
Myanmar brides experience a Chinese wedding: crossing the brazier bridge is a lot of fun

Myanmar brides experience a Chinese wedding: crossing the brazier bridge is a lot of fun

The picture shows Meng Zhengliao and his wife (first from right) taking a group photo with other couples. Photo by Chen Yanyou

  Nanning, January 15 (Zhongxin Net) -- "We met on the Internet, held hands offline, and now we have finally become families, and I feel very happy. Myanmar bride Zhao Decai said on the 15th in Nanning, Guangxi.

  On the same day, the Nanning Civil Affairs Bureau held a series of publicity activities on "Happy Marriage and Happy Family" to celebrate new marriages, celebrate golden weddings, and come to blind date marriage customs reform. Myanmar bride Zhao Decai and husband Meng Zhengliao and nine newlyweds wore Xiuhe costumes, crossed the electronic brazier, walked over the arch bridge, and walked onto the high platform to perform Chinese ceremonies.

  "When I was playing games on the Internet, I kept asking him to take me to play." Zhao Decai introduced that in July 2021, she and her husband met in the Philippines through playing games, and they confirmed their relationship after meeting offline for 2 months.

  "In April 2022, I returned to Myanmar from the Philippines to recuperate, when his visa had not yet come down, I originally felt that the hope of foreign love was not very large, and then he followed me to take care of me, and my parents were very satisfied with him." Zhao Decai said with a smile.

Myanmar brides experience a Chinese wedding: crossing the brazier bridge is a lot of fun

The picture shows Meng Zhengliao and his wife taking a group photo when they receive their licenses. Photo courtesy of Meng Zhengliao

  On the evening of January 6, 2023, Zhao Decai followed Meng Zhengliao from Myanmar to Hengzhou City, Nanning, Guangxi, China for the New Year, and received a marriage certificate at the Nanning Civil Affairs Bureau on January 9.

  "I never thought about using Chinese weddings before, because I used to have a lot of exposure to Western-style weddings in Myanmar, and when I came back, I just had this opportunity, so we tried it and it was very interesting." Zhao Decai said.

  Talking about the future, Meng Zhengliao said that they intend to settle in Nanning. The current plan is to prepare a wedding wine in Hengzhou City, and also adopt a traditional Chinese wedding. (End)

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