
World Book Day

author:Bright Net

World Book Day is celebrated on 23 April, officially established by UNESCO in 1995 to promote more people to read and write.

World Book Day

A woman reads a book in the subway in Madrid, Spain, on April 14. Xinhua News Agency

World Book Day

The Soviet Union was once the most popular country in the world to read. In modern Russia, reading is still considered one of the most popular pastimes. According to Wildberries, Russia's largest online reading platform, Russian customers bought about 20 million books on the platform in 2020, an increase of nearly 200% year-on-year. The picture shows a young man reading in the Moscow Botanical Garden. Photo by Han Xianyang, Moscow correspondent of Guangming Daily/Guangming Photo

Guangming Daily ( 2021-04-24 06 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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