1998, the schoolboy took his owner to the Lupin set to make a cameo appearance in the lupin set to grab the camera. Ten years later, of course, the elementary school student was still a primary school student, and then he took his wife to show his face again.

Finally, there is still a little left, how the dog raised by Suzuki is also called Lupin, how Lupin became a dog. In fact, Aoyama also said this, come to help him say it again.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

The old man and Kidd are sworn enemies, right, he has a dog that is not used to turn Over Kidd to turn over who, as long as Kidd's dog gives the name you don't call Lupin what it is. Call Robin? Also yes, oh, alas, I said not to win you, I will not tell you this to change the topic, the next time we talk about the history of Lupin III's series of positives.

Lupin III (II) - Lupin vs. Conan

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