
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?

author:Uncle Mobile

Special, Special, is often referred to as SP in the field of anime. The special parts of the anime mainly appear in the form of OAD and TV SP, and their content is usually independent of the original short story outside the original story or closely related to the original story. TV SP refers to a specially produced program broadcast on a television station. The OAD (Original Animation Disc) is usually a special feature included in audiovisual products such as DVDs. So, after a brief introduction, I will recommend a wave of quite classic special animation for everyone -

Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?

Bloodlines Special: The King of the King's Restaurant

"Unmissable original plot hilarious SP"

Do you think the Bone Society is particularly strong just for painting battle scenes? If you think so, you're dead wrong! In this special anime, you will see the terrible power of the Bone Society in the field of gastronomy! The Bone Society has made a food scene, and its riotous ornate degree is also the pinnacle.

Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?

The exaggerated reactions of the drug king are not lost at all, the ultra-luxurious dish display like a must-kill close-up, the lifelike mouth-watering food details... Let you have to sigh: sure enough, it is worthy of the Bone Society, Nima can eat a meal can be so wave ~!

Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?

Fullmetal Alchemist Special: The Tale of the Master

"The Sweet First Love Story of The Tough Teacher"

Izmi Cadiz, an alchemist of the super genius level, a super fierce and evil but physically weak "housewife". At the same time, she is also the benefactor of the brothers Ed and Al in the story. And what this special article wants to talk about is a story about this tough teacher. This fierce woman, like the Ed brothers, has caused a tragic physique by touching the "human body", but has a sweet love story and a little-known past....

Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?

"Bug Master" Special Chapter: Shadow of the Eclipse of the Sun

"Some of the things we once thought we should take for granted are actually the gentleness of others towards us"

"BugGer" has always been a very special animation, it is not pretentious, but it is strange and magnificent; it is not deliberately sensational, but it can always point to people's hearts. The quiet and idyllic nature revealed in this animation, the kind of mournful and unscathed temperament, makes it have a unique charm. This special anime called "Shadow of the Eclipse of the Sun" tells a wonderful story about the "Eclipse of the Sun".

Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?

Natsume's Friends' Account Special: Once Upon a Time When It Snowed

"People are always chasing something and forgetting something..."

Natsume's part is already very healing, and this special episode is simply more healing than healing! This is a story that takes place during the cold winter months. One day, Natsume stumbled upon a round, somewhat silly snowman on the side of the road. And this snowman, who looks a little lonely and exudes a cold atmosphere, has been searching for something "warm"...

Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?
Natsume steel insect refiners are all there! How many special episodes of these anime masterpieces have you seen?

"April is Your Lie" Special: MOMENTS

"Please don't forget me, friend A..."

Remember that song "The Sorrow of Love"? "April is Your Lie" is indeed a super tearful work, and if you think back to the plot, just seeing this name will make people want to cry. This special episode, titled "MOMENTS(Moments)", will take you back to the scene of the concert when Arima was 5 years old: the bondage of everything has already begun from that moment... And in this life, there are some moments that have long been destined to become eternal...

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