
Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

author:Lian Taro gossip

The recently popular little flower Bailu is filming a new drama "Camp with Love", in which makeup has frequently been controversial by netizens - "A good beauty, why do you wear such dirt clothes?" ”

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

The shoulders are almost into an extra-wide unfit coat with double doors↑

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

Solid black half-barrel boots that are bulky like rain boots ↑

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

It's still an ill-fitting wide coat↑

The list goes on. The audience couldn't help but ask, which stylist is this, dressing up the heroine of the idol drama like this?

——In fact, his last work was very popular, and most of his friends who like to follow dramas must have seen it.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

Ai Wen, "You Are My Glory" is also stylist by him.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

This death Barbie powder and heavy coat, if not supported by Di Li Gerba's face and figure, would probably be another visual disaster.

After talking about Ai Wen, a nightmare stylist of a puppet female star. Let's take another inventory, another fairy tale drama stylist who has just finished filming.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

"Immortal Sword Six", this is also a big IP, and the Reuters picture that flowed out as a result really made the protagonist fans cry, and the game fans were sad.

Is this steel bra worn outside the trend of the new era?

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

Stylist Chen Minzheng seems to be playing with a very new trend.

It is reported that he was originally a makeup artist, especially good at palace plays, I don't know whether it is true or not, but we can indeed see a trace of boldness from his last work.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

This frightening bright purple, horizontal stripe makes the ugliness evenly distributed over the beauty.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

But this is the real heavyweight - bright red, bold patterns, and no ten years of blood feud with actresses, I'm afraid I can't think of such a ruinous shape.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

In comparison, the makeup of another beautiful woman in "Immortal Sword Six" does not seem to be so unacceptable.

and a stylist Fang Sizhe, for the most part, loves to focus on candy color, but does not achieve stability, many audiences should have seen his works.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people
Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

It's not ugly, but it's a little lazy to the naked eye. The texture of the clothing is also full of perfunctory.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

In contrast, the costume drama "Qingping Le" produced by the noon sun of the conscience of the industry, is all dark details after enlargement.

However, it is about the money in place, and things will be easy to handle. Fang Sizhe has also produced some extremely bright makeup, such as the male protagonist in "Long Song Line", who has been circled because of his armor shape:

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

This hair, the suitability of the armor to modify the face shape, can be seen with care.

The second woman's style is also good, with a rabbit bun, which fits the character in the play.

Inventory of the nightmare makeup makers of well-known actresses, it turns out that the stylists are these people

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