
The 11th Beijing International Film Festival kicked off The global filmmakers went to the covenant of light and shadow

author:International Online

International Online Report (Reporter Ma Ruili Zhang Songzhu): The 11th Beijing International Film Festival will be held from September 21 to September 29, and a number of wonderful activities and classic films will meet with filmmakers around the world.

The red carpet ceremony was officially held The crew of many heavyweight films appeared

On the evening of the 20th, the red carpet ceremony of the 11th Beijing International Film Festival was held at the Beijing Yanqi Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center. More than 200 red carpet guests, about 30 excellent film creators and actors appeared on the red carpet together. Among them, Gong Li, chairman of the International Award Committee of the "Temple of Heaven Award", together with the member of the award committee, Actor Chen Kun, director Chen Zhengdao, director Urshan, and actor Zhang Songwen appeared on the red carpet, and the opening film and the heavyweight crew "Chosin Lake" also appeared together to warm up for the official opening of this film festival.

The 11th Beijing International Film Festival kicked off The global filmmakers went to the covenant of light and shadow

The scene of the red carpet ceremony of the 11th Beijing International Film Festival

From the cinema to the living room, enjoy the unique charm of Central and Eastern European cinema

It is understood that during this film festival, 31 theaters in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will screen nearly 300 and 1,000 Chinese and foreign films, so that the audience can enjoy the feast of the film. Several classic films from Central and Eastern European countries are also screened in the offline screening plan of the film festival, and the audience can enjoy polish director Kieslowski's film "Two Flowers", the Ukrainian film "The Shadow of the Forgotten Ancestors", the Greek film "Needle Regret Love" and other excellent Central and Eastern European films.

The 11th Beijing International Film Festival kicked off The global filmmakers went to the covenant of light and shadow

Kieslowski's film "Two Flowers" appeared at the film screening

Focus on the development of the film industry, industry, academia and research in unison resonance

This year's film festival will also hold a number of theme forums to collide ideas and exchange views around cutting-edge and focus issues such as the centenary of the founding of the Party, the development of art films, the development of young filmmakers, the creation of animated films, and the development and construction of film capitals.

Senior filmmakers will hold master classes to solve problems for more film practitioners and share their experiences and concepts in film creation. At the same time, this year will also add the "Beijing Film Festival Release" activity for the first time, releasing a series of high-profile research results and industry reports on film investment and financing, film marketing, etc., and playing the role of the beijing international film festival as an industrial vane.

The 11th Beijing International Film Festival kicked off The global filmmakers went to the covenant of light and shadow

Industry Dialogue - "Demand and Training of Chinese Film Talents in the New Era" Theme Forum of The College Day

All-round cross-border to help the development of China's film industry

During the film festival, activities such as the Beijing National Film Exhibition, the Youth Science Image Unit, the Game Animation Film Unit, the "Brand Helps Chinese Films" public welfare live broadcast, the Cloud Filmmakers Joyful Relay Run, and the Script Game Carnival will be held to promote the diversification of the film industry and the integration and development of multiple angles.

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