
Bo people find their own heart stone, artificial man's plan to start the moon crisis?

author:Crazy without dragging but polite

"Naruto Hiroto" has been updated to eighty-four episodes, and at the beginning of this episode, I thought that Hirohito had been discovered by Mica! The blast charm was triggered, but he did not expect that it was Bo Ren who mistakenly entered the three ways of the experience of the Tuying Village.

Bo people find their own heart stone, artificial man's plan to start the moon crisis?

Speaking of this is also the need of the plot, Hiroto and the previous quartz fight is indeed not an opponent, this episode has just taken the earth shadow adult to brush the experience. However, this place is also magical, and ninjutsu can't be used, and only when you find your own heart stone can you go out. For Ohnoki, it is just right to stop Hirohito, but will Hirohito obediently obey?

Bo people find their own heart stone, artificial man's plan to start the moon crisis?

At the other end, Mizuki finally met lord Kumo and asked about the secret of consciousness, it turned out that all this was arranged by Tuying Ohnogi, who had said something about consciousness to Mizuki before. However, because Mi Yue's heart has a spell mark, it has not cracked the secret of the artificial man for the time being.

Bo people find their own heart stone, artificial man's plan to start the moon crisis?

The flower mica, however, seems to be in danger of life because of the defect of mustard. Forced by this emergency, will the Void Lord use extraordinary means to crack the spell mark of the moon? Mizuki plans to sacrifice herself to save Mica and the others? What do you think the story will go?

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