
Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

author:Qing doctor science popularization

Menstruation is a barometer of women's health and a physiological signal. When women reach puberty, estrogen production increases, and menarche begins.

However, menstruation does not accompany women for a lifetime, and at a certain age, hormone secretion gradually declines. Usually between the ages of 49~55, women will gradually be signaled by aging.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

With the reduction of ovarian function, female friends often have back pain, other organs of the body will gradually weaken, officially enter the aging stage, skin treatment slowly deteriorates, fatigue has become a problem that plagues most postmenopausal female friends.


After a female friend enters menopause, what changes will occur in the body?

1. Osteoporosis

Postmenopausal women are prone to osteoporosis due to the loss of calcium in the body. Therefore, at this stage, we must pay attention to timely calcium supplementation to prevent osteoporosis. If you notice joint pain and difficulty climbing stairs, it may be a sign of osteoporosis.

2. Accelerated skin aging

The decrease in ovarian function after the arrival of menopause will cause changes in estrogen secretion, there is no large amount of estrogen secreted, and the skin has aging characteristics. Most women will have signs of aging skin after the age of 30, which is more likely to loosen and even have wrinkles.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

3. Vaginal dryness

Women may have some physical changes after menopause, such as being more prone to vaginal dryness, which is a common problem for many women. In the case of vaginal dryness, vaginal pain is more likely to occur during sexual intercourse, which is also related to the reduced ovarian function and too little estrogen secretion after menopause.

4. Hot flashes and sweating

Women are prone to hot flashes and sweating after menopause, and this change is also more obvious. Because when the hormone level in the body fluctuates, vasodilation symptoms are prone to occur, and many women will often sweat with hot flashes when the symptoms of vasodilation are obvious.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key


Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

1. Be optimistic

We often say and laugh, ten years less, sad, white head. Most women will have psychological neurological symptoms when facing menopause, such as suspicion, mental tension and anxiety, and frequent tantrums. Long-term negative emotions can not only lead to endocrine disorders, but also lead to other menopausal symptoms that are more serious.

Therefore, women must learn to regulate their emotions at ordinary times, give themselves more psychological hints, and can cultivate more hobbies and divert attention in ordinary times, such as various flowers, square dancing or raising small pets, etc., all of which help to relieve emotions, and if they cannot be solved, you can seek the help of a psychologist.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

2. Pay attention to nutritional supplementation

Most women enter menopause at the age of 45~55, women in this period want to maintain a young state, avoid rapid aging after menopause, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable supplement to calcium, eat some calcium-rich foods in moderation at ordinary times, and at the same time eat some calcium tablets under the advice of a doctor, and bask in the sun to promote absorption.

It is recommended to drink a glass of milk every morning and evening, which is not only rich in calcium, but also contains high-quality protein, which can promote the body's absorption and utilization of calcium, making people look young from the inside out.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

3. Stick to doing a good job in skin care

If you want to look young, you need to pay attention to skin care. First of all, we must pay attention to hydration, 70% of our body is water, if you do not know how to hydrate the skin, over time, the skin will become dry and rough due to lack of water, and even peel.

Therefore, young women know that they can carry a hydrator with them in the summer to hydrate their skin anytime, anywhere. Secondly, remember to do a good job of sun protection when you go out to prevent ultraviolet radiation.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

4. Go to bed early and get up early

With the acceleration of the pace of life, resulting in increasing pressure at work, female friends in order to live, the bad habit of staying up late is gradually formed, long-term staying up late will lead to biological clock disorders and endocrine disorders, affect the secretion of estrogen, accelerate aging.

With the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, the body organs can complete the normal detoxification and detoxification work, and the melanin on the surface of women's skin can also be eliminated, avoiding the deposition of melanin on the surface of the skin and the formation of spots.


What is better to eat during menopause?

1. Milk

Menopausal women, you can drink some milk every day and supplement calcium, which is more helpful for relieving joint discomfort and leg cramps. At the same time, the lactoferrin content in milk is also relatively rich, which can help the human body regulate iron metabolism and antioxidant, and drinking often is very helpful for delaying aging and improving immunity.

2. Soybeans and soy products

Soybeans and soy products such as soy milk, dried tofu, etc., are rich in high-quality protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins, which can supplement nutrients for the body. At the same time, soybeans and soy products are rich in soy isoflavones, which are natural phytoestrogens that can regulate estrogen in the body in both directions and slow down the aging symptoms after menopause.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

3. Nori

Nori is high in iodine and calcium, which can regulate the acid-base balance of the female body, maintain estrogen levels, and protect the female ovaries. In addition, women entering menopause, the body will lose more calcium, if you do not pay attention to calcium supplementation, it is easy to appear osteoporosis, so nori is very suitable for menopausal women.

4. Kiwifruit

Menopausal women eat more kiwifruit can improve sleep quality, while kiwifruit is rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, which can help women stabilize their mood and avoid menopausal emotional instability, irritability and anxiety.

Why do some women not look old despite menopause? These 4 habits may be the key

Although after menopause, women's body and appearance will change in all aspects, but female friends also need to maintain a peaceful attitude to face menopause, after menopause should pay attention to strengthen physical exercise, while paying attention to balanced nutrition, maintaining healthy eating habits and life schedule, to avoid various diseases after menopause.