
Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

author:Rambling style

Speaking of Korqin, what kind of paintings and memories break into our minds?

Is it the boundless verdant grasslands, or the barren sandy land with yellow dust? Is it empress xiaozhuang who was in the political arena of the early Qing Dynasty, or is it the legendary Haojie xiang brother who leads the bow to shoot?

Amazingly, opening the map, we can't seem to find the real location of Korqin. It is in the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia, in the Zhelimu League formed by the Ten Banners, and in the ancient singing of Gadamerin.

It bears witness to the division and hegemony of the vast grasslands, and also writes the indomitable and indomitable resistance of wisdom and perseverance. It's called Korqin, and that's its story.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Five-pointed maple on the Horqin steppe

01, the rise of Mongolia: the birth of Horqin

If you had to geolocate Korqin, you might be able to lock in between latitudes 41°41′40" to 47°39′20"N and longitudes 116°21′30" to 126°14′46"E. It is located in the east of Inner Mongolia, the northwest of the Songliao Plain, west of the Xilin Gol Grassland with low wind-blown grass and cattle and sheep, north of the Daxing'anLing mountains of Cangsong Cypress, east of the Heishui White Mountains, with a total area of 277,000 square kilometers, including mountains, hills, mounds, plains and other terrains, fertile soil, abundant water and grass, people call it "Horqin Grassland".

However, when the Mongolian writer Bayir wrote "Horqin", he had a sigh - the geographical division of Horqin is now difficult to identify. Indeed, on the map of the northeast part of our country, Horqin has left many footprints - Tongliao City, Horqin Sandy Land, Horqin Left Wing Central Banner, Horqin Right Wing Central Banner, Arukorqin Banner... Some people have even made statistics, and there are 17 Qixian cities directly related to Horqin alone.

In this way, where exactly Korqin is, is it not inexplicable? Not really, but if you simply look at Korqin as a simple geographical concept, you really underestimate it. Unlike the Hulunbuir Grassland, which is named after the lake, and the Xilin Gol Grassland, which has the "Plateau River" as its name, the name "Horqin" is instead derived from the military and ethnic tribes, in other words, the birth of "Horqin" stems from the hegemonic struggle of the Jinge Iron Horse on the Mongolian steppe.

In the 12th century AD, on the Mongolian plateau in the north of China, wolf smoke rose and strife continued. In the merger of various tribes, five larger tribal groups, such as Kelie, Tatar, Qili beg, Mongols, and Naiman, gradually formed, and the tribes attacked each other, vying for power and profit, and the desert steppe that was divided by the masses urgently needed a leader to bring unity and stability.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Map of the situation in the desert north at the beginning of the 13th century.

He was Temujin, the leader of the Qiyan clan from the Mongol clan. At the beginning of the 13th century, the rising Temujin basically eliminated the other aristocratic forces and achieved the initial unification of the desert north. This was only his first step, the arrow was on the string, the hegemony was to be completed, and in 1206, Temujin was elected khan, with the honorific title of "Genghis", and established the Great Mongol State.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Map of the Mongol Empire.

The long conquest returned the Great Mongol Kingdom to a vast territory, stretching from the Daxing'an Mountains in the east, lake Baikal in the north, the Altai Mountains in the west, and the Yin Mountains in the south. In order to consolidate his rule, Genghis Khan began to universally implement the thousand household system, that is, the people of Mongolia were divided into 95 thousand households, and nobles and meritorious servants were appointed as the heads of thousand households, and the hereditary management of the thousand households was hereditary. At the same time, Genghis Khan began to divide the seals in a big way. According to Mongol custom, each of the sons and daughters of the concubines could receive a share of the family property (called "Kubi"), which included the land pasture and the people, and after some meritorious deeds, the brothers and nephews such as Chu Chijin, Hazar, Bao Chitai, Beligutai, Shuchi, Chagatai, Wokoutai, and Tuolei were all given large fiefs.

Among them, Genghis Khan's half-brother, the Mongol chieftain, also succumbed to the second son of Humble Chi Hazar, who was notorious in battle and obtained a large amount of nomadic land. This area was located in the northeast of Mongolia, including both banks of the Erguna River, south of Kuolian Haizi (present-day Hulun Lake, Inner Mongolia) and Lao'er River (present-day Hailar River in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia), and bordering the fiefdom of Huichijin to the southeast.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Schematic diagram of the fiefdom of Hassel.

This area became the habitat and breeding place of Hazar and his descendants for generations. This sub-seal also wrote the original geographical footnote for "Horqin", which went beyond simple geographical description and injected richer cultural connotation into the name of "Horqin". The word Korqin belongs to the Xianbei language, which is called "Huo'erchen" in the Secret History of the Mongols, and the etymology "Huo'er" means arrow barrel, that is, the instrument used on horses to hold arrows, and is sometimes directly translated as "bow and arrow".

However, the original "Open-minded Subjects" did not have the slightest geographical significance. At the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan established the "Cowardly Xue" system, which was later expanded to 10,000. In simple terms, Xue xue was equivalent to a powerful standing army, whose main duties were to protect the golden horde of the Great Khan and to take charge of the various affairs of the Khanate. "Hu Erchen" is a kind of official position in the Cowardly Xue, that is, "The Guardian of the Bow And Arrow". The magical transition from "Huo'erchen" to "Korqin" has a little heroic color.

According to legend, as the brother of Genghis Khan, Hazar was extremely good at archery, with a reputation for "large dragging bow, shooting nine hundred steps, small dragging, shooting five hundred steps". His mother once praised Genghis Khan herself: "Hassal is powerful and good at shooting, shooting down our enemies one by one with bows and arrows." What is valuable is that such a "unique job" does not stop at Hathar, but is passed on from generation to generation. His son Xiang Brother is even better at it. In 1225, Genghis Khan returned from the Western Expedition, all the Mongol Nayan (chieftain) held an archery competition, the brother of the archery and shooting, hit the arrow target three hundred and thirty-five steps away, in order to commemorate his superb skill, Genghis Khan specially erected a monument (Genghis Khan Stone Stele), which is now in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, as the earliest surviving stone stele with Uighur Mongolian, witnessing the heroic background behind the name of "Korqin". It is speculated that it is precisely in honor of the superb archery skills of Hazar and his descendants that "Huo'erchen" gradually became a generic name for the tribes to which Hazar's descendants belonged, and the famous "Korqin Tribe" was born.

The steppe is boundless, the descendants of Hazar galloped on the Mongolian plateau, active in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, in the early 14th century, the descendant of the brother Babsha was crowned king of Qi, after which the title of "King of Qi" became the hereditary title of the Hazar family. With great power in hand and generations of knighthood, the "Horqin" department seems to be born with a golden key, and then the Mongolian blood has always flowed with heroism and adventure, and it is also destined for the story of Horqin, and it is not only here.

02, the Northern Yuan chased deer: Horqin's choice and diversion

In 1368, the Ming army captured Dadu, and the Yuan Dynasty, which had been in power in the Central Plains for 98 years, collapsed. The Yuan Shun Emperor has since retired to the Mongolian plateau. Although temporarily relinquished the throne of power in the Central Plains, the Mongols remained entrenched in northern China. Relying on the vast territory from the Hulunbuir Grassland in the east, to the Tianshan Mountains in the west, to the irtysh River and the upper reaches of the Yenisei River in the north, and to the Great Wall in the south, a local government confronting the Ming Dynasty was formed, known in history as the "Northern Yuan".

However, the Mongol tribes that returned to the plateau were greeted by renewed wars and divisions. In 1399, Mongolia was divided into east and west in a dispute, called "Tatar" in the east, which dominated the present-day Onnen, Krullen river valleys, and south of Lake Baikal, and the western part was "Wallachia", occupying the areas of present-day Kobdo, Irtysh, and Dzungar Basin.

This division continued until the end of the 15th century. In 1480 AD, Batumunk took the throne as the Tatar Khan, the later known "Dayan Khan". As the fifteenth grandson of Genghis Khan, Dayan Khan inherited the ambitions of his ancestors, forced the Vala to move west, attacked the three guards of Wuliangha, unified the Tatars, and once again won back the short but precious partial unification of the Mongolian plateau in the conquest.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Portrait of Batumunk (Dayan Khan).

When the other ministries fought for power to the point of bloodshed, the Korqin tribe, led by the descendants of Hazar, instead stabilized its position, like a wild and green grass, growing tough and prosperous. Under the prosperity, it is the increasingly strong tribal strength; in the melee, the Horqin tribe also became a strong supporter of the Great Khan of Eastern Mongolia at different times, charging for the Mongolian golden family, writing inheritance, reproduction and legend in the flock of deer.

Dayan Khan's record of merits in the conquest of the four directions left the thick ink of the Horqin Department. In fact, in the late fifteenth century, in the smoke-filled steppes, the Horqin ministry always sided with the orthodox Mongol Khanate and made a great contribution to the partial unification of Mongolia by Dayan Khan.

Loyalty and iron blood were exchanged for the favor and reuse of Dayan Khan. During the reign of Dayan Khan, the management system of 1,000 households and 10,000 households was continued, and 60,000 households were set up in the south and north of the desert. However, the Horqin ministry was not included in it, but was honored as "Abaga Korqin", meaning "uncle's subject", becoming a separate ten thousand households, directly ruled by the eldest son of king Polo nai of Qi, King Altho, and divided into the left-wing six-Otok and the right-wing seven-Otok (a social organization unit of the late Mongolian military-government integration), enjoying a very special and respected status. Some studies have even found that during the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the descendants of Hazar basically appeared as "a certain king" and became a customary title. This also made the "Horqin Ministry" a de facto vassal of the Northern Yuan regime, with 200,000 people under the reign of Dayan Khan.

The loyalty of the Korqin ministry also continued. After the death of Dayan Khan, Bodi Khan took the throne, at this time the northern Wuliang Hawan household began to stir, from time to time to the border harassment, and even directly threatened the core area of Bodi Khan's rule.

Bodi Khan was naturally not a vegetarian, and united with many nobles to prepare to clean up Wuliangha, and in these many conquests, the grandson of Horqin's U pinch Borot, Obuzi Batur, the son of king Aertuo, and the warriors of the Horqin Ten Thousand Households participated in the battle, and after several struggles, They beat Wuliangha into submission, so that the Wuliang Hawan households were included in the other five ten thousand households. Counting down, there are so many such feats that even the Mongol history books have recorded three times that "the descendants of Hazar did good things for the descendants of the Khan."

It was at this time that the well-known and well-known Korqin began to divide within itself. After several major battles, such as the conquest of WuliangHawanhu, the territory of Korqinwanhu was expanded, and the area west of the Ergun River was acquired. Later, King Altazar died, the rule of the descendants of Hazar declined, and most of the territory fell into the hands of King Altogether's younger brother Tumeza Yahazi and his descendants. Unfortunately, Tumeza Yahaqi was not satisfied, and simply learned that Dayan Khan began to divide and seal within Korqin, at which point, the Horqin households truly became "in vain", bearing the name of "Horqin", but internally they had already split into various small tribes.

The real schism has not yet arrived, though. In the 1630s, led by Kuimonk, the eldest son of Tumezha Yahaqi, part of the Horqin Wanhu officially moved south and migrated to the Nen River Valley, henceforth known as the "Nen Korqin Department", which was also the real source of the later Golros, Durbert, and Zarait departments. Other tribes of the Horqin households still stayed in their hometowns, taking the area around the Mountains of Daxing'anling as their own pasture land, in order to distinguish them from the tributaries in the south, so they were called "Arukorqin".

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Schematic map of the approximate geographical location of the two Korqin branches: "Nen Korqin" is near the Nen River basin in the figure; "Arukorqin" is near the Erguna River Basin

The original "ironclad" Horqin department was only divided, even if it was not enough, why should it move south? According to research, this is not the Horqin chief's brain running to the south to play, but reflects the survival choice of the Horqin tribe.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Statue of Kuimonk, the ancestor of Nenkorqin.

To put it simply, the south is to survive. The history books record that the life of the Korqin wanhu during the period of Bodi Khan and Altan Khan was not good. On the one hand, internal strife was constant and gradually divided; on the other hand, Bodi Khan, Aletan Khan, and others, after conquering Wuliangha, also tried to annex the territory of King Mang, the son of King Arthros. Seeing that the territory was encroached upon, it was imperative to find a new way out, but fortunately, God gave Korqin a chance.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Schematic diagram of the migration of the Nen Korqin tribe.

The Nenjiang River Basin, which was originally the residence of Wuliangha Sanwei, has flat land and extremely rich pastures, and these Wuliangha people went south from the Nenjiang River Basin as early as a hundred years ago, and "vacated" a large area of fertile and beautiful land. What is even more rare is that at this time, only a few Mongols and Jurchens lived in this area, and the Jurchen tribes that later dominated the region had not really risen, which was a good time for the tribes to recuperate and seek development. Following this aim, the Horqin tribe partially went south, occupied the Nenjiang River Basin, used this as a new base area, and tried to carry out mutual markets with Daming in the Liaodong region and open up new pastures, while seeking new opportunities for the survival and development of this tenacious Mongolian tribe.

Since then, the powerful grassland pearl "HorqinBu" has been transformed into grains of wheat seeds, breaking through the situation of strife and falling into a wider area of land, taking root and sprouting, and continuing to write a new picture. Soon after, the Jurchen clan in the northeast rose, and Horqin once again ushered in new choices and opportunities.

03. "Marriage" Conclusion: Wisdom in the Manchu-Mongolian Covenant survives

People may have heard a joke that the Horqin tribe will replace the empress. Such an expression is constantly interpreted in many Qing Palace dramas, so that in the minds of many people, when Horqin is mentioned, the first thing that emerges is the "Empress Professional Household".

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

In addition to the joke, it is also a little bit real. The Manchu-Mongolian marriage was the way Korqin got along with the Qing court. At the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Horqin tribe found its own new living space.

In the early 17th century, nurhaci, the Jurchen chief of Jianzhou, rose to the throne and gradually unified most of the Jurchen tribes. In 1616, Nurhaci established the state, known in history as "Houjin". At this time, Mongolia was ruled by Lin Dan Khan, but internally it was chaotic and divided, and the tribes were independent, and the Liaodong region gradually formed a three-legged situation of the Ming Dynasty, Mongolia and Jurchen.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Portrait of Nurhaci.

To say that the relationship between this Horqin Ministry and the Jianzhou women is really not very good at first. The reason is simple, Nurhaci is moving korqin's cake. Originally, the Horqin Ministry had always controlled the Haixi Ula Department and the Jurchen Ministries far away in the Heilongjiang River Valley, collecting tributes and even carrying out mutual markets with the Ming Dynasty through the Haixi Jurchens. If Nurhaci is in Jianzhou, the Horqin Ministry is estimated to have turned a blind eye, the key is that after the unification of the Jurchens of Jianzhou, Nurhaci's eyes gradually fell farther away, and the Haixi Jurchen became the target of his next attempt to unify. Naturally, the Korqin Ministry would not agree.

In 1593, Horqin's right-wing leader Weng Adai and the left-wing leader Manggusi sent troops to form a whole "Nine-Nation Alliance" with the Haixi Jurchen Yehe, Hada, Huifa, and Ula, who were also unaccustomed to Nurhaci, and angrily wanted to give Nurhaci a little color. The drama is that because of a command mistake, Nurhaci did not say anything, and in turn was "taught" by Nurhaci fiercely, and the coalition army was defeated. For the Horqin Ministry, the local situation changes, and how to survive is the problem that must be faced.

Seeing that the Jianzhou Jurchens were gradually becoming stronger, some of the Horqin tribes began to change their strategy, and it was not feasible for soldiers to meet each other, so it was better to do a good job. Nurhaci also temporarily gave up the conquest and began to win over the Horqin department, and even treated the Mongol prisoners of war very much, releasing all the prisoners without saying anything, and also let them wear brocade and ride war horses, giving the Horqin tribe enough face. When the Horqin Ministry looked at it, it was quite touched, and without saying a word, it sent people to send gifts to the past, and after coming and going, Gange gradually turned into a jade veil.

Marriage is an important means for both sides to show goodwill. In 1612, Ming An, the leader of the left wing of Horqin, agreed to marry his daughter at the request of Nurhaci, and the prelude to the Manchu-Mongolian marriage was officially opened. Coincidentally, soon the daughter of Manggusi, the left wing of Horqin, married Manchurian and became the Fujin of the Emperor Taiji, who was later known as Empress Xiaoduanwen.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Image of Empress Takabata

With the marriage, the left-wing ministries of Horqin also gradually began to establish trade relations with the Jurchens of Jianzhou. However, it seems that the fight is fierce, and the Korqin tribes only regard Nurhaci as good brothers at most, and the two sides exchange equal exchanges and exchanges for temporary interests, but neither of them wants to submit to anyone. If you really want to get the Korqin Ministry to attach, there is still a needle of catalyst.

The opportunity soon arose. It was no one else who poked the Korqin department with a needle and made him make up his mind to return to Houjin, but the titular overlord of the steppe, Lin Dan Khan. It is said that Lin Dan Khan is also not willing to be a khan in vain, and Mongolia has long been independent. Therefore, as soon as he came to power, in the face of a bunch of messy stalls, Lin Dan Khan did his best to make the various ministries submit to themselves and achieve true centralization.

The powerful Horqin Ministry was originally a thorn in the side of Lin Dan Khan, and moreover, the Horqin Ministry also took in Lin Dan Khan's political enemy and fugitive uncle Wei Weiqing. It's like adding fuel to the fire. Enraged, Lin Dan Khan decided to conquer Korqin by force. In 1625, Lin Dan Khan gathered a large army to attack the Horqin Department, the left and right wings of Horqin hurriedly asked for help from Houjin, Nurhaci was not stingy, sent troops to help, Lin Dan Khan finally withdrew.

Such a life-saving grace successfully linked Horqin's later fate with the Later Jin and even the Qing court. In 1624, the chief of the (Nen) Korqin clan, Oba, led the four departments of Korqin, Zalett, Durbert, and Goulros to Houjin, formally allied with Houjin, and Oba was given the title of "Tushyetu Khan". Subsequently, more and more Horqin tribes came to attach themselves and established a pact with Houjin.

In the face of Mongolia's surrender, Hou Jin also left an eye in his heart, in order to "build the masses to divide their positions", abolished the earlier internal administrative divisions of Mongolia, and began to set up a large number of "flags", that is, a most basic social organization unit, and the Zasak (flag chief) of each banner was appointed by the Qing court and directly held by the princes and nobles. A number of flag societies regularly hold alliances and form alliances, under the name of a fixed alliance place. This is the "alliance flag" system that has lasted for hundreds of years.

As a result, the Horqin Ministry, which was dependent on the Later Jin and even the Qing court, had a new name. Among them, the Horqin department led by Oba was the first to surrender, and was named the "Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner", becoming the head of the 6 banners of Horqin. According to the time, the tribes that submitted to the Horqin were respectively named "Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Rear Banner" and "Horqin Left Wing Center, Front and Rear Banner", and in this operation, the Nen Korqin Department was transformed into 10 flags (3 banners of the left wing of Horqin, 3 banners of the right wing, the front and rear banners of Gagorros, the dulbert banner, and the Zagat banner). Since these ten banners would often be allied with Zhelimu Mountain in the right middle banner of the present-day Xing'an League, in 1636, the ten banners formed an alliance and were named "Zhelim League".

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Map of the Ten Banners of the Mongolian Jelim League.

According to records, in the early Qing Dynasty, the area of Zhelim League reached 177,000 square kilometers, from 47 ° 30 ′ north latitude (west of Harbin, Qiqihar area) in the north, south to 42 ° 30 ′ north latitude (near Shenyang City), west from 120 ° east longitude (Naiman, Kailu area), east longitude 126 ° east (Changchun City area).

Where is Korqin? Since then, there have been new ways to answer it.

In 1636, Emperor Taiji ascended to the throne of the Qing Emperor, and the chief of the Horqin tribe, Badali, as one of the three subordinates who had entered the table of persuasion, saluted the Emperor Taiji and announced to the world the submission and sincere submission of Mongolia. It was under the influence of Horqin that the southern Mongols turned to Manchuria, until 1634, under the onslaught of emperor Taiji and Horqin and other departments, Lin Dan Khan fell ill and died, and the Later Chahar department was also destroyed, and under the compromise and cooperation between the Manchurian royal family and the Mongol tribes, the smoke and smoke of southern Mongolia were once again unified.

Horqin's surrender was no less than that of the Qing rulers as ganlin descended from heaven. The Shunzhi Emperor once praised him: "When Taizu and Taizong were founded, they sincerely returned to the throne and served the ping domain", and Horqin also deserved this praise. After their annexation, the warlike Horqin Banners became important assistants of the Aixin Jueluo clan in their founding and attempting hegemony.

When the Pingsan Domain and the town rebelled, and the foreign enemy was in the territory, the Horqin cavalry must be ordered to go out on the expedition. After The Dawachi rebellion, the Horqin army conquered the northwest, with the help of light horses to detour to launch a surprise attack, in this battle, the Horqin cavalry "marched for five nights, riding on the misty mountains, bravely advocating a centurion, letting the flying lead penetrate the ribs, and there was no retreat", successfully completely suppressing the rebels and removing the serious troubles in Qianlong's heart.

The silver saddle shines on the white horse, fluttering like a shooting star. In this way, the Horqin tribesmen, who inherited the ancestral riding and shooting skills, once again charged into the battlefield in the new dynasty, established outstanding battle achievements, and reproduced the legendary style of the past. As if to tell the world, the story of Korqin is still being written.

04, "rebellious" Merlin: watch and resistance that has never faded

In the current Inner Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture, there is also a narrative folk song "Gada Merlin". This is a song that belongs to Horqin, singing not only the Horqin hero Gadamerin, but also the watch and struggle flowing in the blood of Horqin.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Portrait of Gadamerin.

The story of Gadamerin is related to one of the most unique places in the Korqin region. In the northeast of Chifeng City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region today, on the Plain of the Xiliao River, the rolling yellow sand has flooded the former water and grass, the wind and dust, and the remaining wasteland. This is the Horqin Sandy Land, covering more than 60,000 square kilometers, which is the largest sandy land in China today.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

Camel caravans on the sandy ground of Korqin.

The grassland turns yellow and sandy, and such a tragedy can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty. After the Qing Dynasty unified the Mongol ministries, it was explicitly stipulated that manchus and Han Chinese were forbidden to go to Mongolia to reclaim pastures. However, in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, social contradictions became more and more numerous, and the original ban policy was gradually shaken, and even the Qing court privately implemented "borrowing land to support the people" in the Zhuosotu League and the Zhaowuda League, allowing a large number of displaced people to pour in.

According to statistics, in the early 19th century, 40,000 displaced people settled in Kezuohouqi alone, and the Horqin grassland, which was rich in water and grass, became a hard hit. After the Opium War, in order to pay compensation for the cession of land, the Qing court forced all localities to report the number of reclamation, setting off a large-scale upsurge of land reclamation.

Between 1902 and 1909, the reclamation area of the 10th phase of the Jelim League reached 2.766 million hectares. Unbridled reclamation has finally drained the blood of the grassland, and large areas of grassland have been reduced to arable land, and finally become wasteland.

The people of Korqin heard the cry of pain in the steppe. The steppe people, represented by Gadamerin, began to spontaneously carry out the "struggle against reclamation.". In 1928, the local general Morrettu (Gada Merlin) organized a collective protest called the "Duguilong Movement", and personally went to the palace to petition and was arrested and imprisoned. The revolt led by Gadamerin successfully blocked the pace of the settlers, and the reclamation activities were forced to stop. Unfortunately, under the encirclement and suppression of the army, the rebel army was annihilated and Gadamerin was sacrificed.

Horqin, who sang "Gadamerin", was not just a "queen professional household" in the Qing Dynasty.

The image of the monk Greenqin, the Prince of Korqin.

In addition to Gadamerin, there is another figure related to Horqin in modern times, that is, the monk Greenqin, the prince of Horqin. During the Opium War, the Korqin cavalry was stationed in Tianjin to block the British landing. In the Battle of Dagukou, the prince of Kezuo Houqi, Monk Greenqin, led the soldiers of the Zhe and Zhao alliances, despite the Qing court's ban, fought day and night with the enemy army, faced the rain of bullets and bullets, and successfully sank four enemy ships, wounded two, and killed more than 400 enemy people.

The Japanese suppressed the territory, the three eastern provinces fell one after another, and the suffering Jelim League spontaneously formed an anti-Japanese volunteer army, and Li Haishan, the commander of the Prince of Horqin Zhuoliktu, Liu Zhenyu, the commander of the Horqin Darhan palace, and Bao Shan, the commander of the left-wing rear banner of Horqin, successively raised the banner to resist Japan.

Former princes, officials and children of the steppe fought with guns, such as the conquest of hegemony in the past, galloping on the grassland, giving the invaders a hard blow, exchanging their lives for victories large and small, and guarding the land that the ancestors regarded as treasures.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the administrative divisions and scope of the Jelim League were constantly changing. In 1999, Zhelim League was changed to Tongliao City, with extremely rich agricultural and animal husbandry and arable land resources, enjoying the reputation of "Inner Mongolia Granary" and "China's Cattle Town". The names and geographical concepts related to it, such as "Branch Right Middle Banner", "Branch Right Front Banner" and "Golrose Front Banner", are also constantly changing with the rolling wheel of the times.

The only constant is that they are all called Korqin, and together they have written about that past.

Born in the smoke, prosperous in the struggle for hegemony, existing in the chaos, standing in the middle of the struggle.

I have heard the sound of jinge iron horses, chasing through the mighty and majestic industry, and protecting millions of kilometers of homeland.

This is the story of Korqin, which has lasted for centuries without stopping.

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