
When Leonard exploded and Tyronn Lue was no longer obsessed with using a multi-guard lineup, the Clippers were back on track

author:Basketball Thunder

No one sleeps with the Clippers these days! The league is so strong that it has lost six in a row.

As commander-in-chief, Tyronn Lu became the target of everyone. As the current helmsman of the Clippers, he has a bad record, and he naturally bears the brunt of accountability. "How is this good?" Tyronlu could not sleep at night, irritable, and came to the city tower to blow the wind to calm down.

As soon as he stepped on the tower, he found that a person was also there, and he fixed his eyes on it: Isn't that person the Iron Mask God Hou Leonard?

Tyronn Lu asked: Xiaoka, you haven't slept so late, what are you doing here? Dating? I don't see any beautiful women?

When Leonard exploded and Tyronn Lue was no longer obsessed with using a multi-guard lineup, the Clippers were back on track

Leonard: Commander Lu said and smiled. I was so distressed that I couldn't sleep. As the pillar of the Clippers, I let the team kneel six times in a row, which is really shameful, and I have no chance to see Father Los Angeles again.

Tyronn Lu also did not hide it, but also poured out his bitter water, the two were the same sorrow, the heroes cherished each other, when the love was strong, they couldn't help but hug each other and cry on the city tower, what kind of system did the two big men cry and cry? There is a way that the boy does not flick tears, just because he has not reached the sad place.

After the two cried bitterly, they calmed down. Iron-masked God Hou said: I don't want to lose anymore! I don't want to have another 7-game losing streak, and the next game against the Lone Ranger, we can only win without losing. Yellow sand wears gold armor in a hundred battles, and Loulan will not be returned if it is not broken. Commander Lu, I will be humiliated in the next battle and put the Clippers back on track.

When Leonard exploded and Tyronn Lue was no longer obsessed with using a multi-guard lineup, the Clippers were back on track

Tyronn Lu nodded gratifyingly: With your words, I am relieved. I also decided to break the big break, not cronyism, and when I go back, I will beat my henchman Reggie into the cold palace, so that Covington can be reinstated and assisted you in the battle against the Lone Ranger.

Leonard: Thank you Commander Lu. But I have one more request, and I hope the commander-in-chief agrees.

Tyronlu: But it doesn't hurt to say.

Leonard: Then the subordinates will vomit quickly, if there is something wrong or bad, I hope to command Haihan. I'm good at waiting, but there is a big problem with the lineup. It is clear that there are so many powerful and good strikers, why don't you use more forwards, preferring to use defenders? The subordinates were puzzled.

When Tyronn Lue heard it, he knew that Leonard was saying that he had a problem with his employment, and he himself did not know, he had done that because he was a defender, so he also trusted and liked defenders more.

Tyronlu said: Xiaoka, I know what you mean, I will adjust it next. The night is too late, you go back to rest first, tomorrow is a tough battle.

Leonard took his leave with a fist.

The next day, Doncic led the attack. Came to the city tower and called: Los Angeles Xiaoer, who dares to fight me? Don't hurry up and drop your arms and surrender! Shoot and don't kill!

When Leonard exploded and Tyronn Lue was no longer obsessed with using a multi-guard lineup, the Clippers were back on track

Tyronlu and Xiaoka made eye contact, and Leonard mounted his white horse and went out of the city to meet the enemy.

Doncic was shocked when he saw Leonard, and the intelligence had previously said that he was carrothy, and he turned out to be here. But Fat 77 quickly calmed down and said: Who should I be, it turns out that I fished for three days and dried the network card for two months. What, today the old arms and legs can move, come out to bask in the sun, I advise you to hide away, the sword has no eyes, be careful to hurt you.

Leonard scolded angrily: Yellow-mouthed children are rampant. You haven't won me in the series.

Fat 77 laughed loudly: My full moon scimitar, has never cut the old, weak, sick and pregnant, aren't you uncomfortable all day, are you nervous there? In line with the ranks of the old, weak, sick and disabled, take advantage of my good mood today, let you go, and run for your life quickly.

When Leonard exploded and Tyronn Lue was no longer obsessed with using a multi-guard lineup, the Clippers were back on track

The iron-masked god Houka not only did not get angry when he heard this, but also laughed loudly: Hahaha, I didn't expect that the current young people are not pragmatic and do not practice martial arts hard, but they have studied the oily tongue with one mind. But I have never seen any strong winds and waves, and I can't bluff me with a word! And don't get me wrong, I'm hurt, but I'm not crippled, and I'm not a dish. Let me tell you first, my knife is still murderous and licks blood, not pretending to only cut vegetables and cut melons. I advise you to be careful.

After the card finished speaking, Fat 77 was no longer quick to talk, and immediately swung the full moon scimitar and slashed towards the iron-faced god Hou.

When the fat 77 big knife was about to fall, he saw a sideways and dodged it, he was only less than 0.1 cm away from the big knife, very dangerous, Tyronlu, who was watching the battle on the city tower, was terrified and broke out in a cold sweat: almost a little, so dangerous.

When Leonard exploded and Tyronn Lue was no longer obsessed with using a multi-guard lineup, the Clippers were back on track

I have to say that Doncic is indeed a rare martial arts wizard in a hundred years, seeing that he can't dominate the enemy with one move, he immediately launched a second wave of offensive between the electric light and flint, dantian with his anger, and after luck, he hit the horse's back with his hand, took advantage of the power to take off and kicked dozens of kicks against the iron-faced god Hou.

At a glance, Kazi could see what kind of martial arts the fat 77 made him, which was born in the distant and mysterious land of Shenzhou. Could it be that he studied with Huang Feihong? Kazi wanted to force a hard confrontation and use the three-foot qi wall hard qigong learned from the Shaolin sweeping monks to deal with it, but he was still kicked back one after another.

Tyronlu, Batum and others who were watching the battle couldn't help shouting: Xiaoka be careful.

The clip was kicked back tens of meters before stopping. Seeing this, Doncic thought that he had hit the Iron Mask God Hou hard, and said triumphantly: You are old after all, you are not my opponent.

Unexpectedly, Leonard showed a smile at this time: I remembered a sentence that my big brother Duncan said, the future is yours, but it is still mine now. Sent to you. You make me excited, I haven't had this desire to do my best to beat someone in a long time. Just now it's all you attacking, I'm defending. Now it's time for me to attack, take the call.

When Leonard exploded and Tyronn Lue was no longer obsessed with using a multi-guard lineup, the Clippers were back on track

Then the iron-masked god attacked the fat 77, Doncic is a good offense, but when it comes to defense, he is only half a bucket of water. Can't prevent Leonard at all.

Seeing that the defense is powerless, he can only fight against the opponent, at this time Tyronn Lu sent Mann and Covington Powell and other titans to step forward to help, how can Doncic beat four hands with two fists? He also hurriedly beckoned his brother to rush forward. After a fight, I saw Doncic's helper beaten all over the body, but the Clippers played loudly and methodically under Leonard's leadership, and finally the Clippers defeated the invading enemy Lone Ranger 113:101.

Doncic had to lose Huarong Road.

Did Commander Lu of Huarong Road set up an ambush to kill Fat 77? To know what happened, and listen to the next breakdown. Pay attention to basketball thunder, all the excitement! Brothers like and follow, the follow-up is wonderful and don't get lost!

Doncic went 12-of-22 with 43 points, 11 rebounds and 7 assists.

Leonard, on the other hand, was very efficient on 9-of-12 shooting, with 33 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists, 4 steals and 1 block.