
People at the low, silent, are the top self-discipline

People at the low, silent, are the top self-discipline

Author: Insight Allergy

Whoever will eventually shake the earth with sound will be silent for a long time.

Someone once asked the writer Bi Shumin: "How did you spend the low tide of your life?" ”

Her answer was: "Wait quietly." ”

Everyone goes through a low point, and at the low point of life we are lost, sad, helpless, and even desperate.

At this time, the most important point is to learn to be silent.

Only silence can make the confused self sober and let the impetuous heart return to peace.


It has been said that there is a kind of black bear that when winter comes, it will hide in the cave and sleep until the spring is warm and blooming.

Because it knew that food was scarce on cold days, and because it was white everywhere, it was black and had nowhere to hide.

Life is the same, every trough, like winter.

Rather than looking around for comfort, it's more important to learn to live through the night alone.

Not long ago, his friend Xiao Yang was dismissed in disguise by the company, which made him suffer a lot.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but complain to his well-connected colleagues.

But as soon as he spoke, his colleague interrupted him and said, "Dude, I'm a little busy at this time, or let's have a meal together another day, you say?" ”

Xiao Yang suddenly had no desire to tell.

He swallowed back the words that came to his lips and smiled bitterly, "It's okay, you're busy first." ”

Back home, he tried to seek comfort from his wife, only to hear her complaining of his incompetence.

He could only suppress his sadness and silently went into the bathroom to smoke a cigarette.

Xiao Yang said that he had never been so sad as at that moment.

As the saying goes, "99% of what happens to you every day is meaningless to others." ”

When you are in a low valley, instead of complaining to others, it is better to be your own ferryman.

Life doesn't show mercy to your men because you cry out in pain.

Others will not carry the weight for you because you cry out for suffering.

People at the low, silent, are the top self-discipline


The writer Martin once said: "Every powerful person has gritted his teeth for a while, no one has helped, no one has supported, no one has asked for a warm day." ”

People at the low point, learning to be silent, is the best precipitation.

The famous host Dong Qing also faced a low period in his life.

In 1998, Dong Qing was invited to host a new program "Meet Saturday".

Because Dong Qing's hosting style is pure and lively, he shines in the show and is loved by many viewers.

In 1999, in order to make himself have a better development, Dong Qing jumped to the newly established Shanghai Satellite TV.

As a result, I found that my work content was just a simple series of hosts.

The initial enthusiasm was exchanged for idleness.

Although the situation at that time was somewhat bleak, Dong Qing did not argue, quarrel, or complain.

She replaces depression with silence, cultivating herself and precipitating herself in silence.

She began to study "Dream of the Red Chamber" and Tang and Song Poetry at home, and also applied for East China Normal University, specializing in classical literature of the Department of Chinese.

This period of study not only allowed Dong Qing to accumulate a large amount of ancient literature knowledge, but also helped her sort out the direction of progress.

This was the wonderful presentation later in the "Poetry Conference" and "Readers".

I like the words of the writer Sanmao:

"People and things in the world come and go, and we just need to cultivate ourselves to the best of their ability and wait quietly."

People are at a low point, silent, is a kind of low-key of Taoguang and obscurity, but also a kind of precipitation.

For the strong, every trough is a rare cultivation ground on the way forward.

People at the low, silent, are the top self-discipline


Someone asked, "What is the reason why you are becoming more and more silent?" ”

One of the answers said:

"Sometimes, you are misunderstood, but you don't want to argue;

Sometimes, you are looking for stubble, but you don't care to fight back;

Sometimes, you don't know, you just don't want to say, so you choose silence. ”

In 2018, the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Beijing Olympics, thousands of comments poured into Liu Xiang's Weibo:

"Ten years on, the people of Chinese owe you a word of sorry."

Some time ago, the Tokyo Olympic Games came to an end, and the topic of "owe Liu Xiang an apology" appeared on the hot search again:

"48 races, 36 championships, and only two retirements are remembered."

In the face of these belated apologies, Liu Xiang, who had been silent for many years, came out and responded with a smile:

"It's all right, people will grow." Some of the things I said when I was younger, I can understand. ”

People at the low, silent, are the top self-discipline

Once, no matter how strong the outside world's rebuke of Liu Xiang was, Liu Xiang always remained silent.

No response, no interview, no one can find him.

Even at the peak of public opinion, he never explained a word for himself.

Sun Haiping, the coach at the time, said in an interview:

"After Liu Xiang retired, we would invite him to some activities, but he politely refused... Liu Xiang became more and more silent in public..."

In a person's life, it is inevitable that he will encounter many moments of being misunderstood and questioned.

After experiencing more, you will understand that instead of painfully dwelling on other people's opinions, it is better to choose silence and be yourself.

During that silent time, Liu Xiang returned to school to study for a doctorate, and also participated in a marathon, and made a public welfare micro-film with Yao Ming.

Trying to read, exercise, study, and make yourself better is the best response to those questions.

Nietzsche once said, "Whoever will eventually shake the earth will be silent for a long time." ”

Silence is to return oneself to oneself, to rub frankness into the years.

When a person understands silence, he has a strong and open heart.

What is swallowed is grievance, and what grows out is a broad mind and pattern.

The French writer Camus said:

"I don't expect life to go well all the time, but I hope that when it comes to life difficulties, I can be its opponent."

There are many people in the trough period, always want to turn to the outside world, but forget to strengthen themselves, in order to be tough with life.

Instead of talking everywhere, it is better to be indifferent; instead of worrying about it every day, it is better to try to look down.

In silence, open-mindedness is in the world; in silence, strength is accumulated; in silence; find oneself.

Something is silent, and there is suffering to carry on their own.

Thumbs up, when you become strong, the whole world will be happy with you.

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