
Fiction: You're too tempting

author:Blue read

Yang Cuiping recalled for a while, remembering the classic old song "Looking Back" that was once popular, and soon there was a scene on the screen where Jiang Yuheng sang this song on the stage: Looking back again, the cloud obscured the way home. Looking back, the thorns are thick. There will be no more old dreams tonight. The dreams that you once shared with you, to whom you will tell them in the future...

After learning it twice, Yang Cuiping became familiar with it, after all, she used to like to sing this song, and naturally she quickly found the feeling. Later, she sang the whole song and sang it very devotedly.

After a while, Zhang Yuhao couldn't help but sing along... Looking back, the back is gone. Looking back again, tears misty eyes, leaving your blessings, the cold night warms me. No matter how much pain and confusion you have to face tomorrow. I once asked questions in the shadows and darkness, and only then did I know that it was true that I was plain and calm. Looking back again like a dream, my heart is still...

After a song, both of them were silently immersed in that faint sadness.

After a moment, Yang Cuiping smiled and said, "It turns out that you will sing this song." ”

Zhang Yuhao nodded: "Of course, this is also a song that I like to sing, but I haven't sung it for a long time, so I forgot about it, and now that I hear you sing it, I can't help but sing it with you." ”

The two of them chatted while singing, of course, they did not forget to eat and drink, and before they knew it, it was noon, because after drinking a lot of wine, Yang Cuiping felt dizzy.

Zhang Yuhao saw that the time was already past 12:30, and felt that he was almost having fun, so he proposed to leave here and go for a walk outside. And Yang Cuiping naturally listened to his arrangement, so she stood up and followed him.

The streets are bustling with people, and the two walk with the flow of people.

After walking for a while, Zhang Yuhao suddenly proposed: "Pingping, I have drunk a lot of wine, and now this wine is coming up, I want to find a place to lie down, what about you?" It seems that you are also dizzy, do you want to find a place to lie down and rest. ”

Yang Cuiping nodded, "Well, seriously, I feel weak and I really want to sit down." ”

Zhang Yuhao: "Well, I call a tricycle." ”

Sure enough, when he saw a rickshaw passing empty, Zhang Yuhao waved and stopped. Then he helped Yang Cuiping to get into the car, and then after he got into the car, he asked the driver to go to Wangjiang Road.

However, in ten minutes to Wangjiang Road, Zhang Yuhao asked the driver to park in front of the "Yunlai Inn". After coming down, Zhang Yuhao gave the coachman five yuan and helped Yang Cuiping into the small hotel. At the counter, Zhang Yuhao took out his ID card and booked a room, it seems that he has prepared earlier.

This kind of small hotel in the downtown area naturally can not be compared with those relatively independent hotels and hotels, those hotels and hotels are exclusive of one side of the façade open, and this kind of small hotel generally only has a façade to enter, it is next to the left and right shops, but its room price is cheap, suitable for ordinary people to stay.

Dizzy Yang Cuiping stood next to her silently watching Zhang Yuhao register at the counter, it seemed that Zhang Yuhao wanted to take her wherever she would follow?

After taking the key, Zhang Yuhao helped Yang Cuiping and said, "Let's go, Pingping, let's go upstairs and rest well." ”

"Hmmm!" Yang Cuiping answered, leaned on him and followed him to the back staircase, and the two of them climbed the stairs to the second floor.

Walking down the corridor to find room 208, Zhang Yuhao used the key to open the door and walked in with Yang Cuiping.

As soon as the door was closed, Zhang Yuhao took Yang Cuiping a few steps to the single bed near the door and sat down. This is a standard double room, Yang Cuiping can't help but fall on top of it as soon as she gets to the bed, as if she is very comfortable lying on her back.

Zhang Yuhao couldn't help but turn his head to look at Yang Cuiping lying on the bed, and quickly moved his gaze to her body, looking at him and couldn't help but reach over.

Yang Cuiping slapped his hand with disgust, "Oh, what are you doing?" ”

Zhang Yuhao smiled, "Pingping, you are so tempting!" ”

Yang Cuiping said, "Oh, Brother Hao, you are so bad!" ”

Zhang Yuhao saw her obsessive look, rolled over and pressed on her body, and quickly blocked his mouth on her lips. Yang Cuiping couldn't help but stretch out her hands to hug him tightly.

In less than half an hour, the two slept contentedly embracing each other, because they were exhausted after drinking a lot of wine and passion, so the two went to sleep soundly.

After about two or three hours, the two slept until they woke up naturally, and whispered affectionately to each other.

Zhang Yuhao, while stroking Yang Cuiping's body, asked, "Pingping, do you like to be with me?" ”

Yang Cuiping kissed his mouth and said softly, "Like, just like when I read a book!" ”

Zhang Yuhao put his hand on her body and touched it and said, "Well, let's both be lovers in the future." Your husband works outside to let you stay alone in an empty house, my wife also works outside and can't accompany me, I am too lonely to stay at home with you, and we will accompany each other to comfort each other in the future, so that we no longer feel lonely and lonely. ”

Yang Cuiping rubbed close to his chest and said, "Well, Brother Hao, I like the feeling of being with you." ”

The two settled down like this, and then said some love words and then put on their clothes and left the hotel, and then the two walked to the ring road and got into a special bus back to Linjiang Town. When the special line car returned to the town, it was not yet five o'clock, and the two got off the bus to say goodbye and went back to their respective homes.

After that, the two of them would date from time to time, of course, the place of dating was in the small hotel in the town, the price of the small hotel in the town was cheaper, and it was forty or fifty yuan to stay for a day. Usually Zhang Yuhao waited in the room first, and sent a text message to Yang Cuiping about the name and room number of the hotel, and Yang Cuiping looked for it, so that no acquaintance would see it.

Of course, Zhang Yuhao generally works during the day, and only when he encounters a break from work, he has time to meet Yang Cuiping, and he rests for a few days a month, so he can only date Yang Cuiping a few times. But it is these few dates in a month that the two can meet each other's emotional and desire needs.

Because of this kind of lover relationship, Yang Cuiping immediately felt that life was flavorful and colorful, and naturally her mood was better.

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