
10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

author:Chiao in qiaoqiao
10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

Not all Christmas traditions are always full of love and cheers

Nowadays, most Christmas traditions are celebrated.

Some of these traditions have dark origins or once looked very different from what they do now.

In the 1700s, Christmas carols sometimes broke down gates and demanded food and drinks from residents.

And the "Nutcracker" is actually a very disturbing story.

Christmas is now merry. However, some of its earliest traditions have extremely strange and dark origins.

Here are some Christmas customs that you may never have thought would start with such a strange or violent one, or that it would look very different from today's customs.

<h1>The good king Wenceslas is a real person who was brutally killed</h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

Illustration of a fictional King Wenceslas.

"Good King Wenceslas" is a kind king in the popular Christmas carol who helps poor farmers in a snowstorm. However, what most people don't know is that the song was inspired by a terrifying real event.

Wenceslas I, Duke of Bohemia, was born in 907 AD. After the death of his father, Vratislaus I, Wenceslas was raised by his mother, Durhomira, the daughter of a pagan tribal leader. In September 935, Wenceslas was murdered on the orders of his brother. He was stabbed with a spear while praying and brutally killed in front of the church.

<h1>In the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through doors and demanded food and drink from residents. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

Singing Christmas carols today may be a way to celebrate the holidays, but it used to be a controversial potentially dangerous practice.

Writer and historian Thomas Christensen, who recounts how Christmas carols were sung in the 17th century, the "Vassells" would arrive at the home and demand that the inhabitants give the best food and drink. They sometimes threaten, violently, rape or destroy property and sing these into lyrics such as: "We are here to demand our rights, and if you don't open the door, we will lay everything here flat on the floor." ”

In the early 1700s, a priest opposed the celebration of Christmas, especially the Christmas carol. He complained that Christmas carols drove people to "riot, adultery and wantonness."

<h1>The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

The original story deals with violence and the doll kingdom.

The ballet of The Nutcracker, adapted from the 1816 story Of the Nutcracker and the Mouse King by the German writer Eta Hoffmann. In the original story, a 7-year-old girl named Mary, her godfather Droselmeyer, tells her the story of a man who has been cursed by the ruthless queen with magic and made very ugly.

When Mary finally announces that she will fall in love with The Nutcracker regardless of what she looks like, she is taken to the "Doll Kingdom" to marry him. The two married the year after they met, even though Mary was only eight years old at the time.

<h1>The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

Christmas party

Once upon a time, Christmas was not always celebrated on December 25. The date of Jesus' birth was only officially determined more than 300 years after the death of Pope Julius I. Prior to this, jesus' date of birth was marked on at least three different dates: January and March 29, and sometime in June.

According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, December 25 is about the date of Saturnalia and the winter solstice in Rome.

This ancient festival involves the reversal of roles between slaves and slave owners. Schools were closed and criminals were rampant, so the rich gave gifts to the poor to avoid being robbed.

<h1>The Yule log used to be a real log. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

It is said that they fight for evil.

Although we think of Christmas today as a day to eat sweet cakes, they used to be actually "firewood." Back in the Iron Age of Europe, many people would burn logs decorated with pine cones and holly.

Burning logs is said to bring good luck to the new year, and ashes are the biggest reward at the ceremony. They are said to prevent aging and can even protect people who suffer from lightning strikes from lightning, and it is important that many European villages now have many houses that are wooden.

<h1>Walking down the chimney is actually associated with dozens of terrifying supernatural legends</h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

In urban legend, Santa Claus is not the only one who drops his chimney.

As it turns out, Santa Claus isn't the only one who can sneak into the house through a chimney. There are countless European legends about friendly and evil supernatural creatures that sneak into the house through chimneys.

Legends of Scotland and England tell the story of the Brownie, a friendly family spirit that enters the house at night through the chimney. In the Middle Ages, witches were also thought to have entered the home through chimneys.

In Greece, the well-known goblin called Kallikantzaroi would climb into houses through chimneys and intimidate the families in them, while in 19th-century Pennsylvania, Perznik or Belsnickel slid down chimneys to reward good children and punish naughty children with whips.

<h1>Mistletoe was once used to pardon criminals. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

It is seen as a sign of friendship

Mistletoe is an evergreen plant that parasitizes fruit trees, and its branches are often used as a decoration for Christmas. People usually hang it on the door. Men can kiss any girl standing under the mistletoe. But mistletoe parasitism also has some darker origins.

Mistletoe was considered a holy relic by the Druids, and as such, it was forbidden by religious leaders in England. But later, York Minster in the UK began every winter, hosting a special "mistletoe service" event. Allegedly, during the service activities, offenders from the town may bring a mistletoe parasite in order to be pardoned.

Today, mistletoe can still be seen on the altar of the festival church.

<h1>In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

Coca-Cola ads have been removed.

While less dark, it's surprising that in the 1965 film Charlie Brown Christmas, the Peanuts Adventure was originally intended for commercials for Coca-Cola. The original film included a title slide that told the audience that the slide was sponsored by the Coca-Cola Company.

In response to the change in attitudes toward products over the years, CBS quietly removed references to Coca-Cola from slides.

<h1>Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

Still practicing today.

Saving milk and cookies for Santa Claus is a common practice in many places, and it became popular during the Great Depression in the United States.

Parents reportedly encourage their children to leave cookies to Santa during that difficult financial time to show that you should always be grateful for what you receive and that the gifts you receive are as good as the gifts you receive.

<h1>Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty. </h1>

10 ancient Christmas origins, the surprisingly dark and kind King Wenceslas was a real figure who was brutally murdered in the 1700s, singing Christmas carols sometimes broke through the door and demanded food and drink from the inhabitants. The Nutcracker turned out to be a surprising story at the beginning. The Christmas party may have originated on the holidays of denominations other than Christianity. The Yule log used to be a real log. Walking down the chimney, the mistletoe, which is actually associated with dozens of terrible supernatural legends, was once used to pardon criminals. In fact, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a full-length Coca-Cola commercial. Milk and biscuits originally referred to the Great Depression ritual in the United States. Hanging Christmas stockings may be associated with poverty.

The original story is about a poor man who needs to pay a dowry.

Filling those socks with snacks may be a fun Christmas tradition, but the custom may have originated in a story about illness and poverty.

According to Donald Dorsey's book Holiday Folklore, Phobia, and Entertainment, the tradition is associated with a story about a 4th-century bishop who overhears an old man lamenting that he doesn't have enough money to feed his three daughters. At that time, women without a dowry would not be able to marry and might be forced into prostitution in order to make ends meet.

Legend has it that St. Nicholas was so touched by the plight of the old man that he sneaked into the family's home at night and filled their stockings with gold coins, which were hung from the fireplace to dry.

The three women and their father lived happily ever after. Later, St. Nicholas was regarded as a bishop, the patron saint of children and at least one source of inspiration for the modern Santa Claus.