
Education = interest? Stop being silly!

author:Leprechaun with a knife

#头条创作挑战赛 #

Chinese pay attention to a "hope for a son into a dragon, hope for a daughter into a phoenix"!

Therefore, after decades of research, Chinese education seems to be on a "big road". Whether it is the so-called experts, scholars, or people with various labels, they are all singing more or less one argument - education = interest!

It seems that if the child cannot be interested in learning, then the child's education must be bad, at least not good, the most direct embodiment is that the test score is not high, or not high enough!

The author personally thinks, stop being stupid! Chinese Education ≠ Interest!

Education = interest? Stop being silly!

I don't know when elementary school students also carried heavy school bags. After school, instead of playing with friends, I go to various cram schools, or face homework higher than my head.

Not to mention junior high and high school students, there is little time for respite.

How old or teenage do you get a child interested in learning? The only thing he is interested in and doesn't get tired of is playing!

Maybe when I was a child, I always shouted that I would grow up to become a "scientist", "dancer", "inventor", this family and that family.

When I shouted the slogan, I was very excited, but it was only three minutes of heat!

After the heat is over, all that remains is to play, as well as the urging of parents and homework that seems to never end.

Maybe at this time someone will stand up and shout:

Isn't now a good time to nurture your child's interest? If you want to become a scientist, a biologist, or a dancer, study hard!

If mathematicians don't know 1+1=2, how else can they become mathematicians?

How can a biologist become a biologist if he doesn't know ants, spiders, and bed bugs?

Dancers can't even fold their quilts, how can they wear beautiful clothes and dance beautifully in the future?

There are also people who will pour all kinds of chicken soup for the soul, a certain father or a certain mother, in order to let the ignorant son and daughter study well. Take advantage of the summer and winter holidays to take your children to the construction site to move bricks! Finally, the child knows the hardships of life and turns to studying hard.

Or as shown in the movie, the original scumbags in the class, after a series of "education", suddenly release their nature. For example, Sun Wukong obtained the Western Sutra and became a Buddha, and his achievements rose at the speed of a rocket.

If you hear more stories like this, you will also feel tired!

If you shout too many slogans to cultivate interest, it will also feel hollow!

Children's nature is to play, and at their favorite age of play, they have to bear excessive academic work, and so-called tapped interests.

Children's interests are always changeable, like the slogans we shouted as children! Maybe today I want to be a scientist, tomorrow I want to become a people's police, and the day after tomorrow I may want nothing.

Education = interest? Stop being silly!

You make a child interested in learning, maybe even you will not believe it, let me ask you when you were a child?

Parents bitterly told you that if you study hard, you can grow up in the future to avoid detours, and how many can you experience the good intentions of your parents?

Learning, especially in today's Chinese-style education, is bound to be a long, arduous, time-consuming and laborious process.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with the process itself, whether it is the selection of pillars or the survival of the fittest.

But we have to admit that we must also face the fact that human nature, due to growth, makes everyone have different ideas and choices at different ages.

You make a three-year-old aspire to be a poet, and maybe he turns his head and forgets.

You make a seventy-year-old lady a sprinter, maybe it's just a good-natured joke.

If we have to cultivate an interest in learning, then a child can be interested in mathematics, English, and language, can he also be interested in physics, chemistry, biology, music, and other subjects?

If you are not interested, is it necessary to cultivate interest as well?

Take your child to get close to nature and develop his interest in biology!

Take your child to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and develop his interest in mathematics!

Travel abroad with your child and develop his interest in English!

How many families can afford the cost of such cultivation? What is the cost of time and material? Is it proportional in the end?

If you don't cultivate interest, won't you be able to learn these sciences well? Isn't that a dilemma?

Education = interest? Stop being silly!

Imagine that after the 70s, 80s, or even 90s, how many children grew up by cultivating their interest in learning from an early age? Are there no talents in these three generations? No more useful people?

Therefore, the author personally believes that the current education in China should be more about letting children do at what age!

In elementary school, complete the homework assigned by the teacher on time - tell the child the concept of time and cultivate good living habits!

Play with your friends instead of holding your phone, TV!

In junior high school, properly tell your child that parents will be proud of it if he/she excels academically. In front of relatives and friends, you will also feel that there is light on your face!

Let the child be properly close to his parents and understand what the first purpose of learning is for, and not empty slogans!

Because children at this age are still in a state of new contact and ignorance of life and the world. The only people they can rely on and trust are their parents, whose feelings will be directly communicated to the children around them.

The parent's pride is also conveyed to the child, making him proud of himself. Of course, this is a double-edged sword, and parents should take care of the proportions.

In high school, maybe it's time to set some long-term goals for your child. Most children at this age are reaching adolescence, and even if they do not have much contact with society, they still understand many basic truths.

If parents tell their children at this time, if he/she studies well, he or she will be admitted to a good university in the future, choose a good major, and have a stable and well-paid job after graduation. He/she can do what he or she loves, such as traveling the world, discovering food, honoring parents, having a happy marriage, enjoying the rest of his life, and so on.

At this time, children can already understand the meaning behind these truths, and will also have a strong interest and longing for the upcoming college life, as well as new things such as "girlfriends" and "boyfriends".

Isn't it good to shine ideals into reality, less empty slogans, and more practical goals?

Education = interest? Stop being silly!

Written at the end:

The author believes that human nature determines that we can only do the corresponding things at the corresponding age and understand the corresponding truth.

Where is life going smoothly? Who hasn't had a thing or two to regret? But even if you regret it, it's his/her life!

Parents only need to be on the road of their children's growth, and try their best to ensure that their children do not go down a crooked path and an evil path. Let them do what they should do at the right age, and maybe the results will not be too bad.

Follow Don't Get Lost, welcome to discuss your educational perspective!

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