
I am a noble empress, I am in love with a eunuch, I just want him to live well. 4

author:Cool flies


I returned to Changle Palace alone soaking wet. Seeing the figure of the little mute waiting in front of the temple door, I hesitated.

Instead of going back, I hid by an abandoned palace until late at night. But he found me anyway.

"Do you want to leave the palace?" I sat by the cold pool and didn't turn my head to look at him. He also sat down and did not respond.

"This is the Empress, I am a decoration in this palace, I couldn't do anything when Grandpa died, what ability do I have to protect you?"

"I'm really sorry, I'm just a pawn." My voice trembled: "You go, hurry up, I don't want you to see my useless life, I hate this position, high up but can't do anything."

"You go, you hurry up!" Gone well..." I was violently held by him, and the rest of the words were all stuck in my throat, only to feel, he slapped lightly, and my body trembled with excitement.

Grief suddenly came with the wind and rain, so painful, so hard, but it could only turn into a few strings of tears on the face. I hugged him tightly, greedily inhaling every inch of his breath, nostalgic for each moment.

My little mute, I really don't want you to go.

"Little mute, I'm the queen, I can't do anything out of the ordinary, I can't do it for the rest of my life, do you understand what I mean?" His head moved, presumably nodding.

"I can release you from the palace, arrange you well, and make sure that you will be carefree for the rest of your life."

"Those... I can no longer give you, I am the empress, and there will be endless glory and wealth in the future, you are different, you can't spend a lifetime in this palace. ”

"You don't have to worry about me, in fact, it's not as bad as you think, clothes come to reach out and open your mouth, I'm still very happy."

He suddenly pulled me away, his face extremely indifferent, and his eyes were full of endless sadness. I found that he was crying too, and the crystal tears crossed the tear mole and kept dripping on the ground.

I didn't want him to cry, no matter how bitter he was before, he had never cried. I hate, I hate this place, I hate myself, I hate those disgusting rules, my whole life is gone, why should I trap the people I love.

I scrambled to wipe the tears from his face, but my face was getting wetter and wetter, and at the end it was a blur, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Only to hear him laugh, this smile was soft, like duckweed, trying to swing out some of the pleasure of the past, but finally crushed in sorrow.

A warm hand slowly wiped my face, and then wrote in my palm, "I will not go, this temple is so dark, I will add lights."

"How stupid are you, let you go and don't go." I didn't want to see him leave, but I couldn't do that, I would hurt him for the rest of my life.

I ripped open his hand, but he grabbed me deadly and looked over eagerly.

"Why do you have to drive me away, even if I go out, I will be lonely all my life."

"What carefree, do you think I can have a future after this?"

"If I go out, you will spend your whole life in this palace, and those glories and riches are not so important in your heart, are they?"

His eyes were firm, there was no heaven and earth in there, only me.

"In this life, you and death, choose one or the other."

My heart trembled, how fortunate I was that in this life, in addition to my parents, there was even one person who compared me to life. Let me be selfish one last time. I'm done with it.

"Then say well, you will stay with me for the rest of your life." Accompanying me in this boring deep palace, accompanying me as a resentful woman, you can only stay in a disciplined way for a lifetime. ”


Many years later, I still remember his warm eyes at this time, the palace was cold and cold, but the light in his eyes illuminated the world for me.


It seems that there are countless pairs of eyes in this palace overnight, and they spy on me in the dark, making me feel like a thorn in my back.

All day long, I was served by the palace maid named Youyuan, and except for sleeping and changing clothes, she was really haunted.

"Hongu would like to know how you hooked up with the Empress." I sat in front of the temple wrapped in a silver-rimmed dagger.

It was winter, and it snowed a lot last night, and the Changle Palace was filled with this snow, and everywhere in the eye was white. There was a blue figure in the vast world in the distance, he was sweeping snow, the cold wind coldly scraped through his thin robe, his bare hands were all red wounds, I glanced at it faintly, and my heart was dull.

"Niangniang, the snow is cold, enter the temple early." Yume put away her belongings and tried to force me into the temple.

"This palace can't stand your mother-in-law, and you put him into the last class of miscellaneous servants, you don't need the consent of this palace, and you are the lady in this Changle Palace."

"Slaves don't dare, Niangniang is the master, and how dare a lowly slave be compared with Niangniang?" She crawled to the ground.

"Don't you dare? Then kneel until the snow in this palace has been swept away. My eyes skimmed over the little mute's hand, and then I looked at her expressionlessly: "Hongu knows what you are doing behind your back, although Hongu is still a master when you look at you, what you do, This palace will also do, but it is to teach a slave, if you go to complain to the empress, This palace will only be disciplined a few words, which is lighter or heavier." ”

"No..." She knelt outside the temple, her hands gradually clasped.

I walked into the temple, untied the big hat, sat down at the table, and looked at the ice and snow outside the house, and my heart was full of trepidation. Although I pretended not to care and not let the empress dowager be suspicious, I could not protect the little mute just by doing so. I want him to live well, not to be wronged as he is now.

The empress dowager is now hiding from the emperor, because she is afraid that the last fig leaf of the royal family will be torn, but the paper cannot contain the fire, and if one day this matter is revealed or the empress dowager changes her mind, the little mute will be in danger.

Just because the empress dowager doesn't kill the little mute doesn't mean the emperor won't. Now the little mute and I are hanging on a dead branch in front of the cliff, and once it breaks, we will all be doomed. I can't wait for this to happen, I have to do something.

The Empress did not let me grow a stone, but she taught me that I needed to cultivate my own power in this palace.

Therefore, I was not idle in these days, but constantly groping, and gradually found that although the palace was the eyes and ears of the empress, they were all distributed in the inner court, and most of them were slaves of the internal affairs office and the palaces, and the empress dowager had been rooted for many years, and I thought it was not okay to start from the internal servants.

But there was another place in the palace where her hand could not reach. - Yulin Wei. These are the emperor's men, and a gamble can also be used by me.

The imperial guards in the palace are divided into inner court guards and outer court guards, and most of the emperor's inner court guards are confidants, and it is needless to say what is the grain and salary of the inner court, so the people in the inner court are the most difficult to win.

The Inner Court is divided into five divisions, each of which has a commander, but I remember that there is a commander surnamed Lin, who was previously promoted by Grandpa and has a very good friendship with Grandpa in private, if he can shake him, then the Inner Court will have a share of power.

The attention received by the guards of the outer court is thousands of miles, and if they are not approved, they can only guard the outer gate, and they cannot enter the inner court unless they have to, and the treatment is much worse than that of the inner court.

The emperor did not trust the guards of the outer dynasty, and the guards of the outer dynasty were naturally not loyal and courageous people, they all did their own work and lived with the qilu, if someone could give more benefits, they could naturally be loosened.

Although the Wang family was defeated, it also left me a lot of money, even if I could not recruit soldiers and buy horses, it was still more than enough to consolidate these guards, and I only hoped that at the critical moment, they could save the life of the little mute.

The idea was initially formed, I leaned back in my chair and sighed, how can I avoid the eyes and ears of the empress dowager to win these people over?


The opportunity was ultimately brought by Ah Niang.

In those days in the house, I kept writing about Ah Niang's body, although it was only a small sickness, but I had a premonition that Ah Niang might not be able to do it.

So I went to the ghost place of Qiankun Palace again, thinking of asking for a good plea and asking the man to let me out of the palace. As a result, he agreed, and when I turned around, he was slightly embarrassed: "If you had let you out of the palace in the first place..." I didn't wait for him to finish before I left.

Youyuan was forcibly taken with her, and wherever I went, she followed her, so I took her alone. This return trip was extremely hurried, home in Kyoto, only a dozen miles away from the imperial city, I had rushed to the fullest but it was still a step too late.

Ah Niang was lying on the bed, the whole person was much more haggard than when she entered the palace before, she had a silver hair, her cheeks were sunken deeply, her arms were thin like dead branches, and the whole person was like an autumn leaf hanging on the branches, crumbling, and a gust of wind would wither and fall to the ground.

Ah Niang was like a gossamer, like a nightmare, and couldn't stop whispering. I leaned back on the edge of the bed, leaned over her, pressed my head against her chest, and said softly, "Ah Niang, Ah Niang is back, Ah Niang, why don't you tell Ah Niang?" ”

Tears flowed from one eye to the other, and finally soaked Ah Niang's piece of bedding. She couldn't stop muttering, and I leaned closer to hear her saying, "Zhongsheng, Zhongsheng. ”

Zhongsheng was Daddy's small character, and as she read it, her consciousness seemed to be clearer, and she held out her hand to the dresser, so thirsty, trembling with all her strength.

"Abel! Bring it on. I called out to the old butler behind me.

The old butler hurriedly found a piece of jade pendant with a white body engraved with the small characters of Ah Niang and Ah Niang, and I shoved it into Ah Niang's hand, and she pinched the piece of jade very tightly, pinching it to the root of the tendons, the whole person was tense, a tear slipped from the corner of her eyes, she couldn't stop whimpering, and soon after she was completely calm.

The piece of jade rolled down to my hand, and I threw myself on top of her, crying bitterly. In this world, there are only two people left in this world, me and the little mute.

After some deep pain, I told the old housekeeper to bury Ah Niang on the Spring Mountain at the ancestral residence of Lingyang, which was the place where Ah Niang and Ah Niang met, and Ah Niang slept there, and if he saw Ah Niang, he would be very happy.

When everything was done, I raised my spirits and asked, "Abel, what about the people who follow me?"

"The old slave has found a way to lead her away, and the person the girl hinted at in the letter earlier has also arranged, please come with the old slave." He led me into an ashram, I straightened up my appearance, and walked in generously, inside which was Lin Yuefan, the commander of the Imperial Forest Guard, who had been waiting for a long time.

? The person who wanted to see me in the next mansion was actually a lady, which was really offensive. "He wanted to kneel, but I lifted him up.

"Commander Lin should not be polite, today you are not worthy, I am not in the palace, just throw away your identity and say something bright, Commander Lin has actually already thought about it on the way here, hasn't he?"

"What does Niangniang mean by this?" He was silent.

"Now that the Wang family only has my father's lineage, where else can anyone else in the palace see you, and what can the empress dowager do when she finds the commander of the Imperial Forest Guard?"

"The lady is smart." He smiled helplessly.

"I understand that the life of the commander-in-chief in the inner court is not good, since Grandpa left, the commander-in-chief has been innocently implicated because he was promoted by Grandpa in his early years, and the emperor is becoming more and more angry with you, and I am very grateful that the commander does not blame the wang family for this."

He hurriedly stood up and said, "Niangniang's words are bad, if it were not for The promotion of Lord Yushi all the way, the contemptible people would have starved to death on the streets of Kyoto, and the adults would not dare to forget their kindness." ”

"Commander Lin, whether you make up your mind or not, I will not force you." I also said bluntly that I just want to have a means of self-preservation, I will not let you do the rebellion and kill the head, and I will not bother you until I have to. But if there is a case in the future, Commander Lin, I swear here, I will scatter half of the family wealth to ensure that your wife and children are safe and smooth in the second half of their lives, and whatever life my royal family lives, they can also live what kind of life, if you agree, I can now put them into a secret Zhuangzi, and the commander-in-chief gambles on this, isn't it? ”

He sighed and solemnly knelt down: "Niangniang, the contemptible people in the inner court have been gradually elevated, and now they are like trapped beasts, just waiting for the emperor's order to throw me out of the position of commander, the contemptible people are not in charge of the matter, but the wife and children have to rely on me for the rest of their lives, although the contemptible people can't help Niangniang anything, but fortunately there is some prestige in the army in weekdays, and some people can also support some people, I hope that Niangniang will keep her promises, and the contemptible people are willing to spend the rest of their lives for Niangniang!" ”

"If the commander-in-chief's words are serious, and since the commander-in-chief has agreed, I will certainly do it."

Lin Yuefan walked through the back door, and Abel stood next to me and said, "Girl, it is not enough to rely on the inner court alone." ”

"Abel, you grew up watching me grow up, I don't hide from you, I have something to ask for from you, the danger in my current situation is not small, that woman you have also seen, now I have no credible people in the palace, people from the outside world also need to be co-opted, the royal family or Abel can have reliable people who do things in the palace?"

"When the girl wrote to me, the words were mostly vague hints, the old slave had already expected it, the old slave had a deep friendship in the palace, and the old man wanted to tell the girl early, but he was suffering from no chance, so the girl returned, but unfortunately the lady ..."

“...... Abel, I can't meet with that person, I can only bother you to ask him to pull those guards together, the money will not be less than him, the money accumulated by the wang family ancestors should also be enough, and the rest of the uncle will take it to the pension. ”

"The girl will take that money and use it for serious purposes, the old slave will not live for a few years with this bone, and the old slave will guard the royal family and will definitely complete the girl's entrustment."

"Okay." Fortunately, there are still them, I will not be alone, this court storm will not destroy me, I want the little mute to live, live well.


It has been more than a month since I returned home, and there are only less than ten days left before the first day of the first lunar month. Seeing that the New Year is coming, there are many festive celebrations in the palace, and all the palaces are busy, praying for the blessing of this new year.

This year's Annual Banquet Emperor attached great importance to it, only because the general Zhengnan, who had won the battle in the southern region, and the King of Jing of Guangxi Province would return to Beijing on the day of the Chinese New Year's Eve.

The barbarian leaders were fierce, and when they led troops to devour more than a dozen cities in the southern region, no one was once invincible. General Zhengnan was the only son of the Duke of Rongguo, who had been studying with the emperor since he was a child, and he was brave in war and had unparalleled wisdom, and in the first year of Jing he led his troops south, which lasted three years to completely stabilize southern Xinjiang, in exchange for decades of peace, which made the emperor very happy.

And the King of Jing did not only return to Beijing to celebrate the New Year this time, the emperor specifically allowed him to give up his fiefdom, asking him to hand over all the power of Guangxi Province and remove his throne.

Therefore, the Annual Feast should have been the responsibility of the Ministry of internal affairs, but this year it was changed to the Ministry of Rites. Not only that, the emperor also had to go to the outskirts of Beijing more than a dozen miles away to personally greet General Zhengnan. He wanted to take me with him, and I said yes.

In the Changle Palace, You Yuan, because of the last time he knelt for a day and a night, did not dare to move the little mute in private. The cold has arrived, and when the year is at its most intense, the little mute still has so little clothes, and every time I look at his lips frozen purple, I will feel guilty.

How could such a stubborn man, if it were not for me, be willing to suffer such suffering? I couldn't send him anything, and the Empress wouldn't let me have contact with him, but it was freezing cold, and it was really hard to get any clothes.

Therefore, I couldn't take care of much, and all kinds of hints were sent to him by Yao Guiren in private. After she knew everything, her expression was very difficult to describe: "Niangniang, aren't you right about that plum blossom..."

"The palace has no time to separate, can only ask you to take care of the plum blossom, it is lonely and arrogant, and will not open its mouth to tell, this day is so cold, no longer kit things, let it how to ling cold alone, I am afraid it will be frozen."

In the past ten days, I have embroidered a veil for the little mute, and on it is the big black fish, which is a little clumsy, but it also looks like the fish. This fish was the moment we met, and it is an unforgettable memory for both me and him.

Chinese New Year's Eve soon arrived, and the palace was covered with red lanterns, and everywhere they passed was the atmosphere of the New Year. Because of the rules, I got up early this day to ask the empress dowager for peace, and she asked me a bunch of things that I didn't have, but she avoided talking about me and the little dumb things the whole time, which made me a little confused and didn't know what the empress dowager was going to do. But as long as she didn't think of the little mute, the little mute was safe.

On the way back to Changle Palace, I thought about giving each palace person a reward, and then hiding the veil in the share given to the little mute, and he must be very happy to see it.

But the moment I stepped into the palace gate, I saw the chaos in the hall from a distance, and I felt very bad in my heart, and hurried to the inner temple.

Youyuan fell at the door of the temple, the blood oozing from the corner of her mouth turned slightly purple, next to her was a broken wine glass, the cabinet in the temple was slanted, the paper flew over, and the letters and posters were turned everywhere, and they were scattered on the ground in a mess.

I walked slowly to the place where the paper was stacked the most, and with a shudder I picked up a sheet with a small dumb neat handwriting: You have taken a fancy to me. Next to it: Niangniang didn't feel awkward to give me a name. Niangniang used to say to me when she had troubles. I will always be with you, and when the time comes, the earth will be desolate, but it is up to the mother-in-law to dispose of it. ......

I walked unusually calmly to Youyuan and squeezed her chin tightly, "Who?" She was forced to look up at me with horror in her eyes: "Yes... Your Majesty. ”

My heart was instantly cold, and I felt as if I had fallen into the abyss, crumbling, somewhat untenable.

"You told Your Majesty, right?"

“...... Slaves...... Just want to live. ”

"Live? You want to climb up, the palace has to remind you, this harem to find a way out, do you see one climbed up? You don't have the appearance of the advantage, you don't always have to look at your master, and when you betray me, you are doomed to go down this road not far. ”

"No! I'm exposing, I'm doing!" She suddenly struggled, covered her stomach and vomited a large mouthful of blood, and her look was unwilling.

"Oh, you are committing your own sins, and the matter of this palace is a secret of the imperial court, and you expose it to the sun, which is no less than telling others that you must be destroyed." Since you are a slave of this palace, you will always be tied to this palace, and the skin will not exist, and the hair will be attached? One servant and two masters are taboos in the palace, and this palace is full of words. She eventually fell to the ground, her eyes wide open.

I looked at the boxy sky, and my heart sank. The day finally came.

The little mute was taken away by the emperor, but the emperor had not yet summoned me. I tried my best to restrain my panicked emotions, and when no one was looking for me, I hurried to Yaohua Palace.

"What does Niangniang mean that a concubine can escape from the palace?" She wrote on paper.

"Yes, although your place is hidden, I don't know if there are ears around the wall, this palace is not a place for people to stay, if you want to leave the palace, you do as I say, I will rescue him, and you will take advantage of the chaos to follow along."

I burned one after I wrote it, and the brazier next to it was already full of ashes.

"Niangniang, you have chips, why don't you escape from the palace with him?"

I fell silent, looking at the palace wall in the distance, but my heart was worried about the farther place, for a long time, I had to say: "I can't escape."

"Why don't you gamble, you were able to gamble before, but now it's okay to say maybe."

"How to gamble?" How to gamble? If I leave, the Wang family will be saddled with infamy, and those gongqing doctors and historians will not spare me! Oh, I'm not afraid of them scolding me, I'm just afraid... Grandpa was proud all his life, and eventually he was trampled into the dirt because of me."

"Then kill the emperor, overthrow him, and if you become the winner, the history will naturally be written by you."

Her stiff font exploded in front of my eyes like a terrifying thunderbolt, and I looked at her in shock, my heart stirring, and I could not speak for a long time with my mouth open.

rebel? This is rebellion! I had never thought of this direction, I had no ambitions, even if I thought of using the Royal Forest Guard, I would not think of rebellion, because this court and power were not what I wanted, what I wanted most was to escape from this palace with the little mute.

But if I succeeded, the ministers would naturally not dare to say anything, and I could go wherever I wanted.

It's a big gamble, and if you take a wrong step, you will die. My heart was in a state of flux at the moment, where there was a small boat crashing in the waves, constantly moving forward and constantly changing directions.

How to choose, where to go? After struggling for a long time, I finally wrote: "According to what you said, this matter is going to take a lot of energy, I have neither power nor fierceness, even if I succeed in the future, I have no heart for this power, what should I do then?"

"If the lady believes in me..." She looked at me firmly.

"Empress Niangniang, the Grand Superintendent is waiting in Changle Palace." The maid's voice came from afar.

We stopped writing at the same time, this matter is too extensive, the impact is too great, once it fails, the whole Miyagi Castle will be bloodied.

My mind is still chaotic, and I can't make decisions so decisively, but this can really fulfill my long-cherished wish, should I fight for myself and the little mute?

The maid came to my side, and I had no time. "Yao Guiren, just what I said about holding a plum blossom feast, can you allow me to come back and talk about it again?"

"Niangniang, you don't treat people when you are plum blossoms, you need to make a decision as soon as possible."

"Well, Hongu must."

I hurried away with the maid, and at this time the sky was rendered by the remnants of the sun, and I embarked on a long way under a fiery red sky.

Yao Shu looked at the disappearing figure in front of her, sighed faintly, she walked to the front of the temple door, stared at a dark cloud slowly gathering in the southern clouds, and her eyebrows were full of worry: "The mountain rain is coming..."

The Grand Superintendent brought a wave of people to drain the water around the Changle Palace: "Niangniang, Your Majesty has please." ”

When they brought me to the Qiankun Palace, the emperor was standing in the palace, his face was like cold jade, and the twilight hid the violence and anger in his eyes, leaving only coldness.

The temple was dull, the candlesticks empty, and the dusk brought a few dim rays of light, which squeezed into the repressed temple and fell on me and him.

He approached me step by step, a huge sense of oppression followed, I squeezed the jade pendant in my hand, my chest undulating, he stood in front of me, silent for a long time.

"Your Majesty knows?" I break the silence.

"What do you know?" He sneered, "Was it the Empress dowager who did such a rebellious thing?" He pulled up my face hard, the end of his eyes turned red, and said fiercely: "You tell Yuan, you did this, how should You deal with you?" ”

"What does Your Majesty want to do?" I looked directly at him and smiled slowly.

His slightly cold fingertips ran from my cheeks, chin, and neck one by one, and then tightened them vigorously, and his voice trembled: "You really damn it." ”

I suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and I clutched the jade pendant in my hand, and as I fainted, my brain quickly thought about the rotation time of the Imperial Forest Guard at this time. As long as I wait a little longer, it will be time to change shifts, and once Lin Yuefan is on duty, he will not be able to restrain me.

I stared coldly at the person in front of me, a layer of fog in my eyes, and said with difficulty: "Your Majesty... very...... Angry? There I was... Lose A... Is Daddy angry? ”

His eyes flickered slightly, and the strength in his hands was unconsciously loosened.

"There was when I first knew the Emperor... When the noble concubine is pregnant... Sad? There was my big wedding night... You call her name... Sad? ”

He unloaded his strength, and a trace of remorse flashed in his eyes.

"Cough cough cough... Your Majesty does not know, I have betrayed you, I have made peace with others, but you are not so miserable, because you have never loved me. ”

"No, Shuo is not..." He waved his sleeve and took a few steps back, as if tangled, but he rushed forward and grabbed my shoulder strongly: "Shuo only cares about you now, but why do you want to qingqing me with that eunuch, you are Shuo's wife!"

"Your Majesty's wife came too late." Tears rolled down the corners of my mouth with a sneer.

"If you don't cry, don't cry." He wiped my face in a panic. I watched him silently, big drops of tears rolling down, only to see him getting more and more flustered, he tentatively approached me, and when he saw that I did not resist, he hugged me tightly and buried my head in his neck.

"It was the mistake, the decay did not feel your feelings at the beginning, give the decay another chance, the decay will make up for you, after this..."

"Not anymore." I replied coldly, the sharp dagger pressed against his neck, and with just one click, it could cut his throat.

When the hour came, the inner court would change two guards every two hours, and at this time, it happened that Lin Yuefan was on duty. He would take advantage of the gap between shifts to put the people of the outer dynasty in, and the people of the outer court would close all the palace doors, block all the news and foreign aid, and attack inside and outside, and the emperor would be caught off guard.

At that time, the emperor did not want to release people and had to release them. And all I have to do is bet on whether we will have a way out with the emperor's life.

"Where is he?"

"If you had changed, you would never have done this to your cousin before." He instantly regained his imperial nature, and his eyes were as calm and clear as ever.

"I repeat, where is he?" The dagger is approaching one point.

"Do you think shuo will be afraid, as long as shuo continues to tell him, you will never see him."

"Then Your Majesty will try." I squeezed the jade pendant tightly, just waiting for his order, I will break it, there are my people outside the Qiankun Palace, when the time comes, the inside and outside should be combined, and the whole body will be moved, and this storm will begin.

"If ruo, the royal family has been hairpinning for generations, do you dare?" He was calm and idle, there was inquiry and doubt in his eyes, but more than that, he saw through everything.

"Do you think I'm cursing you?" I laughed angrily and squeezed the jade pendant engraved with the small characters of Auntie and Auntie.

I have already bet everything on it, for the sake of the little mute, I can only sacrifice the reputation of the royal family for generations, I only have him, even if it is a desperate bet, I will save him.

"You won't tell you that the only thing you want to see him is a corpse."

"Hahahahaha... Your Majesty, let's make a bet, bet on whether I can find him, I will atone for my sins on the side of the royal family, but before that, I will watch him live well. I lowered my voice and smiled in his ear, laughing mournfully.

He wasn't so confident anymore, his eyebrows furrowed, and his deep eyes had emotions I couldn't read. I threw the jade pendant the temple door, and the clear crashing sound and the huge cracking sound echoed in the silent palace.

Suddenly outside the door, there was the sound of neat steps and queues. "What do you do! Come on people! Rebel!" The voice of the Great Jailer came from afar.

There was a lot of noise outside the door, but it didn't take long for a moment to fall silent. The door of the palace was slammed open, and Lin Yuefan stepped in: "Niangniang, most of the inner court has been controlled by us, and another class of imperial forest guards at the same level as the inferior position has also been suppressed by the guards of the outer dynasty." ”

"Commander Lin has worked hard, you sent someone to keep the emperor under strict guard, and remember not to let anyone contact him."


I put down the dagger, and several people came forward to lock him, and he looked at me expressionlessly: "Ruoruo, you really impressed Yuan." ”

"Your Majesty had better stay here, the concubines will not kill you, otherwise... The concubines must pull you to accompany the royal family to the funeral. ”

"Oh, is the jade burning?"

I stopped looking at him and turned and walked out of the Qiankun Palace. It was dark outside, and it was obviously Chinese New Year's Eve, but the night was exceptionally silent, without any liveliness.

The night was quiet and terrible, it buried all the uncertain danger factors, and those invisible corners were quietly brewing a storm.

To be continued,,,

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