
【😱 Attention to the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers!! 】

author:User 2462513983653343

【Attention to the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers!! 】

The hong Kong classic movie "Provincial Hong Kong Flag Soldier Episode 3" DVD has now been shockingly launched! The first batch of DVDs also comes with the original movie poster card (b sheet), while stocks last. Go to the major DVD stores or laser entertainment online stores to buy now, and see the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers also have a sincere affection for it!

Home video of Hong Kong Classic Movie “ Long Arm Of The Law Part III ” is out now! Own it at Panorama Entertainment E-Shop while stock lasts.

Dvds are now available in major DVD stores!

Cdwarehouse / DVD Pro / Kubrick / Laser Collection / Laser Express / Rock Gallery / / Breakthrough Gallery / Singing Film / Music City / Beat Laser Movie Express / Exquisite Records (Temple Street) / Exquisite Records (Hengfeng Center) / Brilliant Records / Shengwei Court / Laser Emperor / Laser Entertainment Online Store

#首度推出 #新片 #影碟推介 #DVD #BLURAY #香港電影 #香港經典電影 #省港旗兵第三集 #LongArmOfTheLawPartIII #LongArmOfTheLaw #省港旗兵 #蕭若元 #麥當傑 #麥當雄 #梁小熊 #劉德華 #李美鳳 #莫少聰 #徐錦江 #黃志強 #陳德光 #酒干倘賣無


New and old dramas, all in the Panorama Video library, there is always a show you like!

【😱 Attention to the provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers!! 】