
What would happen to the world if the cat disappeared? 01020304

author:Tireless human color

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

What if one day you were suddenly told that you had a terminal illness and that you had little left in your life?

Will be angry, will be sad, will feel unfair, will ask why? Like Yaya, who suffered from an incurable disease in "A Liter of Tears", he cried and asked, "Why me?"

The movie "If the cat disappeared from the world" tells such a story, the protagonist "I", is a young and handsome postman, just 30 years old, the beautiful future has not yet begun, suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor, about to die.

"I" keep asking: If I disappeared from this world, would anyone cry for me? Will anyone remember that I was there? Will the world change a little bit because of me?

Or is the world just moving invariably to another morning as if I never existed?

What would happen to the world if the cat disappeared? 01020304

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

A man who looked exactly like "me" and claimed to be a demon appeared in the house and said that "I" would die tomorrow, and that if "I" made some kind of deal with him, it would prolong life, and as long as one thing disappeared from this world, "I" would be able to get a day's lifespan.

The rule is: the devil decides to disappear something.

The first to disappear was the phone, before the disappearance the demon asked "I" to make the last call, open the phone book, but there was no one who wanted to call, and finally "I" called the ex-girlfriend and met her.

"I" met my ex-girlfriend because of a wrong phone call, and "I" was an introvert who couldn't talk much on every date but could talk on the phone for four or five hours.

At that time, it was actually very happy, "I" did not know why we broke up, "I" asked the ex-girlfriend, she said, "We are not tired of each other to break up." "

It is the inability to express their sense of powerlessness normally, so that two people who love each other cannot continue to walk.

Then, the phone disappeared, the world changed dramatically, and people who had fallen in love became strangers.

The phone disappears, and the memories and relationships that accompany it will not exist.

What would happen to the world if the cat disappeared? 01020304

The devil decided that the second thing that disappeared was the movie.

Disappearing with this is Takuya, who became "my" best friend because of the movie.

Taku is also a true lover of movies, who once missed the release of Kustukari's "Underground" because of his hospitalization for cecalitis, and has always been grumpy, saying that he will never be able to forgive himself.

Takuya also runs a small audio-visual book shop, has a unique taste for movies, and gives "me" good DVDs every day, "Stage Spring and Autumn", "Sun Thieves", "Metropolis" and so on.

Takuya said that movies can't be watched, and our friendship will never disappear because of movies.

However, the movie disappeared. Without movies, we would never have known each other.

What would happen to the world if the cat disappeared? 01020304

Then disappear is the clock.

Finally the demon wanted the cat to disappear.

"I" have a kitten called Cabbage, who accompanies Mom through the last years of her life.

Before my mother died, I entrusted "I" to the cabbage and let the cabbage accompany "me". I couldn't stand the disappearance of the cabbage, and I couldn't bear to take away the memories related to my mother after the cabbage disappeared.

Although your own life is important, the friendship you have established with others is more important.

What is the point of watching the most important person in life become strangers?

"I" no longer traded with the demons and decided to die calmly.

What would happen to the world if the cat disappeared? 01020304

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

The film cleverly tells the story of a dying person in a fantasy way, how to find the meaning of life in his memories and accept the fact that he is about to die.

In fact, the demon is just another self in the body, the demon let "me" understand what is the most important thing in life, let "I" thank the past.

Douban's 9.3-point movie "How Beautiful is the World" was selected as the top of the "100 Inspirational Movies in a Hundred Years" list, telling a similar story, the male protagonist George suffered a series of misfortunes, fell into a heavy despair, felt that he was useless, and prepared to commit suicide before Christmas.

The angel came to save George, and the angel showed George that if he did not come into this world, many people's lives would become unfortunate and painful, because George had inadvertently helped and saved many people.

Everyone, every object's existence is meaningful.

If I disappear from this world, those unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled wishes will be regrettable. But the world I have ever existed in is different from the world without me, and even a small difference proves that I have been in this world.

Struggles and troubles are proof of having come to this world.

Finally "I" said goodbye to the world by saying thank you, thank you for my luck in coming into this world, thank you for being gentle with me, thank you for meeting us.

What would happen to the world if the cat disappeared? 01020304

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">04</h1>

Throughout the film, my favorite is the portrayal of friendship and affection.

His friend Taku also learned that "I" was about to die, and frantically found a movie suitable for watching before death from tens of thousands of DVDs. "I" comforted the grieving Takuya, as usual, with lines from the movie:

"As long as you have a good story and a qualified audience, you'll never be left behind by life."

Mom's warm love and Dad's silent love also make people cry.

Love is a bit inexplicable, starting with a wrong phone call and ending with unexpressed sentimentality. Maybe love is like this, it came unexpectedly when it came, and it couldn't find evidence when it disappeared.

Especially the section where "I" and my girlfriend were traveling in Buenos Aires, the editing was a bit messy and the plot was not very smooth.

However, the movie is beautiful, the music is moving, and the narration can touch people very much, like a kind and warm last word, but also a reminder to us, take advantage of the present, do what you want to do, love the people you want to love, because you don't know when the accident will come.

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