
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

author:Hi design
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

"4 min 33 sec",

A classic by avant-garde master John Cage.

The performers sit silently at the piano, and the listener waits quietly under the lights.

Not a single note is played throughout the whole process, but the possibilities are endless.


Visual images that remain after the visual stimulus has ceased to act.

In time and latitude, when is it virtual? When is it real?

Many points can be triggered and can be extended indefinitely.

It makes my heart beat.

Make people by it, not the way of design;

The way of design is to make people know.

The so-called pioneering,

It is to stimulate or ignite an unknown or another possibility in one way.

The original intention of the design of Nanjing Opoli flagship store is here.

——One seat design Hu Tao

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett


As a space carrier of life, the daily communication space provided by architecture is not enough, and the buildings in modern cities often give people a sense of closure and steely coldness in a posture of rejection. On the other hand, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic has made it increasingly difficult for people to meet with each other. Social distancing has become the main measure to combat the epidemic, and the risk of social withdrawal and autism has always existed.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

Everything that happens in life is just a gust of wind, always stopping and calming down. The haze that hangs over the heads of human beings has never dissipated, but it will always be only a remnant. The confusion of sleepiness is reasonable, and breaking the silence is the first light of hope.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

Nanjing Opoli flagship store is a place to break silence and indifference. The interior of the space, while simple, is rich in variation. The tension of "dense" and the relaxation of "sparseness", the breakthrough of "real" wrapping and "virtual" coordinate the balance of tension and beauty, making the shape more attention-catching and producing visual interest.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

The misplaced staircase adopts a layered processing method, arranging the geometric blocks in a rhythmic manner, forming a single rather than homogeneous space. The red glass curtain wall, through the overlapping effect of multiple visions, presents different hazy effects, which are both transparent and ambiguous. The stainless steel mirror juxtaposed different spaces, using visual senses to broaden the scale of indoor space, so that the indoor interface expresses infinity in a limited space.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

Out of the ordinary

In traditional architecture, doors completely divide space, while floating platforms maintain a warm relationship with the outside world. It both encloses and cuts space. This cut makes people in the space both independent and open to each other. Nanjing Opalett flagship store, the floating platform into the space, the first floor of the atrium into a "square", not only to meet people's rest needs, but also to create an environment suitable for communication. The material, size, light and shadow in the space have been simulated in the outdoor street, allowing people to walk indoors, as if walking on the outdoor street.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

During the period of home isolation, the balcony became a "stage" for many people. In the post-epidemic era, more people are yearning to go out. In addition, in the surrounding enclosed environment, the indoor space outside the imitation can give people a relaxed and relaxed feeling. Therefore, Hu Tao's creation of an outdoor feeling indoors is not a showmanship but an insight into the needs of the people at the time.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

No matter how strong the brand is, it must always live on the ground, and the wings of young people always belong to the sky. In consumption activities, young people want to obtain not only the use value of goods, but also want to express their uniqueness through goods. Brand recognition is more pleasing to them than the value of the product.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

4 minutes 33 seconds

The moving nature of space is not in the details, not in the mouth, but in the understanding of human nature. The rarity of the showroom is not in the product, but in whether it can retain people, especially young people. What can retain young people is not the product of the two-year iteration, but the charm of the brand itself. The construction of brand charm is first in the content, followed by the form.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

What Hu Tao hopes to give to Ou Boli is not just a showroom, nor an Internet celebrity point, but a space with social attributes. The cost of online celebrity point drainage is too high, there is no content after the form, and the person who takes the photo will not come again; and a space with social attributes can attract people, form memories, develop habits, and thus stay through stable content output.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

It's a "purposeless" social space. There is not a single spotlight focusing on the product, it is a soft film lamp that is not dazzling. Brand IP is re-induced, distilled into abstract elements, in different forms, implanted into the space. There are no chairs or tables in the space, and the furniture is mainly comfortable. Interactive spaces of different scales and elastic boundaries can meet all kinds of social needs, salons, conferences, small talk, or "Beijing paralysis".

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

There are only a few partitions in the flagship store of Opal, and everything is in view from a distance. Like "4 minutes and 33 seconds", it seems that there is nothing, but it can lead people to experience the "real world itself" and then return to "real life".

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett


Modern life has a strong overlap, the details of life are controlled by unilateral values, and the experience of life presents a strong sense of repetition and nihilism. Interpersonal communication behavior is transferred from real space to cyberspace, continuing the meaning and perception system of real space. In previous history, people have never been in such a situation, staring at the mobile phone screen for minutes or even hours, but not saying a word to the person in front of them. The screen is more useful than face-to-face, and life on the screen is more gripping than off-screen life.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

The display space of a custom brand is inevitably subject to rules and regulations, seeking a breakthrough in the standard, liberating the spirit from the shackles of content and form in the limited world, and the mirror is the best prop.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

There are many mirrors in the flagship store, expressing the virtual and real of the space, and it is also a metaphor for reality. When staring at the mirror, the other is hidden, like hiding behind the barrier of the digital medium, and all that can be seen is the self in the mirror in the illusory place, and because of the self in the mirror, the gaze returns to the real self. The perspective returns between the real and the virtual, and the self finally recognizes the self in the mirror in the refraction, and obtains a holistic and unified cognition.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

A generation has a generation of aesthetic taste, a generation has a generation of lifestyle, and for the transcendence of life itself, for the individual's pursuit of the eternal possibility of life, is the eternal meaning of human existence, and before that, the first thing we have to do is to have the ability to see the "self" and establish a unique identity model.


The afterimage is a kind of virtual reality. The real is not necessarily right, and the afterimage is not necessarily wrong. The so-called truth is also essentially an illusion. There is no absolute eternity. A thousand years long and a thousand years short are equal moments.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

The afterimage is a relationship. On the dialectical unity of contradictions. The audience and space, consumers and brand owners, Opal and Oupai, Hu Tao and his projects, can all be understood as a kind of "afterimage". From the "real world" to the "real life", because of the difference in "enlightenment", there will be different meanings.

One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett
One Seat Design | the flagship store of Opalett

As a flagship store, perhaps it should not be interpreted too much. The space created by Hu Tao only hopes to stimulate or ignite an unknown or another possibility. What is possible? He didn't know either.

Project Information——

Project Name: Opalett flagship store

Project Location: Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

Project area: 600㎡

Project owner: Oupai Home Furnishing Group

Completion: July 2021

Interior Design: One Seat Design Office

Main case design: Hu Tao

Design team: Zhou Yanjie, Yin Yongxian, Lin Wuyuan, Tang Xiaodu

Project Photo: Chen Ming

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